Chapter 327

A few minutes after cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Gu Tingyan also stepped onto the boat and saw the blood from Jiang Nuannuan's body mixed with sea water and fainting on the board. His tense face showed no expression, but the pain of losing his lover made him physically He had gastrointestinal cramps, and he gritted his teeth, not caring about the pain or where Zhai Lin's desperate mood came from. He just put his hands on his shoulders to separate him.

"Go away."

His voice was cold and suppressed, and his fingers gently touched Jiang Nuannuan's pale lips, snatching the right to take care of her body and leaning forward to take over.

Zhai Lin leaned against the side board, feeling wet in his palms. He raised his hand and saw the bright red color on it, and his breath was suffocated.

Jiang Nuannuan could also feel the sadness in Gu Tingyan that was about to collapse. She sat beside them and sighed softly again.

"66, at least let me spit out some water and let them know that I'm not dead yet."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Nuannuan looked at her body with her eyes closed and blood foam forming in her mouth.


This is really scary.

When the ship docked, she was put on a ventilator and immediately loaded into an ambulance.

Zhai Lin and Gu Tingyan sat beside her. If the medical staff hadn't started first aid, they would have been occupying her cold hands.

The ambulance was filled with the medical team called by Gu Tingyan. They did a rough examination and were unsure.

She had multiple fractures on her body. No one could tell the exact extent of her injuries and whether she could survive.

Jiang Nuannuan was sent to the largest hospital in Linggang, and her floating soul found Zhai Heng in a wheelchair waiting at the door.

It's not good for him to be too well-informed, and he has to drag his seriously ill body to worry about her.

Jiang Nuannuan always knew that he was bound to her, but she didn't understand what she had done to make him risk his life to love her.

One, two or three, all of them are lovable.

She followed them and sighed for an unknown number of times.

The lights in the operating room came on, blocking the three men out.

Zhai Heng became angry in a rare moment, his brows full of gloom, "Why didn't you protect her?"

Zhai Lin looked down at the dried blood on his hands, licked his fingers, looked a little vacant, and did not answer.

Gu Tingyan tugged on his collar, held a cigarette between his fingers, and lit the lighter several times, but no sparks came out.

He finally couldn't restrain his emotions, and like a embarrassed thug in a suit, he slammed the lighter on the ground and said in a dumb voice: "It happened suddenly. No one could have imagined that the chair she was tied to suddenly broke."

It's like fate deliberately playing tricks on everyone.

Zhai Heng glanced over with a very indifferent look, "So you just let her fall like this."

He murmured, "It must have hurt so much when she fell."

Zhai Heng put his plain white hands on the blanket, grasped the armrests of the wheelchair, and stood up little by little. His thin body came to Gu Tingyan, his warm face covered with frost, "If even this body dies, how can she still survive?" How to come back?"

Gu Tingyan's expression changed slightly, "What do you mean? What do you know?"

Zhai Heng did not answer directly, but spoke with a gentle voice, "You have occupied her for the longest time, don't you know?"

Some very short clips flashed back in his mind, and Gu Tingyan darkened his eyes. He did know that something was wrong.Something about her was abnormal.

There is also his completely unreasonable behavior of finding a substitute.

like what?
Gu Tingyan was thinking confusedly, like what?Like being manipulated.

Zhai Heng took a deep look at him, turned around and sat back in the wheelchair.

Zhai Lin leaned against the white wall, lowered his eyes, and listened to the conversation between the two of them word for word.

The police sent Jiang Nuannuan's mobile phone left in the car, and Li Zhu brought news about Fu Ying.

She had an induced labor operation immediately after arriving at the hospital. The baby died in the abdomen, and because it was already mature at the age of three months, it would be life-threatening to take it out.

Li Zhu first set his sights on Zhai Lin. When he saw that he was in a state of limbo, he shut up.

Forget it, let's wait until Miss Jiang comes out. No one here cares about Fu Ying, not even her family members are here.

At 66, Jiang Nuannuan's body successfully survived, but the damage was serious and it was said that it would take 2 months to recover.

She saw three men gathered around the gurney with distressed expressions, while her hands, feet and neck were in plaster.

How is this different from looking at a mummy?

Jiang Nuannuan disliked her white and swollen face, "That's okay, it just so happens that it won't embarrass me."

System 66: "What's embarrassing?"

"I'm too ugly. I really can't stand up to my body and pig-headed face and act coquettishly with the male protagonists. What's more, there are too many people. I can't comfort them when they make trouble."

The scene must have been more embarrassing then.

System 66: "."

It said: "If you don't open your eyes wide and see, they will cry with joy and don't care about your ugliness."

This idiom was really well used. Jiang Nuannuan's eyes widened and she floated around them without shedding a single tear.


Jiang Nuannuan was pushed into the VIP ward. The doctor came forward and explained the situation, "Ms. Jiang's operation was successful, but her body functions are damaged. I can't guarantee when she will wake up."

This is the best result achieved after convening a top-notch medical team to rescue the patient.

For a person to survive falling from a cliff, it is a miracle in itself. Just like the corpse of a man sent next door who also fell into the sea from the cliff, his skin and flesh exploded, and he was sent to the funeral parlor after being broken into pieces.

Zhai Lin said thank you first, not loudly, but grateful enough.

Zhai Heng and Gu Tingyan both glanced at him, with different emotions in their eyes.

Gu Tingyan thought it was not his turn to say thank you, but Zhai Heng felt that he was different from before and had changed.

As soon as the nurse came in, she looked at the three men who seemed to have full filters on, each with a different temperament. Her mind swayed, and she suddenly came back to reality. She coughed lightly and said: "Is that so, will Miss Jiang need hospital escort in the future?" Which of you will be responsible?"

Gu Tingyan and Zhai Lin said in unison, "I'll come."

(Zuo’s words: It’s okay, it’s not very sharp.)
(End of this chapter)

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