Chapter 328 Whose is she?
The nurse was stunned for a moment, also having trouble choosing, and said instead: "Then who are the family members?"

Gu Tingyan: "I am her boyfriend."

Zhai Lin: "She doesn't have a boyfriend."

The two looked at each other again, and Zhai Lin gritted his teeth and said, "You just treat her as a lover, an item that can be discarded at any time."

Gu Tingyan frowned deeply and said in a cold voice, "It's not your turn to care about my relationship with her."

There is so much information that the nurse is overwhelmed.

Zhai Heng, who said nothing, sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the sleeping Jiang Nuannuan, and said softly: "Let my people come and take care of her, they are more meticulous."

He had been dealing with hospitals for a long time, and there was no one better at caring than him.

The two men were speechless, the atmosphere temporarily relaxed, and each found a sofa to sit down.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Fu Ying's operation was successfully completed and she was transferred to the intensive care unit. She woke up slowly, with only Assistant Li who was working overtime holding a computer beside her.

"Is the baby okay?" She made a difficult voice to attract the attention of the stranger in front of her.

Li Zhu turned around and said bluntly: "No more."

He originally didn't want to care about this matter at all, but the boss was still in the hospital, and the young lady looked really pitiful, so he felt kind-hearted and stayed with her for a while.

Fu Ying was stunned for a few seconds and her lips trembled, "No more?"

Li Zhu: "You were seriously injured and it was too late when you were brought here."

With that said, he stood up and put a document on the table, put away the computer and prepared to leave, "I'll take a look at this when Miss Fu gets better."

The closed door blocked Fu Ying's mournful crying.

At 9 o'clock in the evening, Jiang Nuannuan's cell phone rang and was placed beside her bed.

Zhai Heng sat close and took the phone over.

The name of the WeChat video shows Master Gu.

His eyes moved slightly, and Gu Tingyan asked: "Who is it?"

Zhai Heng replied: "My surname is Gu."

Jiang Nuannuan's phone had a password, and she couldn't answer it unless she unlocked it. Zhai Heng thought about it for a few seconds, holding the phone with her fair hands, and pointed the camera at her still swollen face.

The two phantom limbs inserted in 66's head were flying, and he said nervously: "Host, you are about to be discovered. Recently, at this time every day, you have been secretly videotaping with Gu Shizhou behind other men's backs."

Jiang Nuannuan crossed her legs and floated in the air indifferently, "It's okay, I'm still unconscious, I don't think he will talk nonsense."

As long as the embarrassment can't catch up with her, she won't be afraid.

And in reality.

As soon as Gu Shizhou's video was picked up, he saw that the other person was not in front of the camera, but seemed to be pouring water next to him. Only the sound came, "The call was so punctual today? Where did Gu Tingyan take a shower? Or did he not come back from working overtime?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Really go to hell.

Looking at Gu Tingyan's handsome face, which was so dark for a second, she silently curled up her toes.

Even as a soul, it seems that he cannot avoid being infected by the fatal and embarrassing atmosphere.

Gu Shizhou came back from soaking wolfberry in a thermos cup and saw three faces appearing on the other side of the phone. Sloppy smiles were fixed on the corners of the lips, and the lip lines fell and became flat inch by inch. He banged the cup on the table with his hand.

The rising anger made his tone become sinister, "So you took advantage of my absence to completely mess with the three of you and come together?"

Why are there so many people picking up his video?Let him be a bystander?
Gu Shizhou was almost mad to death.

Gu Tingyan wasn't much better. He took the mobile phone in Zhai Heng's hand and filled the video frame on his cold face, "What kind of house did you go to in the mountains? Teach you to call her behind my back every night?"

She was actually willing to carry him on her back.
Gu Tingyan's clenched fist hardened, and she suddenly realized that except for her boyfriend's reputation, he did not occupy her feelings at all.He didn't even know what she was thinking.

Jiang Nuannuan was very glad that she had no words to speak now.

Gu Shizhou was used to Jiang Nuannuan eating from the bowl and looking at the contents of the pot. After seeing that the scene was not what he thought, his mood was not as good as usual. He nodded on his dusty robe, "Master said My fate in this mortal world is over, and there is nothing I can do about it."

So he just goes up the mountain to eat and drink and listen to Buddhist scriptures to purify his soul. He is not a monk at all.

Zhai Lin listened to their conversation, and his calm reason began to bubble again, "You guys videotape every night."

He looked at Gu Tingyan again, "And she sleeps with you every night?"

Gu Tingyan repeated in a cold voice, "She is my girlfriend and can only sleep in my bed."

His girlfriend seems to be the only position he can hold now. He is special than everyone else, special to Jiang Nuannuan.

What's the video? He's on her bed

This was his little comfort to himself.

Gu Shizhou sneered, "Oh, in fact she told me that she was also preparing to consider me."

Zhai Lin couldn't help it anymore, his eyes swept over Jiang Nuannuan on the bed, and Zhai Heng who was still calm sitting next to him, "It's unfortunate that she also said similar things to me."

The expressions on the three people's faces were not very good. Zhai Heng pulled the blanket that was about to fall off his legs and added calmly: "I don't, but I also pursue her."

He didn't ask for any commitment, but he also liked her.

Gu Tingyan was the most defensive among them. His body was stiff and he was digesting the fact that his girlfriend had made a promise to everyone.

It is a very obvious fact that Jiang Nuannuan hangs on all of them, and everyone is willing to sink.

Now the matter has been revealed among the four people from the dark to the open.

Who among them should be asked to leave?No one wants to.

The nurse happened to come in and give Jiang Nuannuan a syringe. The heated ward was fully heated, which inexplicably made her shiver twice, and the hand holding the syringe trembled.

Zhai Heng glanced at her and reminded her gently: "Hold on tight, don't hurt her."

Two pairs of eyes next to him looked over. Zhai Lin suppressed his temper and said, "Be careful."

That gloomy voice sounded like a murder warning.

Feeling the pressure, the nurse nodded and carefully injected the liquid in the syringe into Jiang Nuannuan's tube.

The one-minute push for infusion was extremely long, and she was still uneasy until she closed the door with the cart.

Putting aside those beautiful faces, when these men face the lady on the bed, they always exude a kind of terrifying pressure, which makes her afraid to express her dignity. Trouble offends people.

System 66 stretched out a phantom limb from Jiang Nuannuan's head, put it on the shoulder of her soul, and ordered another phantom limb to be stretched out and nodded to the man's head, "1234, no, this is Zhai Heng. Is there one more missing?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

System 66: "Now they think the only people you hook up with are a few of them."

Jiang Nuannuan was unsure and only said: "Fei Jinzhao will have a meeting with my studio tomorrow, and he will be there soon."

System 66 patted her shoulder, "How dare you, once again bursting Meizhaonian's love bubble. He probably only knows about the existence of Gu Tingyan and Gu Shizhou. He has just recovered."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "There is no way. They all want to marry me now. They are all top figures in the industry. Sooner or later, they will all know about each other."

System 66: "Whoever you marry will be a disaster."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I will find a way to solve this myself. It is impossible for me to keep it secret until the end of the plot, but it is indeed difficult for me to face this period of time soberly."

Gu Shizhou could not see Jiang Nuannuan on the phone. He realized something was wrong and narrowed his peach blossom eyes slightly, "Where is she? Something happened? Let me take a look."

(End of this chapter)

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