Chapter 331 Accompanying
He seduced her into a kiss, was jealous of her calling other people's names in her dreams, forced her to like him, and then looked at her compromise in the end. I don't know how satisfying it was for him, a drowning man who was about to sink to the bottom.

System 66: "He is so simple, every step was clearly planned by you."

When Jiang Nuannuan heard him defending herself, she rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "But in his eyes, I have never taken the initiative. My identity as a psychology teacher allows me to get close to him and integrate into his life for righteous reasons. His habit of invading him with candy, some well-placed physical contact, and all my trust and tolerance were the reasons for his downfall."

"He never thought that I had planned it for a long time. After all, it was Gu Tingyan and Fu Shiliu who pushed me to his side. Maybe he feels guilty for almost killing me at that time."

It can only be said that the game was set up from the beginning, leading him to fall in love with his redeemer, and in the end he thought it was him who had the problem.

Gu Shizhou, who was rebutted by the two people, looked at them with pity.

Look, he's still the most special.

Only he knew that Jiang Nuannuan was a little liar with an octopus at heart, so there were so many excuses for her.

After getting enough sunshine, Zhai Heng pulled down the curtains, touched the Buddhist beads on his wrist, and said warmly: "No one knows the truth, so let her wake up and explain."

Gu Tingyan glanced at Gu Shizhou, then looked coldly at Zhai Lin and Fei Jinzhao, "You can't stay here forever."

"You can't do it either." Zhai Lin said, "You are not a family member."

Fei Jinzhao calmed down, stood up, pulled out her chair, and walked out.

Gu Shizhou asked him: "Are you leaving?"

Without looking back, he said, "There is an empty room outside."

There were two rooms and a living room in the suite. Zhai Heng occupied one room. He thought Fei Jinzhao was very smart, "Let's take turns to accompany her."

Gu Tingyan acquiesced to this approach. Aunt Mei sent the clothes and felt sorry for Jiang Nuannuan on the bed.

When the conversation ended, Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief.

System 66 asked: "How will you explain to your boyfriend when you wake up?"

Jiang Nuannuan was not very panicked about this. She looked at the thick immobilizer around her neck and said, "The memory confusion after the brain impact is also a sequelae of falling off a cliff. I happened to forget that I have a boyfriend."

It's really another lame excuse that tests your acting skills.

Jiang Nuannuan had been lying in bed for a full month. All the plasters on her body were removed, and her already thin body looked even thinner.

Fei Jinzhao took off his suit jacket and came over with hot water and a towel to help her wipe it off. He was very careful in his movements to avoid hurting her again. Recently, he often took over the work of the caregiver, and he was even more meticulous in his work.

"Today, the game was released." He suddenly said.

He did come to the hospital late today. Jiang Nuannuan saw that he was wearing a very formal suit, a light-colored suit, and his hair was styled with a hair mask. He looked cold and handsome.

She asked, "How is it?"

He couldn't hear it and murmured to himself, "They thought the previous two versions of the game name were too casual, but I actually didn't think so."

"You are a miracle to me, like a shining little sun."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said: "What a high evaluation."

Fei Jinzhao pursed her lips, "It's a pity that the sun is destined to shine on many people."

The corners of Jiang Nuannuan's smiling lips retracted.

He wrung out the towel, wiped it gently on her cheek, brushed his fingers across the pale pink lips, and suddenly sighed, "The game has the same name as you, so this is also a burden for you, right?" Bearing his love , is a burden.

Fei Jinzhao's inferiority complex began to emerge again. He held her hand and was silent for a long time before saying, "I changed it. If one day you tell me personally that you agree to be named after you, I will make a new one for you." game.”

He had often thought recently about what she should do if her favorite words about him were also lies. If she could get it with money, he would have a lot of money soon, but what if she really just liked someone else more?

He was reluctant to hurt her, and those despicable methods were beyond her reach.

"If you think I'm not the best for you."

Fei Jinzhao's voice paused, then he slowly lowered his head and said slightly bitterly: "I will try my best to become friends with you."

Jiang Nuannuan tried to wipe away his tears that suddenly fell, and waved her hands in the air for a while. Finally, she was exhausted and put her arms around his neck and gave him a hug.

"I'm sorry." She said in his ear: "I have worked so hard to fall in love with you, and yet I want you to be in vain."

Fei Jinzhao is undoubtedly a genius. While going to and from the hospital every day, he led his team to develop a female-oriented mobile game with the theme of cross-dressing and love. One week after it was launched, it became completely popular in the female circle that mainly focuses on students. .

Never underestimate the purchasing power of girls for illusory and beautiful things. The stocks of small companies on the verge of bankruptcy rose sharply in a short period of time, and countless money poured into Fei Jinzhao.

Everyone in the company thinks that he is not successful. Who else can succeed is the result of countless days and nights. They always have to take advantage of it.

There are more and more people who want to come to buy shares every day. Fei Jinzhao still gets off work at five o'clock and arrives at the hospital on time to accompany her.

At this point, he can take over the job of the nurse, help Jiang Nuannuan turn over and massage her, and he can also hug her.

Gu Shizhou blocked all information about his schedule. When he had nothing to do, he sat in front of the bed with a guitar and played.

He has no talent for music creation, but he can still play the piano according to the score. The music he writes is like a hanging beam made of white silk, which makes people suffocate when listening to it.

Zhai Lin couldn't help it many times. One night during his manic episode, Jiang Nuannuan watched him secretly take out his guitar from his bag, cut the strings with scissors, and even took it to the balcony to smash it to vent his anger.

She smiled happily and thanked him for doing a good thing.

The next day, Gu Shizhou got angry and asked who did it. Zhai Lin held the sketchbook, pointed at Jiang Nuannuan's bed, and said angrily: "If she can get up, you will throw her out."

Gu Tingyan came back from the meeting and frowned, "What's the trouble? The nurse is here to change the dressing."

Jiang Nuannuan was involved, and the two quickly became quiet.

It's almost the end of the second month, summer has completely set in, and the sound of insects can be heard outside the window.

There are also many paintings in Jiang Nuannuan's ward, including sketches and oil paintings. Every one of them on the table on the wall is of her.

Zhai Lin used his imagination to draw many pictures of her standing in the scenery, looking at her as if she were traveling around the world.

It’s just that I haven’t seen Zhai Heng much recently.

The last time Jiang Nuannuan saw him was a week ago. Zhai Lin's face has not been so good-looking recently, and he always seemed to be hiding something on his mind.

Today, the window was half open for ventilation, and there was no one in the ward except him.

System 66: "Host, the repair is complete and you can wake up."

(End of this chapter)

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