Chapter 332 Wake Up
Zhai Lin sat on the edge of the bed, looked at the peaceful sleeping face, put down the sketchbook he was making and correcting, and pinched her cheek, "Why aren't you awake yet?"

The hot wind blew in from the window, and the room was quiet.

He was quiet for a while and said, "My brother will have surgery tomorrow, why don't you get up and go take a look."

The floating Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flickered.

No wonder I haven't seen him recently.

Zhai Lin lowered his eyes, feeling extremely depressed, "His body is not suitable for a heart transplant, and the survival rate of the operation is very low."

No one responded in the room, so he leaned against the bedside, broke open a piece of candy and threw it into his mouth. His face was gloomy and his tone was unclear, "He knew and loved you first, and his tolerance and love for you were so limitless. At this point, what was I doing at that time? I wasn’t very kind to you. The disease made my nerves abnormal. In your eyes, I was just a madman who couldn’t control his emotions. "

Zhai Lin bent down, put his arms on her pillow, and touched her quiet face with his palms, "Speaking of which, his choice has always been you, and I was always wavering. When I was sure that I fell in love with you, I fell off the cliff. That day I saved Fu Ying."

He smiled self-deprecatingly, his eyes red.

"It was too sudden, wasn't it? It just so happened that something happened to your chair after her. I didn't catch it in those brief seconds."

His voice was very soft, full of unwillingness and confusion, "How do you fall in love with me over Zhai Heng? If he dies, will you remember him forever?"

He was always willful, always trying to make up for the trauma of the past, and in the end he could only watch her become what she is now.

He has an inescapable responsibility.

Zhai Lin looked down at her and bit into the candy. The sweet taste of lychee spread in his mouth. "You can remember him for the rest of your life. It's okay if he doesn't love me, but he has to be by my side."

"I can't live without you." He sighed and said paranoidly, "Wake up and I'll risk my life to love you, okay?"

His emotions are always ups and downs, but he tries his best to control them.

Jiang Nuannuan heard this and asked 66 to pull his soul back into his body.

After the vision changed, it was endless darkness.

The weakness and exhaustion from being in bed for a long time came overwhelmingly, and her body became heavy in vain. Her fingers curled up, her long curled eyelashes trembled, and she slowly opened her eyes.

Zhai Lin leaned over her neck and was immersed in his own emotions, not noticing her changes. Jiang Nuannuan rolled his eyes, tried to lift his arms, and gently touched his fluffy hair. Touching, "Why are you crying?" Her neck was wet.

As soon as the voice came out, both of them were stunned.

Jiang Nuannuan wondered which duck was quacking, and the voice was too unpleasant.

Zhai Lin's eyelashes brushed her neck, and he raised his head suddenly, his arms resting on both sides of her pillow, and his gray eyes stared at her.

Unexpectedly, a drop of hot tears fell on her face. Jiang Nuannuan's fingers slipped down and pressed against his warm face, calling him as hoarse and gentle as possible, "Zhai Lin."

He didn't dare to hold her hand that was still stuck with the needle with force. He only gently pressed it against the back of her hand, and the muscles in his arm trembled, feeling her life come back to life.


Zhai Lin's heart felt like it suddenly rushed from a quiet and uninhabited harbor into a stormy ocean, with bumpy waves and violent ups and downs.

Jiang Nuannuan curved her lips slightly and wiped away the moisture from the corners of his eyes, "Have you eaten candy? I seem to smell sweetness."

Zhai Lin was stunned and subconsciously answered, "Eat."

Jiang Nuannuan licked her dry lips and acted coquettishly at him, "Any more? I want it too."

He touched his pocket in a slight panic, and said in a trembling voice, "I've finished eating."

Jiang Nuannuan's almond-shaped eyes were bright, and her eyes followed her fingers to his lips, "You are also a candy."

System 66: "I started working as soon as I woke up. You are indeed my chosen worker!"

Zhai Lin leaned forward, and when his heart was shaking in his chest and kissed her lips again, the wind was calm, and the sun even came out from the dark clouds.He held her head in his hands and pressed his body closer to her, allowing her to taste the sweet taste spreading in her mouth.

"Is that what you mean?" He asked cautiously, and when he spoke against her lips, his gray eyes so close to her were full of surprise and surprise.

She may have been confused before taking the initiative.

Jiang Nuannuan kissed his lips again, "Sweet."

Zhai Lin was as docile as a sheep, entangled with her lips until he couldn't help but suck her harder.

She whispered softly, and Zhai Lin pushed away like a frightened bird. The moisture between his lips broke off, and he looked at him in panic, "Does it hurt?"

"No." Jiang Nuannuan licked the corners of her lips, "The one you eat tastes like lychee."

Zhai Lin's heart beat hard, and he suddenly broke away from her temptation. He knew what he had to do, "I'll call the doctor."

Jiang Nuannuan held his wrist and said, "I scared you."

He froze and looked back at her, "What do you mean?"

Jiang Nuannuan touched his wrist bone and said, "I scared you when I fell."

Zhai Lin's lips trembled slightly, and he turned around and hugged her tightly, "I'm ready to support you like this for the rest of my life."

"I can't bear to lie like this." She buried herself in his chest, "I heard you calling me."

The arms holding her suddenly tightened, and the heart in her chest beat like thunder.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 85%."

Zhai Lin turned around and went out to call the doctor.

Jiang Nuannuan licked the corners of her lips and looked at the ceiling, "He was the first one I saw when I woke up, and he was the one I kissed. He should be able to endure whoever comes next."

As a key patient of the hospital, the doctors gathered around her to examine her.

Several other people also received the news and dropped their work and came over.

The doctor who came to examine her said it was a miracle that she could wake up.

Fei Jin came in a hurry and saw her sitting cross-legged on the bed surrounded by a group of white coats, with a smile on her warm and pale face, holding her hands on the blanket, as if the colors around her were changing in his eyes again. Fresh.

He lost control and pushed everyone away. Under Jiang Nuannuan's surprised eyes, he held the back of her neck and pressed her tightly in his arms.

He said with a trembling voice: "Just wake up."

Jiang Nuannuan calmed down, reached out and patted his back. After drinking some water, her voice returned to softness, "I made you worry."

Fei Jinzhao kissed her on the shoulder, and the joy of regaining it made him feel that it didn't matter who she liked, as long as she could still stand in front of him and talk to him.

He misses her so much.

Zhai Lin, who tasted the first sweet taste, reluctantly tolerated Fei Jinzhao's closeness to her. When Gu Tingyan and Gu Shizhou arrived, Jiang Nuannuan's bedside was a little crowded.

Gu Tingyan arrived in a hurry, wearing a suit and a slightly crooked tie. His imposing figure dismissed all the doctors as soon as he came in.

He tried to hug Jiang Nuannuan, but she didn't resist, but her eyes were a little panicked. She glanced at Fei Jinzhao, with obvious discomfort in her eyes.

With her feet in the air, she sat in Gu Tingyan's arms, looking at him with his dark and deep eyes, which made her feel uneasy.

"There are many people here, please let me down first."

(End of this chapter)

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