Chapter 333 Chaos
Gu Tingyan didn't understand her emotions at the moment. He moved the corners of his lips and comforted her in a deep voice, "I just hug you. I haven't hugged you for a long time."

Zhai Lin could hardly suppress his overflowing jealousy and anger. He knew clearly that the look in Fei Jinzhao's eyes was obviously asking for help, but why didn't she look for him?
She obviously called him candy.

Fei Jinzhao frowned and said, "Let her sit on the bed."

Jiang Nuannuan pressed against Gu Tingyan's strong shoulders and moved her hips out of his strong legs, "But didn't you say that in the eyes of outsiders, we should keep a distance? It's something in the agreement."

Gu Tingyan was stunned, Fei Jinzhao and Zhai Lin were also startled, and Gu Shizhou who came over happened to hear these words.

The four people were confused at the same time, and only Gu Tingyan's face turned dark.

"What do you mean?"

Jiang Nuannuan wrinkled her little face, and her crisp and sweet voice was like a knife piercing his heart, "The lover's agreement you signed with me, you don't let me have a relationship with you in public, Gu Tingyan, there are many people here, Don’t do this next time, it will cause misunderstanding.”

Seeing that her expression was so serious, Gu Shizhou couldn't tell whether she was acting or not. He walked over to Gu Tingyan, who was frozen, leaned over and touched her face, staring at her with a pair of loving peach blossom eyes, "What's the matter with you? Do you still know who I am?"

Jiang Nuannuan slapped his hand away and muttered unhappily, "Of course I know, I haven't lost my memory."

She had no amnesia and remembered everyone, but why did her words sound so wrong?
"What are they trying to misunderstand?" Gu Tingyan looked at her resisting face. The joy in his heart faded away, his eyebrows folded into a ravine, and his expression was extremely cold.

Jiang Nuannuan opened her mouth, her almond-shaped eyes widened, unhappy about why he suddenly became like this.

"Your fiancée is Feixin, do you want me to say it more harshly? What will they think of me?"

She turned her head and didn't want to look at him anymore. She shook her legs and wanted to get off. Zhai Lin couldn't help but look at the way she was being held by several people in turns. Fei Jinzhao stood in front of him and took the first step to grab Jiang Nuannuan's wrist.

"Give me the man."

He would not miss Jiang Nuannuan's eyes, and naturally he would not let her stay in an environment that she thought was unsafe.

Gu Tingyan raised his hand and pulled the girl's jaw back to one side.

"I don't have a fiancée."

He tried his best to appear gentle, and the tense angle of his jaw betrayed his extreme emotional instability at this time.

"Jiang Nuannuan, I don't have a fiancée." He repeated in a cold and serious voice, "What's wrong with you?" Jiang Nuannuan's face became even more confused. She frowned and bit her white lips, "What are you talking about? .”

Gu Shizhou realized something was wrong and held Gu Tingyan's wrist, "Let her go and ask the doctor what's going on."

Seeing how uncomfortable she was, Gu Tingyan slowly let go of his hand, tightened the corners of his lips, and the air pressure around his body was so low that it was almost like falling on the ice.

Gu Shizhou raised his smile and stretched out his hand to her. His frivolous voice sounded like abduction, "Then you hug me? Kick him away?"

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and threw herself into Fei Jinzhao's arms. She didn't expect that her feet were still unable to walk. She was about to kneel down the moment she got off Gu Tingyan's lap and touched the ground. Fortunately, the man in front of her had quick eyes and hands to catch her. Pick him up horizontally.

Fei Jinzhao's breath is close, fresh and clean, with a nice light lavender smell.

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed the shirt on his chest and felt relieved.

He whispered to her: "I've occupied a bedroom outside. I'll take you there, okay."


Jiang Nuannuan nodded, and when she looked over his shoulder to meet Zhai Lin's gloomy gaze, she spoke again, "I want to eat sweets."

Zhai Lin softened his expression, "Lychee flavor? Your and my favorite flavor."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Yes, it's lychee flavored."

Gu Shizhou, who felt that he was the most disliked, felt unhappy, "Jiang Nuannuan, did you forget your lover when you woke up?"

Jiang Nuannuan just pretended to be a turtle, and buried her whole face into Fei Jinzhao's neck.

She can't hear!

Seeing her snuggled into someone else's arms with a sense of security, Gu Tingyan couldn't help but stood up suddenly and strode out the door with a straight figure.

He had to figure out what was wrong with her as soon as possible.

(Composition: I’m stuck, that’s all I’ll write today.)
(End of this chapter)

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