Chapter 334 Payable
In the suite bedroom.

Fei Jin gently put her arms on the door and closed it. She hugged Jiang Nuannuan and sat down on the bed. "I'll get you a glass of water."

He stood up to leave, but his sleeves were grabbed. He looked back and met those red eyes. He looked slightly panicked and sat down next to her again, "I'm just going to pour some water."

"I'm sorry." Jiang Nuannuan held his finger, tears falling from her hazy almond-shaped eyes, "I didn't mean to hide the matter between you and me and Gu Tingyan."

Fei Jinzhao held her face, his palms soaked with tears, and his heart was in confusion, "I know you didn't mean it. You had no choice at that time."

He didn't know what was going on, but Jiang Nuannuan's memory was obviously confused, and she had already explained the whole story to him.

She climbed into his arms and hugged his neck tightly, "Can we still be the same as before? Don't be angry."

What's wrong with her? She was helping him and thinking about him from beginning to end. It was him who wanted more. A person as unworthy as him wanted to hold her in his hands.

Fei Jinzhao Duo likes her.

"As long as you are willing to."

Jiang Nuannuan calmed down for a while, then nodded with red eyes, "I am willing."

She must dispel Fei Jinzhao's idea of ​​sacrificing himself for others when she was in a coma. He was willing to return to a pure friendship with her, but she would never allow it.

Gu Tingyan called for a doctor, and Jiang Nuannuan had to do a brain examination with them.

She said to System 66: "You can't control anything else. You are responsible for my physical condition. Find some problems to make my selective amnesia reasonable."

System 66: "This works."

It also has certain management authority over this body.

The test results came out quickly.

The doctor said that the frontal lobe of her brain was damaged, and she had a contusion and laceration that has not yet fully recovered. The amnesia caused by this condition will cause past memories to become intertwined and confused, making it impossible to distinguish between before and after.

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting in a wheelchair, her clear pupils flickering slightly. She was quite satisfied with the doctor's explanation.

Gu Tingyan said calmly, "When will you recover?"

The doctor said, "I can't say for sure. It depends on her condition later."

Gu Shizhou bent down and put his hands on the handle of Jiang Nuannuan's wheelchair, trapping her in the chair. He narrowed his peach blossom eyes and said, "Jiang Nuannuan, who are you from Gu Tingyan?"

Somehow, he didn't quite believe it was such a coincidence that she forgot.

Jiang Nuannuan's already fair face turned even whiter. She looked at Gu Tingyan and opened her lips, "Lover."

As if she was being forced to speak out, Fei Jin pushed the wheelchair back without any trace, frowned and said, "Don't scare her."

"Why did I scare her?" Gu Shizhou looked directly into her clear eyes, his casual voice carrying a questioning tone, "I just asked her if she remembers that she is my brother's girlfriend."

The question that everyone wanted to know, except Zhai Lin who went out to buy candy, three pairs of eyes were staring at her.

Jiang Nuannuan performed very well. Her expression went from surprise, to disbelief, to deep rejection, "No, I'm not that kind of person who has no bottom line."

She is a person who only remembers that he has a fiancée, so this answer is okay.

Gu Shizhou looked at her for a long time and laughed, "It's such a coincidence that you forgot about this. Then do you know who I am? What is our relationship?"

He pointed to his nose, his voice coaxing and slightly threatening, "You tell them, or I'll do it."

From Fei Jinzhao's point of view, Jiang Nuannuan didn't like Gu Shizhou. She hated philandering people and everything was her unrequited love.

From Gu Tingyan's point of view, his brother only came to seduce Jiang Nuannuan to avenge him for taking away Fu Shiliu, and later fell in love with her and refused to let her go.

No matter what, Jiang Nuannuan was the cleanest one in the eyes of both of them. The source of all sins came from Gu Shizhou, who took the biggest blame.

Once Jiang Nuannuan confessed their relationship, it would be a big deal, and she knew it, so she felt even more pressured when facing the probing eyes of the other two men.

Gu Shizhou was not that easy to fool, he was eager to declare his sovereignty.Jiang Nuannuan brainstormed for a while and found that there was no way. She finally lowered her eyes and looked at him and said word by word: "We are friends, but we may not even be considered friends at any time."

She had no choice but to threaten Gu Shizhou.

Gu Shizhou was a little annoyed, "Are you sure?"

"Then come and tell them what is my relationship with you." Jiang Nuannuan threw the question back with a calm look on her face.

If he had told her that they were lovers, there was no doubt that she would be angry and even stop talking to him. Why did she always have to hide it, even though there was only a layer of tattered window paper left, she still refused to admit it.

Gu Shizhou was angry and didn't understand.

Fei Jinzhao asked: "So, what is the relationship?"

Gu Shizhou let go of the armrests of his wheelchair, stared at the stubborn-looking Jiang Nuannuan, gritted his teeth, and finally sneered in defeat to cover for her, "As a superior-subordinate relationship, I'm waiting for her to accept all my personal assets. From now on, I only worked for her, but she ended up forgetting all about it.”

Gu Tingyan's face suddenly turned cold, and Fei Jinzhao's eyes also became cold.

Both of them looked unhappy.

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "When did I promise you?"

She looked like she didn't remember those things. Gu Shizhou put his hands in his pockets, restrained his sharpness, and lazily raised the corners of his lips, "You haven't agreed yet. You said you would consider it."

Since he couldn't talk about the relationship as a lover, he had to find another way to tell everyone that she was really considering dating him.

So far, no one can tell what Jiang Nuannuan is telling the truth. She herself is confused, and the matter has reached a deadlock.

Zhai Lin came back from buying candies. He looked at a room full of men who were in bad moods and asked, "What are the test results?"

Gu Shizhou clasped his hands in front of his chest, "Amnesia, memory confusion, she seems to have forgotten everything after my brother's birthday party."

Zhai Lin's eyes flashed with disbelief, and then he looked at Jiang Nuannuan.

Then the kiss after she woke up was done while she was in a state of amnesia?How can it be?What reason did she have for kissing him?
"I'll talk to her."

He pushed her to the balcony in a wheelchair.

Fei Jinzhao walked outside.

It was getting late, and there was a kitchen in the suite. He could go and get Jiang Nuannuan something to eat. She liked what he made.

Jiang Nuannuan ate a lychee candy and looked at the sunset outside, feeling comfortable.

Zhai Lin sat next to her and was silent for a few seconds, then asked her: "Have you completely forgotten?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, I remember how I fell, and I also remember how you treated me."

She held the candy in her mouth and felt a little distressed, "It just feels like some of the memories have become blank and can't be connected."

"Why did you kiss me?" This was what Zhai Lin wanted to ask the most.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes and thought for a while, "You cried so sadly, I just wanted to comfort you at that time."

Zhai Lin was a little confused and disappointed, "Just because of this?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyes to look at him and pursed her lips, "I still feel distressed. I can't bear to let you feel sad for some reason."

Zhai Lin's smoky gray eyes shone slightly, and he asked cautiously and cautiously: "Because you like it?"

Jiang Nuannuan pushed his approaching shoulder and said softly: "You know I can't say this now."

"You do." Zhai Lin opened a piece of candy and threw it into his mouth, "Gu Tingyan destroyed your previous lover's agreement. He said it himself, you are free a long time ago."

(End of this chapter)

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