Chapter 336 What is the truth
Jiang Nuannuan spent the first night after waking up with difficulty. When she got up the next day, she put on a beautiful little dress brought by Aunt Mei, sat in a wheelchair and asked Zhai Lin to take her to the flower shop to buy flowers.

She promised Zhai Heng that she would bring flowers to greet him after the operation. This should not be forgotten.

Zhai Heng's surgery took place in their private hospital, and Mrs. Zhai invited the world's top medical team to perform the surgery on him.

When Jiang Nuannuan arrived with Zhai Lin holding a bouquet of lilies, people were standing around the bed outside the operating room.

Zhai Heng was sitting on the gurney, with a thin figure, empty sleeves in his dark green hospital gown, and a gentle face facing everyone.

Unlike Mrs. Zhai's sad mood, and unlike her parents' anxious appearance, he was as calm as if he didn't know that this was a major event leading to the fork in life.

Zhai Lin called him, "Brother."

Separated from the crowd, he looked slowly, and his dull gaze finally became rippled. He raised his cold white wrist and raised his pale lips slightly, "Come here."

Someone made way for Jiang Nuannuan. She came to the bedside and looked at his greatly changed figure in just two months. She felt sorry for him and said, "I brought flowers and waited for you to come out."

Zhai Heng plucked the petals, dipped his fingertips in some water, and said with a smile, "You woke up just in time. How is your health?"

Jiang Nuannuan held his slightly cold hand and said, "I'm fine. Just try harder and get through it."

Zhai Heng bent down and looked at her, smiling gently, "Yes, I still have many wishes that I have not fulfilled."

He placed a gentle kiss on the side of her face, his eyes finally showed a hint of sadness, and he sighed, "I'm really not willing to die like this."

Zhai Lin tightened his grip on the handle of the wheelchair and held back his temper. Privately, he could not accept Zhai Heng's death and said in a low voice, "You'd better not die. I don't want Jiang Nuannuan to remember you for the rest of his life."

His love for his brother and his love for his lover are intertwined, which is always very contradictory.

Zhai Heng glanced at him and said to Jiang Nuannuan in a warm voice: "Do you still have the bank card I gave you last time?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded.

He smiled and said, "Put it away."

He let go of his hand, dissipating the faint medicinal fragrance from his body, and looked at her with nostalgia, "When you are tired, let Zhai Lin take you back to rest."

Watching his figure disappear behind the closed operating room door, Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath and exhaled, feeling doubtful about the bank card.

Why do I have to mention the New Year red envelope he sent me repeatedly?

She asked 66: "He really can't survive? Isn't it possible to wait for a miracle?"

System 66: "It is clearly written on his character board that even if he can come out of the operating room, the replaced heart will have problems. There will be no plot deviations for the supporting characters. Two years is two years, no more, no less. ."

The Jiang family villa welcomed two unexpected guests.

Jiang's father and Jiang Yan were both working. Jiang Meng went to the hospital to receive regular psychological treatment. Only Jiang's mother received them cautiously, "Mr. Gu, little Mr. Gu."

Gu Shizhou leaned casually on the sofa, watching Gu Tingyan push a document to her, and said in an indifferent tone, "A little greeting gift."

Mother Jiang didn't know what kind of medicine this noble man was selling. She took the document bag and opened it. After reading the contents, her eyes were shocked, "What do you want from me? Our family has nothing to exploit. "

Gu Tingyan replied indifferently: "I just want to know about Jiang Nuannuan's previous life, what happened before she was sent to the police station by you."

Taking three top shops in Linggang Building in exchange for Jiang Nuannuan's past, Jiang's mother took a breath and spoke cryptically, "Why don't you ask her yourself."

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs and looked at her, "She will tell you the truth and there is no need to come to you."

Mother Jiang held the document tightly. Their family had been having a hard time recently, so she compromised and said, "What do you want to ask?" Gu Tingyan asked, "Did she use cooking as a hobby?"

Jiang's mother was stunned and objected casually, "Of course it's impossible. Even if I brought my biological daughter Jiang Meng home, I never treated Nuan Nuan harshly. She wouldn't even enter the kitchen. She once told me that women's hands should not touch cooking fumes. I can only do maintenance.”

Gu Tingyan is very aware of Jiang Nuannuan's cooking skills and her common sense of skillfully taking care of people in life.

That is definitely not the property of a rich girl who has no fingers in the spring water.

Jiang Nuannuan lied.

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows slightly and tapped his thigh with his finger, "So what kind of person was Jiang Nuannuan before? Sharp-tongued? Quirky? Or was he always causing trouble?"

Jiang's mother doubted whether they were talking about the same person. She was silent for a moment and said: "She has been admired by many of us since she was a child. She is very arrogant but has no big ideas. She will never contradict me. She is very obedient and very obedient."

Mother Jiang's expression became uncomfortable, "It wasn't until that time when she pushed Jiang Meng into the sea and was rescued by Mr. Gu from the police station that she changed her attitude overnight. I knew I had hurt her. I felt so sorry for Jiang Meng at the time. She hated me to death because I did something like persuading Nuannuan to let her boyfriend go out of my mind."

Jiang's mother knew that she was at fault. With two girls in the family, a bowl of water was destined to be uneven.

She shed tears and felt regret.

Gu Shizhou heard this and didn't expect Jiang Nuannuan to be obedient and obedient, but he thought it made sense. At that time, she was obedient and obedient, so she was bullied around. Besides, she was arrogant in the past and now. They have both, but they are still [-]% arrogant.

Gu Tingyan smoked a cigarette, the smoke was thick and the color was slightly colder. "Can she drive?"

This question is even more bizarre and nonsensical.

But the man still remembers the first time she drove the Maybach, with the wipers turned on with the turn signal and the accelerator pedaling like a rocker.

Mother Jiang wiped her tears and nodded, "Of course, I love her so much. She has a lot of nice cars, and she has everything that young people like. But she doesn't take anything with her after leaving home, and she doesn't want anything. "

They all have good cars, but recalling Jiang Nuannuan's excitement about owning an Audi car, Gu Tingyan knew that it was not the expression of a girl who was used to driving luxury cars.

Gu Shizhou asked: "Does Jiang Nuannuan like to eat at roadside barbecue stalls? Stir-fried fat intestines, roasted pig brains, roasted leeks?"

Mother Jiang frowned, with a look of doubt on her face, "Are you sure you are talking about my daughter? In order to maintain a good figure, she never touched junk food, let alone these disgusting things."

There are more and more questions, and the direction of each one is becoming clearer.

Gu Tingyan's expression became more and more serious, and even Gu Shizhou's expression became weird.

So, can a person's personality and preferences change drastically overnight, and can he even acquire a few new talents out of thin air?
Gu Tingyan finally asked: "She knew Zhai Heng before?"

Similarly, Jiang's mother also categorically refuted that her family and the Zhai family had no intersection, otherwise they would not be in such a miserable state today.

"excuse me."

The two came out of Jiang's house. Gu Tingyan was holding a cigarette, and Gu Shizhou touched the corner of his lower lip.

"She just went into the police station, did she just go in and out and change her soul? Or did she come out as the exact same person?" His tone was joking, and his peach-blossom eyes showed no smile at all, knowing the unbelievable and seriousness of the matter.

Gu Tingyan threw away his cigarette, opened the car door, and turned to look at him, "No matter what the reason is, there is a problem."

He might also have to ask Zhai Heng if there is something wrong with this world. Like people, there is some kind of unknown secret hidden in it.

Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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