Chapter 337 Brushes
Zhai Heng's heart transplant operation lasted five hours. At 5 p.m., he was pushed out by the doctor in a comatose state.

The heart transplant was completed. The operation was thrilling but successful. However, this was only the first step. Given his physical condition, rejection was the most dangerous.

Mrs. Zhai's hanging heart suddenly fell, at least at this moment, and her whole body became soft.

Next to Zhai Heng's parents, it was not difficult for Jiang Nuannuan to see the unconcealed disappointment in their eyes.

They each have children and families, and at the same time they keep tabs on the family business, leaving little affection for their two sick sons.

She placed the lily on the bedside, looked at the cold face as white as snow, and raised her hand to caress it.

Cherish the little time left to see each other.

During the period when Jiang Nuannuan was hospitalized for rehabilitation training, as 66 said, the plot would not let Zhai Heng go. His body had a severe rejection reaction and he had been staying in the intensive care unit without being able to see anyone, and she I found a bank card he gave me during the Chinese New Year.

After checking the account balance inside, Jiang Nuannuan's eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat when she saw a string of almost countless zeros.

Zhai Lin didn't know what he felt in his heart. He was angry and impressed. "It seems that he left you a rich legacy."

It's enough to ensure that she spends a lifetime in Linggang.

Jiang Nuannuan clenched the card with a complicated expression.

While he was hospitalized, a shocking event happened that made social news, and it was beyond everyone's expectation.

Fu Ying stabbed Fu Shiliu to death at her fish-killing stall in the market. Blood splattered everywhere and she died on the spot.

The entire Linggang circle felt sorry for the two sisters who killed each other. Zhou Qi did not even dare to show his face in public. His gambling debts had already made his family miserable, and his reputation was completely stinking into the ditch. There was no trace at the funeral.

Before Fu Ying was imprisoned, Jiang Nuannuan, accompanied by Zhai Lin, met her.

She sat behind the iron fence with handcuffs and said calmly: "At first I thought Fu Shiliu was really good to me, but she instigated Zhou Qi to take my husband to gamble, making him addicted to gambling, and then took him to Prostitution, let him squander all our family's money like water, she even called Ye Hang to give advice, so that he had no money to blackmail you, and indirectly killed my child."

"She did all this because she felt that she was no longer good and wanted to use me to continue to help the family reach a higher level."

"She made me so miserable." Fu Ying touched her flat belly and smiled miserably, "I originally wanted to let her go. I just wanted to live a good life away from those devils, but she forced me and deliberately called people behind my back. Come to my stall to cause trouble, so that I really can’t survive and come to beg Zhai Lin to be with him again, but what face do I have.”

She has self-esteem, knows she is not worthy, and knows that the other person does not love her, but her family does not give her a way out, nor is it a harbor. It is an ax hanging above her head that can be knocked down at any time.

She was desperate, and finally like an out-of-control madman, she took revenge on Fu Shiliu severely.

The Fu family was so greedy that they only wanted to sell their daughters for glory, which eventually led to the death of their two daughters.

Jiang Nuannuan felt sad for her character.

Fu Ying wiped her tears and said, "Ms. Jiang, I'm very happy to see you healthy again. Thank you, and I beg you to do me another favor."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Say."

Fu Ying: "If the two dogs sold by Ye Hang do not do well in the new owner's home, please take them back and keep them, or find them a better family. They are really well-behaved." Protector."

Jiang Nuannuan agreed.

Fu Ying looked at Zhai Lin who came with her again. The handsome man was as beautiful as an oil painting and his mood was stable.

There was bitterness in her mouth, and she nodded to him, "Thank you."

Zhai Lin's eyes moved slightly, "I will hire a good lawyer for you."

Before he left, Fu Ying stopped him again, "It was never your fault Zhai Lin that I was kidnapped and fell into the sea. It was fate that played a joke on me and caused you to lose your leg. Don't take it to heart anymore." .”

None of them were right about this. The only one who was wrong was the staff member who leaked the jewelry transaction and was imprisoned. He was the culprit who caused all the tragedies.

The criminal has been brought to justice, and it's time for them to let go.

At this moment, Jiang Nuannuan suddenly couldn't tell whether Fu Ying had recovered her memory, whether the current situation was too miserable, or whether the past was unnecessary to mention again.

Zhai Lin looked back at her and finally nodded.

He pushed Jiang Nuannuan out of the door and into the sunshine.

Fu Ying slowly raised her lips and whispered, "Have a good life."


Zhai Lin told Jiang Nuannuan that the two Doberman pinschers were well raised by the new buyers and had adapted to the new life.Fu Ying was very happy when the news was passed to the prison.

On the day Jiang Nuannuan recovered and was discharged from the hospital, everyone came except Zhai Heng, who was still lying in the hospital receiving 24-hour care.

Gu Tingyan hugged her and got into the Maybach, "I'll take you home."

Gu Shizhou held the car door, one corner of his lips curled up, "Which family? Where do you come from?"

Fei Jinzhao stood in the back with a gloomy expression.

Zhai Lin said: "You can also go to my house."

Jiang Nuannuan stroked her hair and sighed: "I have my own family, have you forgotten? If you are in Bishui Bay, just send me back to Bishui Bay."

She looked at Gu Tingyan and said, "I want to stay by myself for two days, okay."

No one could refuse her request. The car drove her to the door of her house. Jiang Nuannuan didn't even ask anyone to drink a glass of water. She went home alone and spent a few days in peace and quiet.

Until this morning, the insects were chirping, the summer was noisy, and the mission had to continue as it came to an end.

She put on a goose-yellow dress and made an appointment with Zhai Lin to meet at his home. They still owed her a painting.

He was sitting in the sun wearing a thin burgundy shirt, with roses blooming all around him. He looked as handsome as a fairy tale prince when we first met him, with deep eye sockets, unique pupil color, three-dimensional face, and golden mess. Shine brightly.

But this time he didn't get angry when he saw her. He had a blank drawing board and paints in front of him and waved gently to her.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and walked over, "How long have you been waiting here."

"It didn't take long." He put the brush into the water bottle and put a ring of lychee candy on the tip of his tongue. "Have you eaten?"

There is a brown picnic cloth under the shade of a tree with several desserts on it.

After passing through the flowers, Jiang Nuannuan walked over and sat down.

"You've eaten. You can have some snacks later."

He lowered his eyes and opened the paint box, "Whatever."

She leaned her back casually against the thick oak tree, crossed her legs, smoothed her skirt, and looked up at him, "Is this okay?"

Zhai Lin looked at her. The girl surrounded by rose bushes looked bright and beautiful.

He asked: "Who are you going to accept?"

Jiang Nuannuan said lazily: "Just follow your heart."

Zhai Lin clenched the brush and focused on the paper, "Do you have an answer?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, nodded, and said slowly: "Yes, I have it."

The quiet temperament was broken for a moment, and Zhai Lin did not speak again. He was afraid that he would not be able to complete the painting, so he rushed up to hold her arm and asked her who the man was.

Time passed, and Jiang Nuannuan was so bored that she fell asleep, until Zhai Lin slowly put down his pen.

The painting shows a girl with a delicate and clean face, light brown eyes, and snow-white skin that is dotted with light gold in the sunlight.

The girl he created inspired by love has a smile on her lips and tender eyes.

That was the way Jiang Nuannuan looked at him in his eyes.

He stood up and walked through the rose bushes, squatted down close to her, smelled the sweet scent of her hair, the faint smell of orange, and touched her soft face with his fingertips.

Jiang Nuannuan just closed her eyes and squinted lightly. Someone was teasing her. She opened her eyes with trembling eyelashes and looked at him tiredly.

"What's wrong?" "Who am I?"

He was really afraid that she would fall asleep again and recognize the wrong person.

Jiang Nuannuan licked the corners of her lips, "Zhai Lin, what else?"

System 66: "5000 million has been received from Alipay, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 90%."

(End of this chapter)

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