Chapter 338 Excuses
"Have you finished drawing yet?"

Zhai Lin's eyes were filled with lust, "The painting is finished."

Jiang Nuannuan calmed down and said, "Let me go and take a look."

"Wait." He held her waist, rested his chin on her shoulder, and put his messy hair against her neck, "Let me slow down."

He bent over her, their cheeks touching, looking obedient.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't refuse. She put her hands on his waist and pulled the burgundy shirt into wrinkles.

Zhai Lin's breathing slowly slowed down, he swallowed the untimely desire, and asked her: "Why didn't you refuse just now?"

Jiang Nuannuan tightened her arms around his narrow waist, "Because I don't want to."

She felt her smooth chest through the thin shirt, and her heart hit her hard.

Zhai Lin was not sure what she meant and asked her: "Do you treat them like this too? After everyone has met?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied softly: "No, didn't I tell you before? I just want to fall in love with one person."

She gave him the illusion that her choice would be him.

There was always a self-deprecating voice in Zhai Lin's heart telling him that this was impossible. He was not the first to know Jiang Nuannuan, and even hurt her once. Most of the time they got along, she always had to accommodate him when he had a bad temper. There are more disadvantages than advantages.

She has surpassed some people, what can she like about him?

Zhai Lin looked slightly gloomy, straightened up, and pulled her to the drawing board.

The girl in the yellow dress under the oak tree has flamboyant features, beautiful hair blown up by the wind, her almond-shaped eyes are slightly narrowed, and her expression is seductive.

The innocent and lustful look on her body was all described by Zhai Lin on the paper with perfect strokes.

Jiang Nuannuan was amazed and asked him again: "Do you want to give this painting to me?"

Zhai Lin shook his head, "I won't give it away."

She turned her head and looked at him for a while, then asked, "Are you unhappy?"

Zhai Lin was more uneasy, which would cause him to be emotionally agitated. Although he had taken medicine in the morning, he would always become unstable when it came to her.

"Are you going to keep playing charades with me?" He just wanted to know her answer, depending on how he treated her afterwards.

"not going to."

Jiang Nuannuan found her small backpack, took out a bank card from it and handed it to him, "Can you return this to Zhai Heng? Remember when his condition is more stable."

Zhai Lin's gloomy face was filled with surprise and more of a conflict, "You don't want it? Do you want me to pay it back?"

"I don't want it." She looked up at him and murmured in a soft voice like a lover, "My relationship with Zhai Heng is not to the point where I want to accept a rich inheritance. I don't want this money, but I don't want to be with him anymore." He hurt him when he was seriously ill, so Zhai Lin, can you choose a suitable time to return it to him?"

At this time, it doesn't matter whether he takes it out or returns it to Zhai Heng. Jiang Nuannuan just wants to show his sincerity to stabilize the person and get the final favorability.

Zhai Lin understood the meaning of her words, his heartbeat was speeding up, and an answer came to his throat, ready to come out, "So you don't like him?"

Despite the ambiguous relationship between them, she actually didn't like him.

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand and stuffed the card into his palm, "Don't be so surprised."

"Is that because of Gu Tingyan?" Zhai Lin frowned and raised another suspicious candidate.

Zhai Lin's first thought was that she was a liar.

His expression suddenly became heavy and he was emotionally agitated, "Don't lie to me." "I know."

Jiang Nuannuan also knows that Zhai Lin is the most emotionally unstable compared to others. His growth process is destined to make him an easily annoying person. Various violence and disabilities make him psychologically vulnerable. Anger and low self-esteem have something in common with Fei Jinzhao.

"Zhai Lin."

Her hands slipped from her hair and pressed on his chest, "I see you working hard to get better. You do charity for the disabled, find jobs for them, and even build schools. You are a hero in my eyes. .”

Jiang Nuannuan knew that it would be difficult to convince him. He clearly wanted her, but he had doubts about his own shortcomings. He was irritable and anxious and wanted her to stay by his side, always trying to attract attention.

"I will never forget the danger in the mine village."

She climbed onto his shoulders and said softly, "No one has done this for me. You almost gave up your life. Why aren't you worthy of my heart beating for you?"

He almost died, but later he cried beside her bed and said he loved her with all his life, which proved that it was really not just words.

The doubts in Zhai Lin's eyes were cracked, and love rushed in. He softened his voice and said, "I'm sick, and maybe I won't get well in my lifetime."

"Well, then you will let me go because of this?" Jiang Nuannuan asked him back. The next second he saw anger on his face, he gritted his teeth, "Impossible."

He held her shoulders and said, "I have no intention of letting you go."

He is not a good person. Putting aside those personal factors, she is his medicine and salvation. Even if she doesn't like him, he will force people to stay.

"I am a disabled person, but I can also give you the best. We can fall in love." When it came to love, his eyes became brighter and he stared at her with a smile on his delicate face. "Would you like to be with me?" Together, that’s best.”

Even if he doesn't want to, he is ready to snatch it.

"We can try to fall in love." Jiang Nuannuan replied solemnly.

The cicadas chirped hoarsely in the summer, and the joy on Zhai Lin's face was brighter than the sun. He picked her up and raised his head with a soft exclamation, his voice trembling, "Are you serious?"

"Yes." Jiang Nuannuan hugged his neck and lowered her head to kiss him in the wanton vent of emotion, "I promise you this is the truth."

System 66 cheered: "Alipay has received 5000 million, and Zhai Lin's favorability is 95%."

With the favorability level in hand, she touched Zhai Lin's ear and added a "but, let's cut it off first and then tell him later".

"But can you wait?"

Joy was fixed on his face, and Zhai Lin lowered the corners of his lips, "Don't you want to give me a failure?"

He may have been aroused recently and became suspicious.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him and said, "No, now that my agreement with Gu Tingyan is over, as well as Gu Shizhou and Fei Jinzhao, I need to explain to them in person that I like you the most."

She said gently: "And Zhai Heng, please don't irritate him during this period, okay?"

If Zhai Lin was not happy with it just to give her time to find Gu Tingyan and the others to draw clear boundaries, then he would definitely agree when it came to facing Zhai Heng.

That was his only brother, and the last bit of family affection left in the world.

Zhai Lin began to feel conflicted, with annoyance between his eyebrows, "You want to hide it again? I won't allow it."

Jiang Nuannuan knew that his character was not like Gu Shizhou's ability to endure humiliation and bear the burden of being a lover. The love affair must be made public, but the key problem was that he could not be the first to make it public, otherwise her plan would be messed up.

"No." Jiang Nuannuan said seriously: "When Zhai Heng's mood stabilizes, I don't mind being open to you or even going on the news. It's just that during his bad period, I hope to go to Gu Tingyan and the others in person to make it clear. , Any relationship must have a beginning and an end, right? I can't unilaterally cut it off without even seeing each other."

(End of this chapter)

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