Chapter 347 Gu Shizhou advances

His text was cold and sarcastic: It was just to buy some food, not to support me. As expected, Miss Fei still can't change her habit of eating shit, and she likes to use money to belittle others.

After being called a dog, Feixin didn't take it seriously after getting used to it. She immediately admitted her mistake and said sorry.

Failed to send.

You are no longer the other party's friend.

Just the second week after she was released from the blacklist, she once again raised a scarlet exclamation point
Get blocked again!
Feixin looked ugly.

Why are little boys so difficult to coax now!Even harder than Gu Tingyan!

Originally, Wu's mother was asked to take two days of paid leave, hoping that Xie Rongjing would come back from shopping to cook for her and rekindle their relationship.

Good this time.

The nanny is gone and the man is gone, so she has to go hungry in a cold home.

Fei Xin was so angry that she typed the word "Shao Bagua" in the group and immediately quit the group!
in the community.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed Gu Shizhou into the car, "I was supposed to pick you up, but didn't you run down the mountain yourself?"

Gu Shizhou's eyes softened and he leaned in the driver's seat to look at her, "If it hadn't been for what happened to you, I would still be waiting for you now."

He raised his hand and touched her head, "Has your memory recovered? Did you remember that my brother is your boyfriend?"

In the second half of the sentence, he started to get jealous again.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I didn't think about it, but it's not very important."

Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at the small box on her leg, "Bring it for me?"

"Well, it's a gift for you." Jiang Nuannuan didn't plan to give it to him now, "I'll show it to you later."

"Just in time, I'll take you somewhere." Gu Shizhou helped her fasten her seat belt, smelled the scent of her body, took the opportunity to kiss her on the face, and teased, "Made of peach? So tender? .”

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him sideways, "You should be lucky that I didn't put on makeup today."

Gu Shizhou smiled frivolously and said sincerely, "I can't help it, I'm jealous of you."

After saying this, he took her home.

Arriving at this place again, Jiang Nuannuan tightened her seat belt and turned to look at him warily, "Although I have thought about it, you can't just take me home and go to bed. Are you thinking with your lower body? So Can’t wait.”

Gu Shizhou raised his eyebrows slightly and turned off the engine, "Am I so impatient in your eyes?"

She didn't need to answer. He continued to speak on his own, "I'm quite urgent, but I don't plan to ask you now. Just go in and take a look first."

Jiang Nuannuan was dubious and followed him into the house carrying a small gift bag. She sensed something was wrong from the entrance to the entrance.

The entrance cabinet is cream-colored, and the protruding cabinet legs are patterned. The wallpaper has also changed from the original masculine gray and white color to a warm and bright color.

Gu Shizhou bent down and took out a pair of pink slippers, "Wear shoes in, your bare feet are cold." The living room followed the same style as the entrance, with a soft milk-colored sofa, a sunflower-shaped yellow leisure chair, and tiles on the floor. Large fluffy blanket.

Several dolls are staggered in the bookcase next to the TV, keeping company with the film and television scripts.

Warm orange light suddenly shone from the top of his head. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and looked up. Even the chandelier turned into several glowing clouds.
A man's home is a little too cute.

It is exactly a girl’s dream house, and it is also the style that Jiang Nuannuan would like, because her home is decorated like this, except that the dolls are all given by Zhai Heng. He moved all the dolls in the claw machine to She did.

Gu Shizhou leaned against the wall, his posture relaxed, and asked her, "Do you like it?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and asked with surprise in her eyes: "When did you change your home to look like this? It's too princess-like."

"During your rehabilitation training." Gu Shizhou scratched his eyebrows and said some loving words, "Aren't you my little princess? The decoration here is really not suitable for you. If you live with me in the future, of course you have to pretend that you like it. look like."

In the past, colleagues would come to discuss the script at home, and everything was cluttered. Now, no one but her could enter his house.

"That's when you concluded that I would come to find you?" Jiang Nuannuan walked to the refrigerator and opened it.

In addition to vegetable salads, there are many snacks, jelly, chocolate, and the must-have cream popsicles in summer.
Never before.

To stay in shape, he never eats such high-calorie foods.

"Not sure." Gu Shizhou stepped forward, took out a piece of jelly, tore it open, put it to her lips, and watched her eat it. He wiped the sweet stains from the corners of her lips with his fingertips, "So you have to tell me, in You’ve been at home for so long, why do you suddenly want me?”

Gu Shizhou didn't believe the sudden decision, even though he was already extremely excited the moment he heard what she said.

No one knew how crazy he was underneath the calm surface. He didn't know how many nights he thought about her until it hurt. Those desires were also one of the reasons that prompted him to do this.

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against the refrigerator and looked at the earrings on his ears, "Maybe he was tempted by your property?"

Gu Shizhou sneered lightly, suppressed the emotion in his eyes, and pinched her face, "If you really loved money, you wouldn't wait until today."

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand, put her soft fingers through his fingers, opened her lips, and said, "Okay, I find it very exciting. No one can replace the things I have experienced with you, no matter what It’s Gu Tingyan or Fei Jinzhao, no one can do it.”

Gu Shizhou looked at her and asked, "What do you mean by irreplaceable?"

In his chest, his heartbeat was beating fiercely in anticipation of what she would say next.

"Doing strange things with you, exciting games, and physical contact." Jiang Nuannuan touched her red face, and her clear eyes met his, gradually becoming more charming, "It's all very Especially, we seem to be a natural fit, you are the only person who understands and cooperates with me, and you bring me many novel experiences that money cannot satisfy."

"Money can't satisfy you, what can I do?" He lowered his head and slowly moved closer to her, breathing warmly together.

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath, held his chin, pressed her fingertips lightly, then took the initiative to raise her face and kissed him, "It's love."

The monster-like man's pupils shrank, "Really? Love derived from desire? My only one?"

He was the first to know that she was a playboy, the only one, but that couldn't be said.

"It's better to say that I chose you in the end. I enjoy the excitement and happiness of being with you." Jiang Nuannuan smiled and touched his beautiful face, "We are a perfect match, Gu Shizhou."

(End of this chapter)

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