Chapter 348 Choose You

"What kind of stimulation? Is it the stimulation of being with another man and putting his hand on my waistband?" Gu Shizhou squeezed her hand, held it and put it on his waist, "Is this what you mean?"

"Then you may be disappointed." He squinted his eyes and quietly lowered the curve of the corner of his mouth, "I can't give you this kind of stimulation now, but I can do other things."

Jiang Nuannuan's hand was forced to press on his belt buckle. She didn't show any fright, she bent her fingers, buckled back into the inside of the belt, and pulled his waist and abdomen towards her.

Gu Shizhou stood lazily, and was caught off guard by her pulling him close to him. He suddenly raised his palms and pressed them against the refrigerator to steady himself, his eyes burning, "Huh?"

"I'm not with other men." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and looked at him trying to maintain his composure but almost losing control. She licked the corners of her lips, "Are you satisfied?"

"Not very satisfied."

Having said that, Gu Shizhou couldn't hold it back. He grabbed her waist and leaned over, pressing her lips hard and kissing her to the fullest. "Honestly, you had to tell a few people about this before it was my turn." .”

His intuition was really sharp. Jiang Nuannuan said quietly, pointing her finger at his chest under his casual clothes, "It's just you, no one else."

Gu Shizhou looked at her for a while, then said in a low voice with a smile, "Why do I feel that you have other intentions?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her eyebrows and pushed his chest, "Don't you have any intention?"

Gu Shizhou glanced down and touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, "I've been missing you for a long time, but you put your hands on the waistband of your pants. How can I bear it?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Is that my fault?"

Who held her hand?

Gu Shizhou didn't hide his desire, but he didn't touch her either. Reason told him that he had more important things to do.

He let go and went to the bedroom to get a document and handed it to her. He sat down in front of the sofa, stretched his long legs and leaned back, "Take a look."

It wasn't an agreement to donate property, it was a copy of the paternity test report. I don't know where he got it.

Jiang Nuannuan saw the biological identification of her biological mother and that she was not related by blood to Jiang's mother and the others.

She put down her things and looked up at him, "What's wrong with this? Are you still concerned about whether I am a rich man or not?"

"Of course not, I didn't do this, it was my brother." Gu Shizhou cleared the relationship, but it was he who had been secretly paying attention to Gu Tingyan's movements and got a copy.

He said: "Four years ago, you were found out by the hospital that you are not related to the Jiang family. That file has been kept. Two days ago, when you went to the hospital, he did another appraisal for you in private. Compared with the previous one, your The DNA matched."

"So?" Jiang Nuannuan's back tensed.

"So you are you, you haven't changed before or now, but your temperament has changed drastically, and so has your behavior." Gu Shizhou scratched his eyebrows and straightened his posture lazily, "I find it incredible to say this, but my brother doubts you Hiding secrets.”

In fact, he also suspected it, but of course he couldn't tell it at this point. He only took the opportunity to give eye drops to his love rival.

Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways, her heart no longer calm, "What secret? It's so strange."

Gu Shizhou crossed his legs, tapped his fingertips on his legs, and said his thoughts using Gu Tingyan's name, "You and us will live a good life together, with rich clothes and fine food, and a lifetime of luxury." Okay, but you’re not satisfied. You’ve seduced too many people, and you don’t need to take anything from them. You just seem to be achieving a certain purpose.”

"Do you think you're here to do wholesale? Specializing in wholesale men?"

At the end, he added a joke.Originally, he didn't think deeply about this aspect and just thought she was a philanderer, but he and Gu Tingyan were brothers. At certain times, the two brothers' minds worked very quickly and they could always catch some subtle problems.

A woman whose personality changes is like changing her soul. She has several men at the same time. By chance, they know each other. She tried her best to hide it.

But if Jiang Nuannuan has a plan for this, she seems to only be interested in feelings and money. If she wants to make money, she will not be so bold as to eat them all. A Gu Tingyan is enough to stop her.

If it was a commercial war, it would not be justified. Her purpose was not to stir up market capital operations, let alone commercial espionage. She only guarded her jewelry and never set foot in any other fields. She was very measured.

The feeling that Gu Shizhou experienced was that she walked between them with ease, not asking for anything but love.

So when she said she was with him, did she say it with some purpose? But besides getting him and his property, what else did she want?
"Do you have a good explanation for doing this? Is it just for fun?" He turned the lighter in his hand, glanced at the cigarette case on the table, and did not pick it up.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and did not reply.

Gu Tingyan had already checked her out, so who left the confession in the hot air balloon?

She was quite calm, at least she never thought that they were smart enough to guess that an extremely real world that she, an outsider, could drag into, would be constructed from a novel script.

Even if they have a certain degree of consciousness awakening, they will not have such out-of-the-box thinking and think that everything is illusory, including themselves, who are just words written by the author.

There was suspicion, but no one could guess the truth.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "No one can talk to their parents rationally and continue to interact with them in a friendly manner after their parents ask them to have a boyfriend. It is not normal for me to change my personality."

Of course Gu Shizhou understands, but her changes are not only reflected in her personality, but also in her behavior. No one will lose certain skills when her personality changes, or she will suddenly learn something without a teacher.

But he couldn't question her so directly, he was afraid of messing up.

Jiang Nuannuan added: "I have relationships with so many people, but from beginning to end I didn't force or deliberately seduce anyone, right?"

"It was Gu Tingyan who took the initiative to hand me his business card and told me to be a substitute. Later he regretted falling in love with me; it was you who wanted to compete with your brother, so you came to me to avenge your shame and played a lover's game with me. Later you also Not to mention Zhai Lin, it was Gu Tingyan who promised Fu Shiliu to push me over in person. He liked me, but I didn’t know it at first. He also said in the hospital that he had seduced me; Mr. Zhai Heng Living under the same roof as Zhai Lin, whatever feelings he has for me are beyond my control as an ordinary person."

This line of rhetoric felt like she was going to burst out of her mouth.

Finally Jiang Nuannuan mentioned Fei Jinzhao, "Fei Jinzhao is the only one we met accidentally. He will do anything for his grandmother. He lives too hard. I want to help him, so we just Get to know each other slowly."

So in the logical chain, is there any question about who she deliberately seduced? Apart from them being unable to control themselves and falling in love with her, is there any conspiracy theory?
So what if her personalities are different, what if there are behavioral problems, except for the obvious seduction behavior she had with Fei Jinzhao, from beginning to end she was the one who passively endured, 'forced' to accept their purposeful Close, 'forced' to accept their surge of love.

Gu Shizhou thought about it for a while, and she really didn't think there was a problem. She had never taken the initiative or rejected them, but there was something wrong everywhere.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, her voice was soft and she felt aggrieved, "I didn't have the right to choose from the beginning. The only right I have to choose is now, so I figured it out and came to you later."

She handed him the gift bag beside her, "You can refuse. Just pretend that I didn't say a word of what you said today, and I also pretend that I didn't hear what you said before."

The conversation was not very pleasant, and the ambiguity that had climbed earlier had completely disappeared.

Jiang Nuannuan picked up her bag and stood up to leave. His wrist bones were violently pulled back by him, and she fell into his lap.

She tilted her head, the emotion in her eyes was light and cold as hell.

(End of this chapter)

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