Chapter 350 Last Visit

Jiang Nuannuan pushed him, and when she pressed her palm on his chest, she heard him grunt, which scared her so much that she hurriedly let go.

As soon as the hand was loosened, Gu Shizhou pressed closer and kissed her deeper, with a gesture that made him want to swallow her tongue.

If he wasn't still in the store, he would probably just take off his pants.

Jiang Nuannuan blushed and kicked his knee. Gu Shizhou, who had not been standing properly, suddenly fell to the ground with his hands on her legs.

The tattoo artist opened the door again and came in. His eyes were blank for a moment, and then he took away the tools left next to him and said, "Ahem, second young master, don't kneel down here, wife. I have guests coming at 7 o'clock. I can't use this chair." dirty."

She was sitting, and he was kneeling in front of her legs, with his clothes still half off. This posture was really...
Jiang Nuannuan's face turned even redder. When he went out again, she kicked him again, "That's enough for you!"

Gu Shizhou didn't mind kneeling for her in front of outsiders at all. He held the long white jade legs and gave a rare kiss on the exposed thigh skin, "Okay, we'll do it when we get back."

Jiang Nuannuan trembled all over, pushed him away and got off the chair, "Get up, are you still kneeling?"

"Oh." Gu Shizhou lazily stood up and stretched out a pair of small hands to help him button the buttons.

He had never enjoyed such caring treatment from her. He stood straight for a moment, just admiring her quietly with his eyes lowered.

"This tattoo is quite worth it," he said.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and glanced at him, "Don't regret it."

"Don't regret it." Gu Shizhou put his arm around her waist, "I really know how to post on Weibo, I'm not kidding you."

She stopped her hand for a moment, looked at him and said, "I'm not kidding you either."

"Go ahead." She stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

"Have you really thought about it?" His eyes flashed with tiny light, getting brighter and brighter.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, you have become a good person, I can't be a prostitute anymore."

"it is good."

Those unanswered questions were temporarily forgotten. Gu Shizhou now had one more thing to do, which was to declare his clear family status to everyone.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1 million, Gu Shizhou's favorability is 100%, and the goal has been achieved."

System 66: "To be honest, I was shocked when he asked just now. I was afraid that you would reveal the truth."

Jiang Nuannuan: "I would be afraid even if I didn't talk about you."

She didn't stay at Gu Shizhou's place to eat or spend the night. After all, Gu Tingyan was coming back tonight.

"I have to go home and pack," she said.

Gu Shizhou narrowed his eyes, "Really?"

"You'll know if it's true when I move here." Jiang Nuannuan held his hand and said with a smile, "You won't let me live in your house?"

Gu Shizhou's expression softened, and he understood that she had really thought about it.

"When will you come over then?"

"Let's go on the weekend. It just so happens that we can post an explanation to our fans on Weibo on that day, and you can pick me up and take me home."

The word "go home" hit Gu Shizhou's heart. There were only two days left. He was not impatient and could afford to wait.

"Okay, I'll take you home on the weekend."

Gu Shizhou, who was coaxed, obediently sent her back to Bishui Bay.

Now the only difference is Zhai Lin's progress, Jiang Nuannuan is not too anxious yet.She bought a bouquet of fresh lilies as usual today and went to visit Zhai Heng in the hospital. She wanted to use the little time left to see him more.

Mrs. Zhai showed no dignity in the corridor. She broke down and cried, and kept questioning the doctor.

Jiang Nuannuan's steps froze for a moment, and then she sped up and ran in the corridor. Water droplets rolled down the fresh lilies, soaking the edges of her thin shirt.

The doctor issued a critical illness notice, and his voice was clear and ruthless.

He said: "We really have no choice but to use all the machines we need. We have organ failure and serious cardiac rejection. We said early on that there was little hope of success. It's only happened in the past two days. I still recommend that you do it." Be prepared to stop tormenting the patient and sometimes it is better to let him go with dignity."

Mrs. Zhai didn't believe it. She looked inside through the glass and said with a trembling voice: "Can't you see? He is in such a good state of mind today and has eaten a lot. He can eat now. He is obviously turning around." good."

The doctor was silent for a moment, "In popular parlance, this is called the return of light. I hope you can understand. After all, judging from various indicators, Young Master Zhai is indeed in bad condition."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the man in the ward through the glass window.

He was awake today. He was looking at a poplar tree outside the window and didn't know what he was thinking. His temperament was still clean and gentle, his finger bones were resting lightly on the quilt, and his blue blood vessels were protruding, glowing with a faint paleness.

Mrs. Zhai still didn't want to accept the fact. She had protected his body for so long, she had done everything from superstition to science, and she ended up like this in the end.

Her wrinkled hands were pressed against the window, full of grief: "I have been praying to Buddha all my life, donated the most expensive incense in the temple, and asked the most powerful god to bless him. Why should I still take away my poor grandson?" .”

Belief in the gods seems to be of no use, they still want to deprive her of her favorite relatives.

Jiang Nuannuan moved her lips, but finally said nothing. She opened the door to the ward and went in with Lily in her arms to isolate the sound.

Hearing the noise, Zhai Heng turned his head, saw her with a pair of calm eyes, and softened, "I thought you were gone."

"Where can I go?" Jiang Nuannuan replaced some of the flowers that had fallen off. When he threw the flowers away, his gaze fell on her tenderly.

Zhai Heng said: "Go home."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes glazed over for a moment, then turned around, "Huh?"

He smiled, stretched out his hand and patted the edge of the bed, "Sit with me for a while."

She walked back and sat down on the bed.

Zhai Heng turned around and opened the bedside table on the other side, took out a velvet box and opened it.

"I've wanted to wear it for you for a long time." He looked at her and said with a smile, "Give me a special case today?"

He also knew that he was about to die, so he smiled and begged her to do one last thing.

Jiang Nuannuan's nose was sore and she pursed her lower lip. She casually wiped her hand still wet with dew on the corner of her clothes and stretched it out, "Put it on for me."

Holding her hand with his cool palm, the man carefully put the gold ring on her with a solemn expression.

The couple's ring was custom-made using her finger circumference, and it fits well now.

Zhai Heng himself was wearing the same style. He rubbed her hand and said with a smile, "It's really good."

He raised his eyes to look at her and sighed, "When I met you before, you were little and lively, and loved to play with me."

Jiang Nuannuan sat next to him and leaned on his shoulder, "You lied to me and said we didn't know each other before."

"I don't know what happened after that." He tilted his head, pressed his cheek against her temples, and said warmly: "You have completely changed into a different person, and you said a lot of unpleasant things to me."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flashed slightly, "I don't remember what bad things I said."

(End of this chapter)

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