Chapter 351 Let You Go

Zhai Heng thought for a while, "I don't want to say it." He couldn't say it either. He thought that the thing in her body that instructed her to do these bad things was listening. What if she didn't go back to see him.

He didn't want to gamble on that possibility, he wanted her to come.

System 66 was indeed suspicious, "Is he talking about you, or the original Jiang Nuannuan? There is something really wrong with this supporting role."

Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes slightly and held his hand tightly. "Okay, let's not talk about it. Let's talk about something else. Do you remember that bank card? You gave it to me during the Chinese New Year. I'll check it. I couldn’t see the balance inside, and I was dazzled by the few zeros.”

Originally, Zhai Heng thought that if she stayed here, the money would ensure that she would have enough food and clothing for the rest of her life, but then he heard her murmuring with that thing beside the bed, and he understood that when she returned to this place, she was still only in his Be a passer-by in this world.

She couldn't take the money with her, and she couldn't use it.

"Do you think it's a lot? This is the only thing I can leave you." Zhai Heng suppressed the slight melancholy in his eyes and said with a smile: "If you really don't want it, just give it to Zhai Lin. He is now carrying the burden of the company. , will take care of the money."

Zhai Lin had indeed taken the bank card from Jiang Nuannuan's hand and would only tell him when his condition eased.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, her eyes filled with moisture, "I'm sorry, I can't save you."

"No." Zhai Heng tilted his head, kissed her forehead gently, and said warmly: "You have saved me, but I am really unwilling to do so."

He wanted to give himself a chance.

It's a pity that something always stands in the way, trying to arrange his fate.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his neck and buried herself in his neck, truly feeling sorry for him.

Tears soaked his collar, and Zhai Heng gently stroked her long hair along her back.

In fact, he wanted to gamble again.

If we destroy this world, can we get hope for another life?

The choice is hers, whether she understands it or not.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know yet at this time. She only knew that he was at the end of his rope and had reached the end of death.

She said hoarsely: "Does your body hurt?"

"I've taken the medicine and I don't feel any pain." Zhai Heng leaned on the bedside and asked her how she was doing, "You didn't choose any of those people in the end, right?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Yes."

He held up her face, wiped away her tears with his fingertips, and said warmly, "My guess was absolutely correct, you heartless little girl."

He never thought that she was affectionate or affectionate towards anyone, and only used the word "heartless" to sum up everything she had done in the past two years.

His fingertips were moist, he sipped it, and said with a smile: "This feeling is real."

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but shrink into his arms, "Please hug me again."

"It's time to hug her more. We won't have a chance in the future." He put his arms around her shoulders. Even though he was the one who was going to die, his palms with protruding veins still comforted the girl in his arms.

The room became quiet, the air-conditioned cold air blew slowly, the leaves of the poplar branches outside the window swayed and rustled, and the sunlight passed through the window and spread all over the floor at the end of the bed.

Mrs. Zhai didn't come in to disturb her, she just covered her mouth and cried silently, feeling terrible pain in her heart.

After a long while, she turned around and said to the bodyguard guarding the door: "No one can go in and disturb him today. Whatever he wants inside, he will give it to him."

She, a white-haired person, would eventually have to take care of the rest of the funeral arrangements.

Jiang Nuannuan stayed here until the evening, borrowed the kitchen in the suite, asked the bodyguard to buy vegetables, and cooked a dinner by herself.

Unfortunately something unexpected happened on the way.

Not long after her meal was ready, Zhai Heng suddenly vomited blood on the bed, and doctors rushed in to keep her out for rescue.

Scarlet blood bloomed like flowers on his chest and throat. The pain was so unbearable that he just frowned and looked at her uneasily. His lips moved slightly: "Don't look."

Jiang Nuannuan clenched her fists and forced a smile at him. Until the curtain blocked her sight, she slowly lowered her head and leaned against the wall.

The medical equipment was beeping non-stop, and a large amount of medicine was injected into his body. Some special medicines could not last long. With the epinephrine used at the end of his life, Zhai Heng felt that the time had not come yet.He could make it through today.

The strong obsession caused his physical symptoms to gradually stabilize as the medicine took effect.

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief and put down the last-minute cardiac injection.

Who knows how long he can live, maybe one day, maybe tomorrow.

After the nursing staff cleaned up the blood on his body, put on clean clothes and covered him with a quilt, he opened the curtain.

Jiang Nuannuan had been standing outside waiting, and when she saw Zhai Heng again, he was covered in cracks, as if he would break if touched, and a gray color lingered around him.

Smelling the faint smell of disinfectant and blood in the air, she suppressed her mental trembling and approached him.

He was still awake, but his eyes were green, which was unusually abrupt on his snow-white face.

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand and pushed away the broken hair from his forehead, "I'm so happy that we meet again."

Zhai Heng moved the corners of his lower lips, raised a slight arc, and said with difficulty: "I can't eat now, so you waste all your time."

"It won't be wasted. I can make it for you again anytime." Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and kissed his oxygen mask. Tears fell unexpectedly and hit his face.

"Don't cry." Zhai Heng raised his hand with great effort and pressed the end of her eyes, but it was like a flood that was opening. He couldn't hold it back. The tears kept rolling down, flowing down his fingertips into the palm of his hand. , the warm touch made him feel bad.

"Why are you still crying?" Zhai Heng sighed helplessly, "What do you think I should do?"

He couldn't bear to leave her even more.

Jiang Nuannuan buried her face in his palm, "I don't know, I just feel sorry for you."

Zhai Heng touched her moist cheek and said softly: "Don't be sorry, you gave me the best thing."

At nightfall, he was obviously tired, but he still insisted on staying with her.

Jiang Nuannuan knew that she had to let him sleep for a while, and she couldn't interfere with him here.

She said with deep reluctance: "I'll come back early tomorrow morning. You can take a nap. It's already very late."

Zhai Heng tapped his chin and held her wrist before she left, "This."

He slid his fingertips down and touched the gold ring she was wearing, "Take it off."

Jiang Nuannuan was startled, "Can't I go back wearing it?"

He forced a smile and said, "It's not suitable, just keep it."

She doesn't need it and can't take it away, so there's no need to force it to stay.

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lower lip hard and built a wall of copper and iron on the inside and outside of her heart before she took off the ring and put it into his palm.

"Okay, go back." He said gently, knowing that she would not come again.


"Good night."

Zhai Heng raised the corners of his lips, as gentle and beautiful as when he first saw her, "Good night."

Jiang Nuannuan gathered her mood, turned around and walked out.

He turned his head and looked directly at the snow-white door, which completely covered her figure and made a soft click sound.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

I'm really not reconciled.

(End of this chapter)

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