Chapter 352: All members’ goals achieved
Jiang Nuannuan walked faster and faster, and when she went to take the elevator downstairs around the corner, she accidentally bumped into someone.

Zhai Lin was knocked back and took two steps back. His gloomy face showed signs of depression. When he glanced down, all the bad emotions disappeared in an instant.

He held her arm, "Nuan Nuan?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her face, her eyes red.

Before Zhai Lin could ask, she opened her arms and put them around his waist, burying her whole body inside.

"Why did you come here?"

The extremely aggrieved voice made Zhai Lin feel so soft-hearted.

He raised his arms helplessly and stayed in the air for a few seconds, as if he had just gotten used to her active dependence and hug, holding her tightly in his arms.

"My brother has been ill for a long time. There are a lot of things in the company, so I am busy until now."

Jiang Nuannuan said in a low voice: "I came to see him today. I originally wanted to talk about the bank card, but when I saw that he had just been rescued from in front of me, I was frightened."

Zhai Lin patted her back, trying to make his voice sound as soft and soothing as Zhai Heng's, "I know, the doctor has told me the situation, I will send you home first."

"No need." Jiang Nuannuan raised her face and shook her head, "I drove here by myself. You go in and accompany him first."

Zhai Lin touched the side of her neck and said, "Then I will ask the driver to drive you in your car."

Her eyes were swollen from crying. He was worried about her safety on the road. Jiang Nuannuan still shook her head, "Then I'll go downstairs and sit for a while. I want to leave later."

Zhai Lin's eyes flickered and he touched her face, "Okay."

He watched her leave, feeling soft in the secret corner of his heart.

He knew she was coming to clarify their relationship.

In the ward.

Zhai Heng was still asleep, his tired eyes were half-closed, and he said with difficulty: "Have everything been taken care of?"

"Well, follow what you taught me." Zhai Lin sat down next to the bed, wearing a dark blue suit and plaid tie, and his deliberately groomed appearance looked like it had sharp and exposed edges.

The unruly powder keg has become humanoid in front of others.

The anger hidden in his eyes would be highlighted here, and he said disdainfully: "There are a few wild dogs that can't bite, even if you put sharp claws on them, it's useless."

"It's better this time." He sneered: "Not only did I expel them according to your request, I also bit off my parents' necks and cut off all the supply channels of their two overseas companies. You already knew They use our goods to operate outside and secretly take your money to feed these dogs."

Zhai Heng slightly raised the corners of his lips, "Dogs that don't bite are pets. It's okay to keep them there for viewing. If they are obedient, you can just turn a blind eye and invest some money to keep them." "

Zhai Lin sat upright and tightened his hands on his legs, "When did you know about their affair?"

One of the two brothers was obviously crazy, the other was secretly crazy. He didn't believe that Zhai Heng had known about his parents' cheating and could be as stable as he is now.

Zhai Heng thought for a moment and his eyes were a little lost, "About 20 years old, school age."

Zhai Lin: "You didn't have a good temper back then, so why didn't you kill them?"

He recalled that he and Fu Ying were in school during that time. Zhai Heng had a violent temper because he was diagnosed with heart failure. He dropped out of school and went to a hospital outside to recuperate. His mother stayed with him for a while.

After returning to Linggang, his character calmed down until today.

Everyone thought he had changed his temper because of illness.

Zhai Heng raised his hand with the needle, imagining the moment when he held the scissors but was snatched away, and said softly: "It was just a little bit close."

He put down his hand and tilted his head, "Later I thought there was no need to involve myself. It would be troublesome to deal with human lives, and the elderly at home would also be sad."

Zhai Lin was silent. If it were him, his hands would indeed be stained with blood regardless of it.

He mocked, "Two losers who think from the bottom of their bodies."

Zhai Heng reminded him, "Don't go crazy. Do you understand me?"

They all have people to protect, how could Zhai Lin not understand what he meant.

His throat was dry, and he suppressed the lost look in his eyes, "It's better if you die, so that Jiang Nuannuan won't have to call you big brother in the future and stab your fragile heart a few more times."

Zhai Heng raised his eyebrows slightly with a teasing expression, but he also gently helped Jiang Nuannuan hide it and did not expose his brother's dream.There was no hint of jealousy in his tone, and he said calmly: "It's up to you to let her go with you. I have nothing to rob her of."

Zhai Lin opened his lips and said after a long while: "Just try your best and stay alive."

Zhai Heng looked at the ceiling and whispered: "Continue hiding in this lingering body? I'm tired."

"It's late, I want to take a nap."

"Go back and take care of your home."

Zhai Lin closed the door and walked to the bed in the corridor. He pressed his temples with his fingers and took a deep breath.

He took out the lollipop in his pocket, and with trembling fingertips, he tore open the wrapping paper several times and put the candy into his mouth.

He frowned.

That's weird.

The sugar I brought today has no sweetness at all, it is bitter and astringent.

After chewing the candy, he stood upstairs and saw the girl sitting on the bench in the hospital garden. The lamp next to the chair was surrounded by insects and flies.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Zhai Lin sat down next to her.

She tilted her head and leaned on his shoulder, "Waiting for you, is Zhai Heng asleep?"

Zhai Lin responded, "I just went to bed, I should be fine tonight."

He held her hand and said, "Are you crying because you sympathize with him? Your eyes are very swollen."

"I still feel guilty." Jiang Nuannuan hugged his arm, "I went to tell everyone about everything, but I couldn't bear to tell him."

Zhai Lin's breathing slowed down and his heart started to beat loudly. "Then what?"

"Let's be together." Jiang Nuannuan put her fingers into the seams of his palms and held them tightly. "I gave everyone an explanation and a promise to you. I did it."

Zhai Lin's pupils widened slightly and he lowered his eyes to look at her, "Is this a comfort?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Do you think it is?"

She was answered with a hug.

He turned to her side and hugged her tightly, "We are making it public."

Jiang Nuannuan stroked his back, "Okay, will this make you feel better?"

"Yes." Zhai Lin lowered his head and buried it in the back of her neck.

He would feel less guilty towards Zhai Heng, because they were in love and he didn't rob him.

Jiang Nuannuan comforted him: "You can tell the people that we are finally together. He should be looking forward to this. After all, he has done a lot of bad things with you."

Hearing this, Zhai Lin had a smile on his face, "You all know."

"Is it hard to see?" Jiang Nuannuan replied with a smile: "It's all on his face."

"Well, because I like it so much." Zhai Lin kissed her shoulder and promised her in a low voice, "I will actively treat you and won't get sick easily. You can rest assured to be with me."

"I know." Jiang Nuannuan said warmly: "I will always be a kind philanthropist from now on, no matter what."

System 66: "Alipay has received 5000 million, Zhai Lin's favorability is 100%, the goal has been achieved, and the transfer is ready."

Jiang Nuannuan: "Give me some more time."

The weekend is destined to be an extraordinary day.

Jiang Nuannuan got up from Gu Tingyan's arms, specially selected the new suit and tie she bought for him, and buttoned them herself.

"It's rare for you to stay in bed today." The man glanced at his watch, which read 06:30 in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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