Chapter 353 Outbreak
Jiang Nuannuan yawned, helped him get dressed, and leaned into his arms again, "Have you forgotten what day it is today? You can't dress more formally."

Gu Tingyan took her waist and said, "Shall I wait for you to go with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "Spare me, I still have to do my hair and change clothes, it will take two hours, just let the nanny take me there."

"Okay, I'll go over first." Gu Tingyan kissed her forehead.

He made an appointment with the media to disclose their relationship at 10 am.

Gu Shizhou asked her if her luggage was packed and what time she would pick her up today.

Jiang Nuannuan also replied to the message asking him to post on Weibo at 10 o'clock and then pick her up.

Fei Jinzhao knew that she liked to sleep in on weekends, so he made an appointment with her as early as last night to take her to the Civil Affairs Bureau at 10 o'clock.

He arrived at the company early this morning. He Hui watched him take out his notebook from his briefcase, and accidentally saw the household registration book and ring box sliding out of the corner.

She joked: "Boss, you bring a red notebook and a ring to work. Are you going to marry Miss Jiang today?"

Unexpectedly, Fei Jinzhao didn't deny it at all, and nodded slightly, "Well, I'll take leave to get married today."

He Hui was stunned, her pupils dilated, and she said subconsciously: "Congratulations, you must have got what you wanted."

Fei Jinzhao, who didn't like to smile, rarely raised the corners of his lips in front of her and said thank you in a warm voice.

Immediately, with her words, everyone in the company knew that he was getting married, and the person he wanted to marry was Jiang Nuannuan. Instead of the carefree top actor, she chose their taciturn flower of the high mountain.

He Hui sighed, "Mr. Jiang really listened to what I said. Marrying our boss is much better than marrying Gu Shizhou."

Zhai Lin didn't have to worry about much today. Zhai Heng was on his deathbed. The doctor injected him with a dose of epinephrine, and his whole family stayed with him in the hospital.

Mrs. Zhai was very worried and cried, "How about I ask the Jiang girl to accompany you? Do you want to see her again?"

Zhai Lin's eyes darkened, his lips pursed, trying to control his emotions, "I asked her to come."

Zhai Heng shook his head, "I don't want to see her."

What is he like now?It must have been terribly ugly, and he didn't want to make her cry.

He said softly: "I want to meet the Gu family brothers and the Fei family's illegitimate children."

Mrs. Zhai didn't understand why he wanted to see these irrelevant people at the last moment, but she still complied with his wish and said sadly: "I will go find them. I will go and invite them myself."

Jiang Nuannuan bypassed the nanny car that picked her up and went to the studio to find a lawyer to sign the documents.

Since she couldn't take anything with her, she packed up all her property and gave it to Fei Jinzhao.

But she suddenly thought of a question and asked 66: "What should I do with this body? Will anyone else take my place?"

System 66: "No, I will recycle you. You are no longer suitable to exist here. Judging from the heroine's script, it should be that after the three separate missionaries and the male protagonists achieve their goals together, the integrated world will be restored. Normal, split into separate small worlds, continue moving forward without interfering with each other.”

"But our current problem is that there are external intervention missions. I was deceived. You were forced to become the protagonist and took on three missions at the same time. I can only take you away first and then go to them to settle accounts. How to deal with it later is up to you. It has nothing to do with you host."

"I will give you a gift to enter a small world for psychological intervention to ensure that you go home with 100 billion in good physical and mental health."

Jiang Nuannuan was relieved, "But you said that I am dead in my world, what should I do?"

System 66: "The recycled body will be put into your world together with your soul. Your original body will be recycled, and you will have a new identity and start a happy life."

Originally, she was a social animal and her life was not very good.

Now that she has a beautiful skin and 100 billion, Jiang Nuannuan has received enough compensation, but her heart inevitably feels empty.

She brushed her hair, came out of the studio, and strolled to the nearby Linggang River Bridge.

It had been so long since she had stood on the bridge alone and looked at the scenery.

She put her hands on the railing, rested her chin on the crook of her arm, and let the breeze caress her hair. Her eyes were unfocused and she was looking into the distance, slightly in a trance.

System 66: "Transport now?" Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "Wait a little longer."

It was almost 10 o'clock and there was still no sign of Jiang Nuannuan. The nanny car didn't pick up anyone. The driver couldn't wait to rush upstairs and found the makeup artist and stylist packing their things.

He was stunned, "Miss Jiang has left?"

The makeup artist shook her head, "She wasn't there when we came. She only gave us the home password and asked us to stay here until we leave at 10 o'clock."

They were not arranged by Gu Tingyan. They were the styling team hired by Jiang Nuannuan. Naturally, everything was arranged by their employer.

The driver felt something was wrong. It was almost ten o'clock now!It will definitely be late for the press conference.

He quickly turned around and walked out while calling Gu Tingyan.

Gu Shizhou was about to knock on the door when the door opened from the inside. Before he could question Jiang Nuannuan, he was choked by the rugged-looking driver in a suit in front of him.

He frowned and changed his words, "Who are you?"

The phone in the driver's hand was connected, and Gu Tingyan happened to hear it over there. His voice suddenly deepened, "It's Gu Shizhou? What is he here for?"

The driver also felt strange and confused.

He didn't know what to say. He organized his speech for a while before deciding to report first, "I didn't find Miss Jiang at home, and her makeup team didn't style her. She seems to be missing."

Gu Shizhou's expression changed, and he suddenly pushed him away and strode inside.

The driver called him from behind, "Second Master!"

On the other end, Gu Tingyan's cell phone also hung up. He suddenly stood up from his chair and hurriedly left the venue under the glare of the media. His aura was as cold as winter.

Everyone was whispering to each other, wondering what the emergency was.

They all know that the theme this time is the public love affair between Jiang Nuannuan and Mr. Gu of the Gu Group, but
people! ?
"Look at your cell phone! Damn it! What's going on! Who is the person in charge of Qiao Lin Jewelry dating?"

The media suddenly burst into surprise again, and gasps came and went.

The bedroom door was pushed open suddenly by Gu Shizhou.

He came to the closet and opened it, looking at the intact ladies' dresses and suits. He clenched his fists, the veins on his forehead popped out, and his peach blossom eyes set off a storm. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, you are really good. And Lie to me! Liar!”

Talking about packing your luggage is just a pretense.

He was so angry that he punched the closet door. The wooden door rattled and splattered debris, and blood rolled down his joints.

Gu Shizhou just posted a Weibo message 3 minutes ago.

A picture of the tattoo under his collarbone, and he liked Jiang Nuannuan.

Now when he called her, her number was blocked, and she disappeared from the world. She played around with him, took out a piece of his sincerity, threw it to the ground and crushed it!
She shouldn't have betrayed him.

She shouldn't have done this.

How can she do this.

The man's eyes were scarlet, and he laughed in anger, "Where do you think you can hide? If I catch you again, your legs will be broken."

He turned around and left, with such a terrifying look that the driver standing in the living room did not dare to breathe, and silently followed him outside.

By coincidence, Fei Jinzhao, who had also made an appointment at ten o'clock, was wearing a clean white shirt and black trousers. The moment the elevator door opened, she looked into the eyes of the ferocious-looking Gu Shizhou.

Their eyes met and sparks flew.

Gu Shizhou held the elevator door and said in a very bad manner: "Let me guess, did she say the same thing to you? You also have a tattoo? Also on your chest?"

(Words: Explode, little universes!!)

(End of this chapter)

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