Chapter 354 Last Words
Fei Jinzhao looked cold, held his arm with one hand, opened it, and walked out sideways.

He entered the half-closed room and received the same answer from the last makeup artist who had not yet left.

News, publicity, girlfriend.
The maroon pupils turned gray in an instant, like dead wood, and he mechanically raised his hand to dial the number he had memorized.

"Hello, the person you dialed has switched off their phone."

The mobile news automatically popped up the news that actor Gu Shizhou announced the good news of dating with his girlfriend with the surname Jiang tattooed on his chest.

His girlfriend, who wanted to marry him, deceived several people at the same time, thus overturning love again and turning it into nothing.

Fei Jinzhao looked like a puppet. He walked out of the house and couldn't even get an answer from someone who asked for an explanation.

He looked at Gu Shizhou, who was leaning against the wall, and his voice was as smooth as dead water, "I don't have a tattoo, it was she who promised me to get married."


A lie that is even more egregious than living together is worse than him.

Gu Shizhou suddenly smiled, and the back of his bleeding hand touched the tip of his nose, stained with a bright red, "She is really mean, isn't she."

In the past, Fei Jinzhao was the most protective of her in front of others, but now he tapped his chin lightly, his heart was being pulled hard, and he was almost unable to stand due to the blow.


She's so mean.


The elevator doors open and close.

Fei Jinzhao walked into the bridge box with an expressionless face.

Jiang Nuannuan forcibly destroyed the love he had built up in his heart, and then filled it with poison, hoping to make him full of holes.

She did it.

He will rot.

He heard the soul still struggling, shouting desperately from the voice, "Do you know where she went? Who she chose."

Gu Shizhou stood beside him with a cold eyebrow, "I don't know, if I knew, would I still be here?"

He didn't even understand why she wanted to fool him. Even if she wanted to embrace someone else's only love, she shouldn't deceive everyone when making a decision.

He touched the chest where his name had just been tattooed through his shirt, and mocked: "It really hurts when the needle pierces the injected color countless times."

After hearing his words, Fei Jinzhao blinked slightly, feeling a little confused.

The road behind was dark, and the lights on the road ahead were out. He stopped where he was, and finally fell from the gaping abyss.

Mrs. Zhai's calls came to their mobile phones one after another.

Gu Tingyan, who came out of the venue, also received it.

Zhai Heng was about to die, and he had a few last words to say to them in his last moments.

The tall and straight man stood beside the open car door, and he suddenly understood something at this moment.

He calmly said to Li Assistant who was on the phone to mobilize manpower: "There is no need to ask people to find him now."

Li Zhu's voice stopped suddenly, and he heard his boss's cold voice say: "Go directly to the hospital."

The media left behind saw the explosive news posted by Gu Shizhou on Weibo, but there has been no reply from Jiang Nuannuan yet.

They felt that this Miss Jiang was really the most ruthless person among ruthless people.

The two Gu brothers who were deceived made their relationship public with her at the same time, because they thought their lives were not long enough.

Linggang Hospital.

Everyone was kicked out by Mrs. Zhai, even Zhai Heng's parents were not spared.

There were only a few young bosses who controlled the economic lifeline of Linggang standing in the ward.

Everyone is here, which means that she didn't leave with anyone, but just like that, suddenly disappeared.

Gu Shizhou thought about dispelling Jiang Nuannuan's doubts about running away with one of them, but this made his mood even worse. Jiang Nuannuan's temper was like a soul changing its shell. He knew it, which made him feel that the truth was far more than what he thought. So simple.

As I said before, she only seeks affection and has a certain purpose to gain their affection. What does this mean now?Retreat after success.

This feeling is too obvious. She got everyone's commitment and affection, and then retired.

So he asked Zhai Heng: "Do you know anything, where is Jiang Nuannuan?"

When Zhai Lin heard this, he immediately became restless, "What do you mean? Where did Jiang Nuannuan go?" Gu Shizhou looked at him with sinister peach blossom eyes, "What do you mean? She said she wanted to live with me, so I came to Bishui Bay today to pick her up. Home, guess what I heard."

He glanced at Fei Jinzhao and Gu Tingyan respectively, and said mockingly: "On the same day, she planned to go public with my brother to the media, and went to the Civil Affairs Bureau with Fei Jinzhao to get the certificate. Oh, she has taken all the good things in the world by herself. dont you agree."

After Zhai Lin digested what he meant, he frowned and turned on his cell phone, which he hadn't used all morning.

Entertainment news popped up one by one in the form of an explosion. Every headline was extremely eye-catching, and every word pierced his eyes.

His handsome face, which was originally peaceful, suddenly became as ferocious as the man-eating Yama.

Not long ago, Jiang Nuannuan agreed to be with him, but it turns out he agreed to more than one person.

The violent emotion of being betrayed suddenly broke out. Zhai Lin's uncontrollable temper instantly caused the phone to suffer disaster and fell to pieces on the ground.

The smashing in the ward made Mrs. Zhai worried for a moment, but the door was locked from the inside according to Zhai Heng's request. For a while, she couldn't get in, and she didn't know the content of their chat.

The young man on the hospital bed had a weak breath. Looking at several love rivals who were depressed and had the same goal, the corners of his lips could still smile. "It seems that she has played a naughty trick on all of you."

Gu Tingyan pressed her thin lips slightly and said coldly: "It's time for you to give me the answer. What do you know?"

Jiang Nuannuan was kidnapped before and she didn't know whether she was alive or dead. He always remembered what Zhai Heng said in the hospital, and he also understood that she had ridiculous problems, so the confession on the hot air balloon begged her to stay, asking for her soul. .

But ultimately, the truth remains unclear.

Zhai Heng also wanted to fight for this last chance.

他 说:

"A perfect puppet show requires the skill of manipulating people. Sometimes the script is not good, the stage music is played too fast, people's hearts collide with each other, hundreds or even thousands of suspended threads are tangled together, the puppets are turned upside down, and the play is a complete mess."

He pulled out the needle that was still inserted into the back of his hand, and blood spurted out.

Zhai Lin's pupils shrank, "Brother!"

Zhai Heng wanted to remove the fate that was entangled in his body, and he would remove the hanging threads as decisively as removing a needle.

He raised his arm, rotated his wrist flexibly, and showed a relaxed smile, "The silk threads on the puppets are messed up. Someone has to straighten them out, make them behave, and then return to the arms of the operator to start a new game. The new play is about the life, the love, the character, and the behavior that I don’t like.”

"Nuan Nuan is responsible for sorting out people and straightening out the entangled people?" Zhai Heng's words were uncertain, "It doesn't seem right. She only entangled our relationship more closely. Maybe she was manipulating people. asked the question and gave wrong instructions?”

"Then what is the world in which we exist?"

Zhai Heng stared at the ceiling for a long time, then whispered, "Did you write it down?"

Zhai Lin was suddenly stunned.

Gu Shizhou was the first to laugh, his peach blossom eyes narrowed dangerously, "That makes sense, but is it really outrageous? Your last words were actually this."

Gu Tingyan's pupils tightened.

Because of his character, he would not tolerate cheating on a married woman, and because of his behavior, he would not find a substitute. For the first half of his life, he seemed to have been a puppet being manipulated, acting out a specific script. A life that lasts for ten years.

He clenched his fists.

Someone suddenly tells you one day that the beginning of life is set with pen and paper. In fact, it may not be like this. Fei Jinzhao doesn't know what to think.

His past has been restricted in development, and good luck has never befallen him. If suffering is arranged, grandma's death is arranged, and being deprived of all happiness is all for the perfect performance of the play. Deliberately arranged.

So what ending does the audience want to see?

It is nothing more than growing up from adversity, and the man who grows up against the odds finally succeeds.

So he is successful now, also because of some manipulation?

Jiang Nuannuan has always stood firmly by his side, telling him that he will get better. If she had known about his future earlier, she knew that all developments would go as she wished.

He thought she should be rotten, why should he do what the world wants her to do?

Wouldn't it be better to destroy it?
Fei Jinzhao's expression changed, and a light haze enveloped his body.

Gu Shizhou smiled evilly, "We are just puppets in other people's hands. It's really disgusting. We should cut it with scissors, right?"

Zhai Lin was the one who knew the most vague truths. His uncontrollable anger filled his head, making it impossible for him to calm down and think.

Zhai Heng's eyes became more and more blurry and dim. After a while, the effect of the cardiotonic shot was about to wear off. His heartbeat became weaker and weaker, and his lips moved, "There is also a manipulator behind Jiang Nuannuan."

So doing all this was not her intention.

"Don't blame her."

Gu Tingyan leaned over and said, "If she is destined to disappear according to what you said, how can she come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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