Chapter 355 The Past
Zhai Heng's face faded, his vocal cords could no longer produce any tone, only his lips moved slightly.


Destroy the originally planned play, break all moral bottom lines, and make the ending unknown.

Except for him, a supporting character, he believes that they are all protagonists, and the protagonist can make the world decay.

If the manipulator doesn't want the perfect show to be ruined, he will make a choice. Jiang Nuannuan has the weight he gave him and the conditions for negotiation.

This was the only chance he could earn, betting that she would save him.

The wrist on the edge of the bed lost the last bit of support and dropped.

Zhai Heng half-closed his eyes, and the last layer of light in his pupils disappeared, like a heavy fog.

The thin thread connecting the beads broke, and the black sandalwood beads rolled to the ground.

He goes into cardiac arrest.

Zhai Lin pushed Gu Tingyan away, crawled on his thin body, and growled, "Brother!"

The ward door opened from the outside, people rushed in, and cries filled the ceiling.

At the age of 29, Zhai Heng died.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at the rolling river under the bridge and threw down her turned off mobile phone. The voices of passersby were all talking about today's headline gossip, the king of melons.

The instigator himself said calmly: "Take me away66."

The woman with the swaying skirt disappeared on the spot, and no one noticed her, as if she had never been there.

In the chaos, Jiang Nuannuan heard the sound of hot water gurgling in the kitchen, and the air was filled with the faint aroma of rice.

She seemed to be sinking into the soft quilt, feeling so comfortable that she couldn't get excited.

Faintly, the voice of System 66 came, "Fuck!"

Startled, Jiang Nuannuan woke up suddenly and turned over to sit up.

"What's wrong."

The sound coming out of her mouth was soft.

She suddenly stopped speaking.

System 66's phantom limb touched her face, "The randomly placed small worlds are all thrown into the original script. You are still you, but the timeline has been in the past, before the main text has begun."

Jiang Nuannuan lifted the quilt and got out of bed, feeling as if she was shorter.

She walked into the bathroom with bare feet and saw the young version of Jiang Nuannuan in the mirror.

She is about fourteen or fifteen years old, with shoulder-length black and straight hair, and a pair of watery almond eyes that show how beautiful she will look when she grows up, pure and childish.

She said tentatively: "Am I still the daughter of the Jiang family?"

System 66 corrected, "The most beloved daughter."

This timeline is still several years away from the discovery that she is a fake.

"In short." 66 said: "They love you most during this time. Don't do anything and enjoy your time in this small town."

She stood on the balcony. The courtyard downstairs was full of sycamore trees. In the slightly narrow alley in the distance, there were more than a dozen small cart stalls selling breakfast and recycling old mobile phones and home appliances. Everyone was dressed simply and had a strong sense of life.

This is indeed not a luxurious Linggang.

The nanny's call came from outside the door, "Come down for dinner, Nuannuan."

During breakfast, Jiang Nuannuan figured out the situation.

Her parents are working hard in Linggang with her brother Jiang Yan, and will take her to Linggang when the situation stabilizes. Now she is still going to school in a small county outside, and is cared for by a nanny that her family paid a lot of money to take care of.

She gnawed on the egg pancake and understood what was going on.

Why did Jiang's mother say that she had never seen her in contact with Zhai Heng? Why did Zhai Heng act like he had known her since childhood?

They basically met here.

Destined to meet.

Jiang Nuannuan's expression was subtle, "Do I have to go to school today?"

The nanny said kindly, "What are you kidding? It's just summer vacation." "That's it." Jiang Nuannuan wiped her hands and said with a smile, "I understand."

It seems that she will be able to see 20-year-old Zhai Heng soon, and she is looking forward to it.

On the stone benches in the residents' courtyard, the elderly gathered around to play chess with teacups in hand. Everyone saw Jiang Nuannuan, who was soft and tender with pigtails, coming out, and someone stuffed a toffee into her hand.

"Nuan Nuan had a fight with Yan Sen yesterday, and I rushed to coax him again today."

The joking words reminded Jiang Nuannuan of Ji Yansen, a childhood sweetheart who later cheated on Jiang Meng.

She curved the corners of her mouth and showed her white teeth, "No, are there new people moving into the compound today? Or they have already moved in."

"Hey, you overheard me just now. Your ears are so sharp." The kind old man scratched her nose and said to her: "I heard that he is a rich man from a big city and rented a house here. Come and play for a while during the summer vacation, Lao Lin said the rent is generous."

Jiang Nuannuan ate the candy and nodded, "Oh, I got it."

She wasn't completely sure, but she almost thought it was Zhai Heng.

The weather was hot, so she went to the canteen and bought two bottles of ice soda, moved a small bench to sit under a sycamore tree.

Just wait here.

Wait for him to come.

If you take a good look at his young appearance, he is probably much more energetic than when he grows up.

As she thought about it, her lips curved and her smile became sweeter.

According to the past, whenever Ji Yansen quarreled with Jiang Nuannuan, she would definitely come to coax him and buy him popsicles and ice cream. Their friendship could be reconciled as before with his reluctant nod the next day.

But he waited at home today after breakfast, and when the sun set, he had finished most of his homework, and he didn't wait until his mother said that the little girl came to see him.

He was agitated, lost his pen and walked to the balcony to see what she was doing opposite.

The sunlight was slanting, and the curtains on the small balcony planted with roses were closed today, so no one could be seen.

Ji Yansen frowned and lowered his head, looking around and fixating on the girl under the sycamore leaves.

She held her chin, her back was thin, and half of her face was immersed in the sun. She was extremely beautiful.

Ji Yansen knew that he was concerned about his reputation, so he allowed this little trouble to follow him all day long. Today she stopped following him, and he felt scratches all over his body, always feeling like something was wrong.

I was preparing to cook dinner at home, but I happened to run out of soy sauce.

It was a rare occasion for the boy to go to the kitchen to take a job, "I'll go buy it."

He ran downstairs holding five dollars. When he saw the girl at close range, he puffed up his chest pretending to be arrogant and prepared to pass in front of her.

In his default scenario, she would definitely catch up with him, admit her mistake, and then reluctantly nod and reconcile as before when she came back.

In fact, Jiang Nuannuan didn't even look at him walking past.

Her almond-shaped eyes were staring directly across the small flower bed, looking at the large truck parked downstairs of her unit.

A few workers were unloading a batch of high-end furniture, which was completely different from the high-end design models in small counties. Just looking at it from a distance, many people were talking about it.

A car came in shortly after.

The lady with a frown on her face got out of the car, looked at the whole hospital with critical eyes, and then said something to the people in the car behind her.

Can't hear clearly.

But Jiang Nuannuan saw the long-legged young man stepping out of the car.

Wearing a pressed shirt and casual trousers, short golden hair, fair face, cross earrings, and a clear and handsome face with an expressionless face, extremely indifferent.

Um? ?

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her eyes vigorously, feeling that she opened them in the wrong way.

How does that look like Zhai Lin’s configuration?

Opening his eyes again, Zhai Heng's face exposed to the sun was completely turned around. The face with superior bones and brown pupils were still different from Zhai Lin's conspicuous gray.

A young man without any gentle temperament is indeed the younger version of Zhai Heng.

How can they be two complete extremes?

(Words: There will be a longer chapter later to cover Zhai Heng’s past, to fill in the pit I buried, and to make up for his extremely low appearance rate. If you don’t want to cue him, you can wait for a few days.)
(End of this chapter)

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