Chapter 356 Cola
She held the bottle of Coke that was already warm, watched his eyes pass over her calmly, turned around and walked towards the corridor.

Subconsciously, Jiang Nuannuan raised her foot and followed her. After taking two small steps, she bumped into Ji Yansen, who had bought soy sauce and deliberately walked past her.

A smile appeared in the boy's eyes, he raised his chin and lowered his eyelids, "What are you doing?"

With an arrogant tone, Jiang Nuannuan looked up at him and said, "I'm sorry."

She turned around and rushed home with a Coke bottle in hand, her little face completely unfamiliar.

Ji Yansen was stunned. He immediately turned around and stared at her back with an angry look in his eyes. What the hell? If you weren't here to apologize to him, who would you give the extra Coke to?
The corridor was temporarily blocked by people moving furniture. Zhai Heng did not go up, but stood lazily waiting with his hands in his trouser pockets.

As he got closer and closer, Jiang Nuannuan's steps became hesitant, and finally stopped midway.

She ignored a question.

It was she who caused Zhai Heng to fall in love with him later. She was the one who wanted to leave. She had only stayed in this relaxing world for a short time, and now she ran up to him and deliberately approached him. What the hell?
Was her original intention for him to like her right now, and then she abandon him again?
Jiang Nuannuan's little face wrinkled and her expression changed.

Of course that's not the case, but if you don't get close to him, how can you tell him that he will have heart failure in the future?Let him remember to check his body regularly every year. Early detection and early treatment may lead to cure.

What was she going to do?You can't just rush up to him and ask him to check his health for no reason, and then run far away from him. The other party will just think of her as a weird kid who cursed his poor health.

Zhai Heng had already noticed the little girl who was rushing toward him but stopped midway. Her braids were weakly draped on her shoulders and she looked extremely depressed.

He raised his eyes and looked at the boy coming angrily across the flower bed, and raised his eyebrows interestingly.

"Jiang Nuannuan! Why are you ignoring me!"

The man in the voice changer had a hoarse voice, and his arms pulled hard to bring Jiang Nuannuan back to his thoughts.

She turned her head and looked at the young version of the scumbag with reflexive disgust, "Let go."

"Hang on, tell me, you didn't buy the Coke for me? Why are you running away?" Ji Yansen hummed, rarely lowering his body and said: "I forgive you, but next time you are not allowed to sneak into the video game city alone. Oh, how dangerous it is."

He saw her playing basketball toss with a young man from society, and he was almost frightened to death by her.

Jiang Nuannuan saw some vague memories and immediately retorted, "You didn't bring other girls to leave me behind."

Ji Yansen said angrily: "I am a boy and you are a girl. Can we be the same?"

The boy was precocious and his attacks were not serious. Jiang Nuannuan's arm was pinched and painful. Tears welled up in Xing's eyes and she almost shed tears.

"Okay, let go." A clear voice interjected.

The white knuckles were clearly articulated, and he took hold of Ji Yansen's wrist and easily pushed him aside.

The young man walked directly between the two of them, his tall and slender figure as tall as a bamboo, cutting the afterglow cast by the setting sun into shadows, wrapping the thin girl behind him.

He was much taller than Ji Yansen, and his straight and mature figure with a crushing attitude made the young boy stunned.

"What does it have to do with you?" He angrily tried to break away, but the white jade-like palms tightened like iron pliers, causing him pain.

Zhai Heng sneered lowly, his voice indescribably pleasant, "Because I am a superman, who punishes evil and promotes good."

Jiang Nuannuan blinked and looked up at him.

It's rare to see Zhai Heng who can joke.

When you are a teenager and you need to save face the most, Ji Yansen blushed and shouted at Jiang Nuannuan who was hiding behind him, "If you don't come out, we will break off our relationship!"

Jiang Nuannuan stuck her head out, her pigtails dangling, her almond-shaped eyes bright, "Okay, let's break up the relationship."

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and saw only the little girl's round head and the extra baby fat on her cheeks.Weirdly cute.

He let go.

"Don't regret it!" Ji Yansen glared at her hard and ran away with the soy sauce pot without looking back.

It wasn't until he rushed into the corridor and disappeared that Zhai Heng turned around and stretched out his hand to the little girl.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't understand, but reflexively wiped her hands on her clothes and held them.

Their mode of getting along is basically that he reaches out and she holds hands, and she is used to it.

"What are you doing?" A faint question came from above her head. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head, with a confused look on her face, "Ah?"

Zhai Heng bent down, his clear and picturesque face melting away from the coldness, and he was filled with a ruthless air, "Are children nowadays so courageous? How dare they hold the hand of a strange man casually."

Jiang Nuannuan's face turned red and she took out her little hand, "That's not what you meant."

He found it funny, and pointed his slender fingers at the Coke bottle she was holding, "Do you think I helped you in vain? This is a reward."

As soon as his palms were empty, the Coke bottle was taken away by Zhai Heng. He naturally extorted the Coke from the child to satisfy his desire for soda drinks that he had not touched for a long time.

The lady searched around the house but didn't see Zhai Heng following her. Now she came down to look for him and happened to see him secretly drinking soda.

Her expression changed and she hurriedly came up, "Zhai Heng! Didn't I tell you to follow the doctor's orders? Where did the coke come from!"

The drink bottle in his hand was snatched away by the woman, and it was smashed into the trash can with a clang, making a sizzling sound from the bubbles coming out.

"What a waste."

The beautiful young man suppressed his smile and turned into a rebellious cold sculpture again. He casually wiped the liquid splashed on his collar with his fingertips, walked around the woman, ignored her scolding, and walked into the corridor.

Jiang Nuannuan stood there, feeling that the summer wind blowing chilled her back.

It turned out that she came over late and he was already sick.

Then all her previous concepts can be overturned. He is still destined to marry Fu Shiliu and die. There is no need to remind her. Even if she stays away from him, she cannot change the outcome. It is better to let nature take its course.

After a long time, the nanny at home called her from the upstairs window to go upstairs for dinner. She went upstairs and finally saw a hand with sharp bones closing the door opposite her house.

They still live face to face.

Jiang Nuannuan was depressed all night.

It's hot in the summer, so almost every household in the compound has windows and fans open. Tonight, the construction team outside dug out their cables, causing everyone to complain.

In the dark room, the nanny lit a candle, shook her fan, and murmured: "I didn't expect them to move next door to us. This rich person sounds difficult to get along with. They have been noisy all night. Nuannuan, you Have less contact with them and avoid getting into trouble."

Jiang Nuannuan pricked up her ears and listened to the female voice on the other side who seemed to be having a one-sided quarrel across the wall.

She stood up and walked to the bedroom with bare feet, "I know, I'm going to listen to the MP3 player."

There is a small balcony in her bedroom. Standing on it, you can hear their conversation more clearly.

Jiang Nuannuan opened the glass door and tiptoed onto the warm tiles. The closing motion was like a slow-motion camera, making as little noise as possible.

Zhai Heng leaned against the railing, watching her every move.

(End of this chapter)

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