Chapter 357 Talk
Like a thief.

After closing the door with a click, Jiang Nuannuan lowered her hunched shoulders, turned her head, and saw someone standing behind the door, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, with fluffy fur, and took two steps back, with an expression that almost made her cry.

Zhai Heng took off the cigarette from the corner of his lips, exhaled the smoke, and said lazily, "Brother is so scary? You still held my hand this afternoon."

Jiang Nuannuan found that she still couldn't adapt to the contrast he was seeing at this moment. Her eyes were filled with moisture, she covered her beating chest and stuttered, "Why are you smoking here?"

She acts like a little moral guardian in school who catches the school uniforms for irregularities.

Zhai Heng walked to the balcony near her side, leaned his elbow on the railing, and asked her, "Why can't you smoke?"

Of course it's not good for your health.

When the words came to his lips, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't say them out. Thinking of his extremely resistant look when his mother cared about his health in the afternoon, he changed his words, "I can't smoke second-hand smoke, my lungs will turn black."

The smoke drifted to her along the wind, covering the girl's delicate face in a white mist, and her eyes were full of tears.

Zhai Heng paused for a moment, took off the cigarette between his lips, crushed it on the railing, extinguished it, and threw it into the trash can next to him.

"Okay, protect the flowers of the motherland."

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief, and then heard him ask again: "What did you want to do sneakily just now?"

Of course I want to eavesdrop on your family.

She opened her mouth, rolled her eyes, and looked at the sky, "The scenery is so beautiful today."

Zhai Heng's face was turned sideways, and the moon was covered with black clouds, and he couldn't see anything.

He sneered in a low voice, "Did your teacher teach you how to eavesdrop on the wall?"

She wrung her fingers and moved towards him, her white cotton nightgown dangling, and said hesitantly: "Did your parents quarrel? I didn't mean to hear it, the sound was so loud that it reached my bedroom. "

In the end, the two stood face to face with half a meter of balcony distance between them.

He could only look at her levelly by bending down and leaning on the railing in a casual posture.

Zhai Heng thought for a while, then raised his hand to rub the top of her hair, "I'll tell her to keep her voice down later, little neighbor."

At that time, he was soaked in the smell of medicinal herbs, but now he only smelled faintly of smoke.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lower lip, "Oh."

In the room, the woman did not hang up the phone and shouted angrily toward the balcony: "The water is hot, you can take a bath Zhai Heng."

He retracted his hand and said calmly, "Let's go."

After a while, all the sounds disappeared, and the night wind blew and the insects chirped.

Jiang Nuannuan stood on the balcony for a while before walking back slowly.

As soon as he finished dinner, he was spying on Ji Yansen across from him and cut off the tip of a pencil.

He understood that Jiang Nuannuan had a new idol and no longer wanted him.

Originally, the children in the compound were in groups, led by the most handsome Ji Yansen, who was the little eldest child.

Jiang Nuannuan would invite him and his companions to birthdays in the past. This year, the nanny put down her phone with an ugly face and looked hesitantly at the little girl eating watermelon on the balcony.

She was so relaxed and at ease that her whole body turned into a puddle of mud in the recliner.

The balcony door next door was open, and she heard the conversation inside clearly.

The woman said to Zhai Heng: "Mom has a friend coming over tomorrow, and he's coming to see you. Why don't you go out to have a meal with me? Don't stay bored at home all the time."

Zhai Heng: "I won't go."

The woman choked and lowered her voice, "There is no place for you to play racing here, and there is no group of friends for you, so you can't maintain your health peacefully? Live an ordinary life?" Jiang Nuannuan swallowed in surprise. I picked up several watermelon seeds.

At Zhai Heng's age, he could still play racing, but she had never seen him touch the steering wheel.

She didn't know how many skills he still had.

Zhai Heng seemed to be impatient and asked her coldly: "Which restaurant?"

"Millennium Crane."


Jiang Nuannuan keenly captured the name of the restaurant, which is the most expensive place in the small county.

The sound of the nanny pushing the door open interrupted her eavesdropping.

"Warm and warm."

She raised her head, and the adult sunglasses that were one size larger on her face were removed by rough fingers.

She asked, "What's the matter?"

The nanny said hesitantly: "This year, your parents and brother will not be able to come back for your birthday. I called your friend's mother, but they all have something to do and can't come. How are you going to spend it?"

She knew that Jiang Nuannuan had not had a good temper in the past. She always quarreled with the little girl in the compound because of the boy from the Ji family. The little friendship was maintained because of her generosity.

In the past, with the group of friends accompanying her, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't tell the sadness of her family's absence. The childish anger came and went quickly, and the birthday was still lively. Now it's really strange, why is everyone making trouble with this little girl? Broken up.

She was afraid that the little girl would be sad and lose her temper, so she quickly said: "It doesn't matter if there are few people, we can eat a whole cake, or we can go to the amusement park to play until dark and eat the marshmallows you like."

Jiang Nuannuan's mouth was dry after hearing her words, and she said with a smile: "It's good for two people, and it saves money, then let's go to Qian Qianhe to celebrate her birthday."

It used to cost a few hundred yuan to treat a large table, but now two people can eat the best food for a few hundred yuan, and the nanny is also happy.

"Okay, let me tell your parents."

the next day.

In an era when her parents were doting on her, she always had the latest miniskirts for young girls.

A white satin suspender dress with small strawberries printed all over it, worn on Jiang Nuannuan's body, blended in with her creamy white skin.

Ji Yansen remembered that today was her birthday, but he deliberately told everyone not to attend her party and refused her nanny's invitation.

The little girl he tried to suppress with harsh methods bowed his head. Anyway, it was what she said and they broke off their relationship.

Unexpectedly, the other party came out of the unit building beautifully, like an elegant little swan with its neck raised, and got on the nanny's battery car with a sweet smile, without even looking at him.

Several friends gathered around him and murmured: "Didn't I say that Nuannuan will definitely come to us again?"

They all knew that her birthday party had a lot of delicious snacks, but they all wanted to bully her after listening to Ji Yansen's words.

Well now, there is nothing left.

Ji Yansen snorted heavily, "Whatever, I'll invite you to the video game city. It's not much more fun than eating."

When he was a teenager, there was already a girl who had just begun to have feelings for him. She looked at his face with a sweet heart and said with hidden malice in her charming voice, "It's up to you. Just like last time, let's abandon her and go play on our own."

Jiang Nuannuan really didn't care whether her friends came or not, she only cared about whether she would meet Zhai Heng here.

Just sit far away and see what he is doing and whether he will enjoy his mother's dinner.

She was now curious about everything about him.

(End of this chapter)

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