Chapter 358 Nuannuan Birthday
The nanny was carrying the cake and saw her walking straight to the window by the door and asked, "Nuan Nuan, aren't we in the private room?"

"Don't sit down, the lighting is good here." As long as Jiang Nuannuan turned around, she could see a row of box doors in the long aisle.

I don’t know if Zhai Heng has arrived.

"Okay, then you sit here, and I'll go to the ordering area to look at the seafood and let them catch some shrimp and fish." The nanny put the bag in the chair next to her, "You help me look at the bag."


Zhai Heng got down from the car, still holding a cigarette between his pale lips, and heard his mother Yun Jie's scolding in his ears, "How many times have I told you, don't smoke in the car, it will make the car full of smoke. You are really not good in front of Uncle Xiao." decent."

Xiao Hongjun, who was wearing a designer suit, looked to be in his early forties, and patted Yunjie's back with his hand, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Zhai Heng raised his eyelids and glanced at the man in his prime, with a faint smile on his lips.

He took out his cigarette case, took out a cigarette and handed it to him, "Uncle Xiao, would you like one?"

Both faces changed.

Xiao Hongjun resisted: "I won't smoke. I'm leaving. Let's go in and eat."

He went in first, leaving the woman staring at the young man with hatred, "What the hell is going on with you?"

Zhai Heng looked quietly towards the restaurant, and his eyes fell on the little girl sitting alone at the table through the glass window. There was a big cake on the table, and she looked very pitiful alone.

He put the cigarette case back into his pocket and said softly: "Normally I don't see you spending two hours dressing up, and you are still not satisfied even after changing a dozen sets of clothes."

He turned around, looked at his mother's face that was stiff due to panic, and said, "But this outfit looks good on her."

Yun Jie's back suddenly broke out in cold sweat because of just a few words.

Before going up the steps, Zhai Heng glanced at the little girl sitting by the door and threw the cigarette into the trash can.

Jiang Nuannuan was holding her chin in a daze when a bottle of glass Coke was suddenly placed on the table, the top was opened, and it was sizzling with air-conditioning.

She suddenly raised her head and looked into those casual brown eyes.


The name that came out of his mouth was rolled back in time by the tip of his tongue, and he changed his tone abruptly, "Brother."

The soft and waxy little voice screamed very sweetly.

Zhai Heng raised the corners of his lips. Seeing that she had pigtails today and did not ruin her hairstyle, he gave her a nudge on the tip of her nose and said, "My little neighbor is very good."

She leaned back, covering her chest with her hands, and blushed from the beauty attack, "Why did you give me a soda?"

"Give it back to you." Zhai Heng straightened up and glanced at the cake, "Celebrating your birthday alone?"

She shook her head and nodded again, "And the nanny."

Zhai Heng raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at her accustomed expression, "Where are your parents?"

Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "They are busy and have no time to care about me."

If I hadn't been busy, I wouldn't have let this body live the wealthy life of a wealthy lady.

He stood here for a long time without leaving. Yunjie, who had recovered her mood, came out of the box and called him, "Come in and order food."

Zhai Heng pushed the soda in front of her and said casually: "Happy birthday, little neighbor."

He turned to leave, but Jiang Nuannuan called out to him, "Which box are you in? I'll give you a cake later. It's too big. I can't finish it by myself."

She knew that he was hiding his bitterness now, so she wanted to give him something sweet to taste.

Zhai Heng turned slightly sideways, twitching the corners of his lips and said, "401." The nanny came over after taking the order, just in time to see him nodding politely and leaving. She looked at the other person's face, which looked noble and did not look like a member of society.

She turned to sit down and asked, "Who is he? Do you know Nuannuan?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Our neighbor next door is a very nice person. He came over to wish me a happy birthday."

"I heard his mother was quarreling at home these two days." After the nanny finished speaking, he sighed: "There must be disharmony in the family, otherwise he wouldn't have moved to our place."

Jiang Nuannuan was thoughtful.

She remembered that Zhai Heng's parents had both cheated on each other without telling their brothers, and each had a child outside the home. Counting the time
The children are almost the same age as her.

So Zhai Heng's mother specially accompanied him to the county town, so she temporarily abandoned her illegitimate child abroad?

Yes, after all, heart failure is a big deal, and no matter how much you don't like it as a parent, you still have to pretend to have a relationship.

So did Zhai Heng realize something that made him have such a cold and bad attitude towards his mother?
After a sumptuous dinner was finished, it was almost time to cut the cake. The nanny connected the video call of the Jiang family, held it up in front of Jiang Nuannuan, and said with a smile: "Blow out the candles with mom and dad."

Including Jiang Yan, the whole family crowded into a mobile phone screen, blessing her with smiles on their faces, and the loving light in their eyes could not be blocked.

Jiang Nuannuan was dazed for a moment.

66 is indeed right, at least she is happy at this moment, but a family that wanders in the power field will eventually lose its original appearance.

She put aside those bad memories and smiled and blew out the candles in front of the camera.

After cutting three large cakes and putting them on the tray, Jiang Nuannuan held them and said, "I'm going to deliver the cake to my brother in the box."

Nanny: "Okay, be careful. There's oil on the floor and it's slippery."

The door of the box was ajar, and Jiang Nuannuan saw the middle-aged man next to Yunjie through the gap.

That is indeed not Zhai Heng's father.

The topic of conversation inside also revolved around Zhai Heng, who had no apparent expression.

Xiao Hongjun said: "Staying here is not an option. I know the best cardiologist in Germany. Maybe you can take your son to see him sometime in the second half of the year and I will pay for it."

Yunjie hesitated, "Germany is too far."

Zhai Lin's ambition is to be a painter, and he has resisted doing business since he was a child. Only Zhai Heng has been groomed by Yunjie's mother as his successor. Now that he is diagnosed with heart failure and sent to Germany, who will take the successor position?The old lady is definitely going to lose her temper.

Xiao Hongjun smiled: "Why don't you delay? There are also good schools over there. Don't delay if you have both hands. I can help you look after him."

Zhai Heng played with the cigarette case, looked at the hesitant expression on his mother's face, and sneered, "Are you going to let me go?"

Since he had just questioned her about her attire, Yun Jie felt frightened and said, "We haven't decided yet. If it doesn't work, we can just ask a doctor to come over and take a look."

Xiao Hongjun didn't give up yet. He sighed and continued, "My doctor friend loves his hometown. I actually asked him before I came here. I paid a lot of money to invite him here, but people who are engaged in medical research don't even bother to do this kind of thing. .”

Zhai Heng Youyou said: "It's not disdain, it's just that you didn't spend enough money. Maybe my dad would do it instead."

His words instantly filled up the hatred level. No matter how hard Xiao Hongjun tried to maintain his character as a good uncle, he would be unable to hold on any longer.

Even though Yunjie wanted to express comfort, she was also worried that she would say the wrong thing to please both parties.

The atmosphere dropped to freezing point.

Jiang Nuannuan listened to the story in the corner and concluded that this man was Zhai Heng's cheating partner and the bad guy with the child's breast milk outside.

(End of this chapter)

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