Chapter 36 Eating hot pot with Zhai Heng
He said warmly: "Take it."

"I'll go away."

Fu Shiliu walked aside and answered the phone, his voice unable to conceal his joy, "What's wrong? Ting Yan."

After a while, she walked back from the tree with her cell phone in hand with a bad expression, and said in a hasty tone: "I have to go to the nursing center. Ting Yan's mother fell down. You know she has hemophilia. Once she is injured, I can’t stop the bleeding, so I have to help donate blood.”

Zhai Heng expressed his understanding, "You go ahead."

"It's windy outside, do you want me to help you into the house?" Fu Shiliu asked.

"No, I want to sit here for a while."

"it is good."

Fu Shiliu hurriedly walked out of the garden.

It was almost 8 o'clock in the evening, and Jiang Nuannuan didn't wait for Gu Tingyan's car. She looked at the text message reminder on her phone and was still stuck on when he said he was coming back.

The dishes are all ready, is he going to give her a break?
She was starving to death.


Jiang Nuannuan sighed, and her phone dinged with news from Zhai Heng.

【are you asleep? 】

It's only 8 o'clock, I've slept so hard, I'm so hungry that I'm almost out of my body.

【No. 】

As soon as I typed these two words, a WeChat call came in from the other side.

Zhai Heng sat in the rose garden, admiring the moonlight, holding his mobile phone and greeting her softly, "Miss Jiang, good evening."

With such a gentle tone, Jiang Nuannuan sat upright unconsciously and also slowed down her voice, "Good evening, Mr. Zhai Heng."

"Have you had dinner yet?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the cold dishes on the table. There was a layer of cold fat on the surface of the pot of chicken soup.

Inexplicably, she felt a little aggrieved by being let go, "Not yet."

"Neither do I." Zhai Heng said softly: "Do you want to eat together? Is it a midnight snack?"

I called just to ask her if she had dinner?He must be cheating on her.

Jiang Nuannuan swallowed silently. This weird situation always made her not sure how to answer.

Zhai Heng raised his head slightly, probably understanding her mental activities, and let out a chuckle, "I want to discuss with you about quitting. I have some new ideas. Do you mind working overtime?"

Speaking of this, she had been away on a variety show for a week, but she still had no time to discuss the details with him.

Party A had already spoken, and Jiang Nuannuan responded immediately, "Okay, tell me your address, and I'll come find you."

"What do you want to eat?"

She glanced at the table full of fruits of labor that were about to be scrapped, and said with a sigh, "I don't want to eat stir-fried vegetables, can I have hot pot?"

"Okay, where is your home?"

Jiang Nuannuan replied subconsciously: "Yunkun Community."

"I'll pick you up."

Before she could refuse, the person on the other end hung up the phone.

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for three seconds, then rushed upstairs to change clothes, hurriedly walked out with her bag, and drove her little Audi straight to Yunkun Community.

This male partner is too much of a gentleman! !

It seemed that she needed to decorate the rental house in her spare time. It would be bad if a man came to visit her in the future.

Half an hour later, Jiang Nuannuan, who had been speeding all the way to Yunkun Community, secretly parked her car across the street and walked to the entrance of the community to stop.

A few aunts who had returned from square dancing were sitting on the stone pillars at the door to rest while waving fans.

After a while, they saw a valuable Bentley parked in front of Jiang Nuannuan, and she bent down and got in with a smile.After the car left, the aunts immediately started whispering.

"What kind of job does she do? Why does someone come to pick her up every now and then?"

"I saw her last time when I paid at the property. She seems to be a tenant who just moved in. What's wrong?"

"Some time ago, a boy on a tricycle took her home, and then a nanny car picked her up. The car with the Y-shaped logo was very expensive. Look at it tonight. I don't want that car either. I know him, his name is Bentley, he also has a luxury car."

"When you said that, I remembered that once someone rode a motorcycle under the unit building. The lights were dazzling and the noise was loud. It seemed that he was also sending this girl home."

"It's so dark that you can still see clearly."

"That face is so beautiful. How could such a fair and tender person come from our community?"

"It's probably some kind of informal job, tsk tsk."

Jiang Nuannuan, who knew nothing, was sitting next to Zhai Heng. When she looked sideways at him, her gentle and gentle face also turned around to look at her gently.

“Which hot pot restaurant do you want to eat at?”

Jiang Nuannuan, who was shocked by her appearance, subconsciously replied: "Haidilao."

Zhai Heng: "Haidilao?"

His eyes were curious, as if he didn't expect her to eat at a chain store.

Jiang Nuannuan reacted and was about to change her mind and let him choose a location, when he said to the driver in front of him: "Go to Haidilao."

That didn't seem like a suitable place to talk about work. She pursed her lower lip and said, "It might be inconvenient over there. Why don't you go to a quieter place?"

"Then let's talk after eating." Zhai Heng smiled slightly, and the image of a beautiful sickly beauty came out.

Jiang Nuannuan heard her own heartbeat.

"66, what should I do if my married male partner always seduces me?"

System 66: "The supporting character won't live long anyway, so why not have an underground affair? Does it also count as promoting the emotional development of the male and female protagonists?"

"." Do you want to show off?

The car quickly arrived at the place, Linggang Building.

Haidilao is upstairs, and they have to take the elevator up.

At 9pm, it’s close to the mall’s closing time.

Jiang Nuannuan thought of how frail Zhai Heng was when he came out of the hospital. She got out of the car before the driver and ran to the other side. She stretched out her hand to the man in the car attentively, "I'll help you, be careful."

Zhai Heng was not that fragile, but without saying anything, he stretched out his slender fingers to hold her.

His skin is a little cool, his palms are smooth and feel particularly good.

Jiang Nuannuan sighed inwardly, holding him with one hand and supporting his arm with the other.

There was always a faint medicinal smell on his body, especially when he was close to her, it became strong and overpowering.

"Sorry to trouble you." Zhai Heng said apologetically.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately shook her head, "It's okay. I think you don't go out much. It's good to come out and get some fresh air."

The customers at Haidilao had almost left, and it was late. By the time they entered, it was already the last table of customers, and the surroundings were quite quiet.

Since Zhai Heng wanted to eat something light, she ordered a mushroom and tomato pot. The dishes served were all healthy organic vegetables, as well as the most expensive beef rolls.

Seeing her thoughtfulness, the handsome man said warmly: "Order what you like."

"I like them all, I'm not picky about food." Jiang Nuannuan took the apron handed by the waiter, glanced at his beige satin shirt, thought it was quite expensive, and took the initiative to tie the apron for him.

She put the apron around his neck with her fingertips, then went around the waist to tie the knot for him. She didn't notice Zhai Heng's dark eyes staring at her closely the whole time.

"I can actually take care of myself." He couldn't help but defend his image.

(End of this chapter)

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