Chapter 37 Discussing Couple Rings with Zhai Heng
"It's okay. You are Party A's father, so I should take care of you." Jiang Nuannuan sat down next to him and started to cook the hot pot.

Zhai Heng had a small appetite. After a meal, he put more food into the pot than he put into his own bowl. Most of it was given to the woman beside him who was immersed in eating.

"What's wrong with your wrist?" he asked suddenly.

Jiang Nuannuan touched the plaster on her hand and said nonchalantly: "It's an old problem. It happens to people who often draw pictures and touch the keyboard. I can only apply plaster to slow it down."

Zhai Heng nodded and said nothing, silently watching her finish her meal.

After filling her stomach, Jiang Nuannuan watched him stop using his chopsticks early, sitting there like a fairy, and wiped his mouth with paper in embarrassment.

"Let's talk about the ring now? Do you have any new ideas? I will try my best to make the ring according to your request."

Zhai Heng looked at his watch and said, "This place is about to close. Can we find a place to chat?"

"it is good."

He took her to an elegant teahouse again, but considering that she had to sleep at night, Zhai Heng only gave her a cup of hot boiled water.

"Go back and sleep well."

He was so considerate. Jiang Nuannuan smiled at him and took out a small notebook from her bag.

In fact, she had some expectations when he said he liked closed rings.

She glanced at Zhai Heng's fingers holding the teacup. They were clean, with protruding and slender joints, not suitable for overly complicated decorations.

"Do you have a favorite color direction? Silver? Gold? Or platinum type?"

Zhai Heng asked: "Which one do you think is suitable?"

"18k gold generally retains its value." Jiang Nuannuan adjusted a few colors for him to compare, "However, it is difficult to make a good-looking shape with this type of gold, and it is relatively low-key."

I don't recommend anything unique to Zhai Heng, mainly because I think of his WeChat avatar and old-fashioned ink paintings. He himself probably doesn't like to show off.

He said, "Okay, but what about the diamonds inlaid inside?"

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a moment, looked at him and said, "I want to give you a white diamond. It means eternal and pure love, and a good diamond is transparent and irreplaceable and suitable for you and your wife."


Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and looked through the several diamonds she gave, passing through the white diamonds on the book, and finally stopped at the hexagonal yellow diamond.

"This color is very warm." He clicked on the picture with his fingertips and looked up at her, "How about this one?"

Jiang Nuannuan looked down and thought about it in her mind, "Maybe it will be a little old-fashioned?"

Gold with yellow diamonds, and it is a closed style, so it is difficult to have a new design.

Zhai Heng heard the hesitation in her tone and smiled softly, "I'm not young, Miss Jiang. The color is very beautiful."

He chose to abandon the diamond that represented eternal love and chose a warm yellow diamond. Somehow, she actually felt a little sad for this short-lived male partner.

"Okay, then use a closed structure for the structure, and this type of design is relatively simple. I will send you an email after I draw the drawings."

Zhai Heng nodded and added, "I don't read my mailbox very much. Please, Miss Jiang, please bring the contract with you when you have time and sign it together. If there are any problems, you can modify it."

"Okay, I'll try to rush it out as soon as possible and deliver it to you."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded in agreement. The two had hot pot and chatted for a while. It was almost 11 o'clock.

Remembering that he was still a patient, she quickly stood up and said, "It's getting late, let's go back."

"I send you."

On the way back from the tea room, Zhai Heng fell asleep again after being exhausted.

The two of them were separated by one person in the back seat. Jiang Nuannuan saw his head turned to her side and was about to fall down, so she hurriedly moved to his side to support him.The man's loose hair brushed against her neck, tingling her heart.

This was the second time that Zhai Heng fell asleep in the car and used her shoulder as a pillow.

Jiang Nuannuan carefully adjusted her sitting position and covered him with a blanket on her legs. She even breathed lightly.

While the car was waiting at the traffic light, the driver turned his head and apologized softly to her in a low voice, "Our young master has been very active today. People get tired easily. Miss Jiang, don't mind."

"It's okay, just let him sleep." Jiang Nuannuan replied in the same voice. She still felt a little guilty for talking about work with a seriously ill person outside so late.

Half an hour later, the Bentley stopped at the gate of the community. Zhai Heng showed no signs of waking up, so she pushed his arm slightly.

"Mr. Zhai Heng, I'm home."

Just like last time, he woke up in a daze. The difference was that this time he raised his head first, and his warm lips brushed against her ear, accompanied by a soft hum.

"I fell asleep again."

Zhai Heng pressed his forehead with his palm, seemingly not noticing what he had just done.

Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her ears silently and coughed lightly, "Well, I'm going home. Please be careful on the road."

He quickly woke up and glanced at the dark gate of the community, "I'll take you in."

Jiang Nuannuan said there was no need to bother, but he still insisted on getting off the car with her and taking her into the community.

Even the street lights in the old neighborhood were broken and it was dark, so his worry was understandable.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan go upstairs, the lights in her room turned on, and Zhai Heng left with the driver who followed him.

A few of his coughs could still be heard in the quiet neighborhood.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had been upstairs for a while, saw them leaving, hurriedly left the community, drove her Audi back to Sunshine Garden.

It was almost one o'clock in the morning, and the lights in the big villa were still dark. She went back and turned on the lights, and what she saw was a table of cold food on the dining table at the corner.

Jiang Nuannuan yawned sleepily. Since Gu Ting'an won't come tonight, she should take care of it tomorrow.

After all, I am not the protagonist, and I still have to get used to being let go.

You still have to keep making money that should be made, and there is no need to be angry.

the other side.

Fu Shiliu sat weakly on a chair, his elbow wrapped in an elastic bandage, and he was at the door of the emergency room with Gu Tingyan.

The red light that was on finally went out.

The doctor came out with a face filled with rejoicing, "Fortunately, the blood arrived in time. It's inconvenient tonight. Let's visit again tomorrow."

Gu Tingyan nodded, turned around and solemnly thanked the weak woman who stood up from the chair.

"My aunt and I both have Rhnull blood type. This is not the first time we have helped. Please don't say thank you to me." Fu Shiliu stared at him lovingly and said softly: "Tonight."

"I'll take you home." Gu Tingyan put his suit jacket on her first and gave her a hand.

"Ting Yan." Fu Shiliu held his arm and plucked up the courage to say, "I told Zhai Heng that we would stay in the hospital tonight. I don't have to go home."

A handsome man in a suit and a delicate beauty in a cheongsam standing together always attract the attention of many night shift nurses.

The time board at the nurse's station tells the time.

"1 o'clock in the morning."

(End of this chapter)

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