Chapter 38 He Came Back
Gu Tingyan took out his phone, and after unlocking it, the interface still showed the text message sent to Jiang Nuannuan.

It's been a long time since she made dinner.

Could she still be waiting?
This idea was ridiculous, but the man lowered his eyes and said, "I'll give it to you."

Fu Shiliu's face turned pale, and she was already in tears when she got into his passenger seat. "Do you dislike me? I really have never slept with Zhai Heng."

Gu Tingyan got into the car, lit a cigarette on his lips, and the smoke rolled out through the half-open window.

He started the car and said indifferently: "Shiliu, you are not my wife, and I have no interest in touching other people's women."

Gu Tingyan always had his own bottom line and would rather have a lover than a married woman, even though this woman was the only one he had ever loved in his life.

He turned his face sideways and looked into those red and swollen eyes, "What do you want? I'll send someone to bring it to you."

This was his biggest thank you to her for coming to donate blood tonight.

Tears fell from Fu Shiliu's cheeks. She turned to look out the window and asked in a hoarse voice, "Have you fallen in love with someone else?"


"Then do you still love me?"


Fu Shiliu wiped her tears and said, "Take me home. If you love me, take me home."

When he was young, he was busy with his career, and she did not give herself to him. As she grew older, even if she married, she still only wanted him.

Gu Tingyan remained expressionless, and finally drove the car to the door of the Zhai family's old house.

"Get out of the car."

Fu Shiliu asked stubbornly: "Is it because you have that female assistant? That Miss Jiang? A woman who looks similar to me?"

"I contacted Zhai Heng, his housekeeper is waiting for you." Gu Tingyan took out a cigarette and lit it, not wanting to say more.

"Then who is yours? Tell me, she is so similar to me!" Fu Shiliu turned sideways, with tears flowing in her eyes, and said tremblingly: "Tell me, no matter what the answer is, I will accept it."

He leaned back in his seat, took a puff of cigarette, and said in a low voice without any ripples, "Irrelevant people."


The man looked at her with bottomless black eyes, and the curling smoke obscured his sharp facial features.

Fu Shiliu bit her lip, "I don't like you being with her, Ting Yan."

Even if a substitute appeared next to him, it would be enough to make her uncomfortable.

Apparently she was still not satisfied.

Gu Tingyan flicked the cigarette ashes out of the window, his handsome face cold and cold, "Don't forget your identity, Mrs. Zhai, get out of the car."

She has long lost the qualifications to discipline him.

Fu Shiliu slammed the door and left.

Gu Tingyan leaned against the window and finished smoking, then glanced at the text message interface on his cell phone. Jiang Nuannuan's words "I'll wait for you" were glaring in the dark car for no reason.

The Maybach drove out of the manor and headed to the Sunshine Courtyard.

After going back and forth like this, it was almost early morning.

If the huge villa was dark, the lights on the porch would automatically turn on, and the man in a suit and tie would enter.

The living room was empty. He turned his face sideways and fixed his gaze on the dining table.

All the 6 dishes on the table were completely cold, and the two pairs of bowls and chopsticks were placed there, untouched.

He didn't come back, so she didn't eat at night?

Gu Tingyan frowned slightly and walked upstairs.

He had told Jiang Nuannuan that the rooms here could be used freely, but she still slept in the guest room.

The door was unlocked and it was dark inside.

The silver glow outside the window sprinkled on the end of the bed, and a woman with a beautiful face and a delicate face was sleeping soundly.She only wore a black silk suspender belt, her belly was covered with a thin quilt, and the loose belt fell from her shoulders. The large area of ​​skin printed with moonlight was white and tender.

Gu Tingyan stood beside the bed, his Adam's apple suddenly rolled up. He looked away, and when he turned his eyes back, he had suppressed the superficial desire.

As a man who is nearly 30 years old, he has a normal physiological reaction, and restraint has become the norm.

He quickly regained his composure and took out a lighter and cigarette from his pocket. When he was about to light it, he paused with his fingers, turned around and left with a gentle step.

The morning sun was rising, and as soon as Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes, she heard the system 66 prompt.

"Alipay has received 50 yuan, and Gu Tingyan's favorability is 14%."

She stretched, a little confused, "How did it get bigger?"

System 66: "I didn't wake you up yesterday. Gu Tingyan came back early in the morning and stood beside your bed for a while. He probably had worldly desires for you."

Jiang Nuannuan: "."

Worldly desires?

She lowered her head and glanced at her silk nightgown, her eyes clear.

"Then why didn't you fall in love with me?" she asked bluntly.

66 was stuck by her words before replying: "Dream that he would have sex with someone other than the heroine? You are just a substitute! A substitute!"

Jiang Nuannuan: "." So she is only qualified to sleep with male partners.


After washing up as usual, she put on her nightgown and went downstairs. Halfway there, she saw Gu Tingyan sitting in the restaurant on the stairs.

He was wearing a loose black satin nightgown and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. He was holding a newspaper in his hand and a cup of steaming hot coffee next to him.

Hearing the movement upstairs, he raised his eyes in time, and his sharp facial features were softened by the frame of the mirror.

"get up?"

The sun is coming out in the west.

Jiang Nuannuan pushed her randomly combed hair behind her ears, and the surprise in her eyes did not escape the other party's eyes.

"When did you come back?"

She walked to him. The fruits of last night's work on the table had disappeared, replaced by a variety of delicious breakfasts.

There was still movement in the kitchen. She looked up and saw the aunt in an apron walking to the door and smiling attentively, "What do you want to eat? Miss Jiang."

Jiang Nuannuan still didn't realize this scene, so Gu Tingyan explained aloud, "The housekeeping provided for you will not require you to cook by yourself in the future."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "Why do you call me housekeeping all of a sudden?"

He put down the newspaper and said, "You don't need to do these things. I can just ask Auntie to do it when I come back for dinner."

The dish last night made him feel guilty.

This is compensation for her.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes, and her expression suddenly became very pale, "You got rid of last night's food without taking a bite. Did you find housekeeping this morning because you think I have too much to do in one fell swoop?"

The man frowned, "That's not what I meant."

She pulled up a chair opposite him and sat down, picked up the bowl and scooped herself a bowl of porridge, "I understand."

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head and ate silently.

She didn't ask a word about his missed appointment last night. Gu Tingyan stared at her. After a few breaths, he picked up the coffee cup and took a sip and said, "Something happened last night and I didn't come in time."

So anxious that there is no news?
Can she ask such a question?A lover doesn't have this position to ask.

Jiang Nuannuan knew that she only had to play the role of a well-behaved little white rabbit, and nodded calmly, "I know you are very busy, but if you don't come in the future, can you send me a message in advance?"

(End of this chapter)

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