Chapter 39 Working with him

Catching his gaze, she pursed her lower lip, raised her eyelids and smiled at him, "After all, a whole table of food was wasted and I didn't even eat a single bite."

Gu Tingyan narrowed his eyes, and there was something strange in his emotionless eyes, "Yesterday was an accident."

The situation of someone waiting at home was too unfamiliar to him and he was not used to it yet, but he didn't think it was necessary to tell her this explanation.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded. The atmosphere at the table was extremely quiet for a while, with only the sound of the spoon hitting the wall of the bowl.

After a while, Gu Tingyan took the initiative to ask her, "Is the island fun?"

Jiang Nuannuan bit the spoon and shook her head, "It's not fun. I was dragged to the rescue and ended up cooking for seven days."

She turned her wrist and showed him the plastered palm, "It's too bad."

Because she was his younger brother, she took the initiative to come to the rescue. Gu Tingyan stared at him for a few seconds and said in a deep voice, "You don't have to do those things just to please me."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "Actually, it's not bad. Everyone is easy to get along with."

He looked at her and said, "Where else do you want to go?"

"Not for the time being, but." Jiang Nuannuan paused and asked tentatively: "Can I go to your place occasionally? It's not to disturb your work. You do your thing, and I'll just stay there and wait for a while. I’ll find another excuse to resign when the time comes.”

After all, the news has been released that she is an adult assistant with a fake daughter. She can't be absent from the company all the time. It is easy for people to suspect that there is something inside.

Gu Tingyan understood her concerns and nodded slightly in agreement.

After breakfast, Jiang Nuannuan took the initiative to help the housekeeping aunt clear the tableware and became familiar with her.

"Don't worry, Miss, I will come here to cook three meals a day and go home from get off work at that time. I won't disturb your life."

"what's your name?"

"My surname is Mei, just call me Aunt Mei."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, and when she saw the other party's expression of embarrassment, she stopped her hand and said, "Then get busy, Aunt Mei."

She went upstairs to change into professional clothes, and Gu Tingyan happened to come out of the bedroom. The two met each other, and she took the initiative to go over and help him tidy up his clothes.

He also stood still, letting her adjust his collar.

After a while, the two of them sat in the Maybach and headed to the group.

Gu Tingyan was still driving. She sat down with her butt on the passenger seat. As soon as the car door closed, she felt uncomfortable.

Jiang Nuannuan reached down with her backhand and took out the thing from under her butt.

a pigeon egg
This material and workmanship must cost tens of millions.

She turned to look at the man beside her who was focused on driving, and finally understood why he gave up on her last night. He went on a late-night date with the heroine.

But since it was a date, why did he come back to look for her in the middle of the night?

Jiang Nuannuan was too lazy to think about it, so she put the ring away and put it in the groove for the water bottle.

Since Fu Shiliu deliberately left her wedding ring behind, it must have been part of the plot, so she had better not join in the fun.

Enter the glorious building of the Gu Group.

The previous time I brought him food, but this time I followed him openly.

Jiang Nuannuan kept an appropriate distance and took a step back, making the relationship between the two appear to be that of superior and subordinate as it appeared on the surface.

Her behavior caught Gu Tingyan's attention. He paused briefly and quickly returned to normal.

Amid Mr. Gu's morning calls, Jiang Nuannuan's appearance attracted a lot of attention.

The fake daughter who made a lot of noise on the Internet finally came out to work.

She followed Gu Tingyan until she entered the exclusive elevator, and then she isolated those lines of sight.Apart from him, there were only Assistant Li and two front desk assistants on the top floor, all of whom were men without exception.

Jiang Nuannuan originally wanted Assistant Li to find a workstation for her, but when Gu Tingyan saw her standing at the door, he said quietly: "Come in, your seat is inside."


She followed in and found a small table on the side of his desk. Assistant Li brought in some office supplies and put them away.

"It was temporarily purchased in the morning. Miss Jiang will see if there is anything missing and I will have someone make up for it."

"Okay, thank you." Jiang Nuannuan sat down on the chair. She could see the rising sun outside the window and the beautiful scenery of Linggang.

She withdrew her gaze and looked at Gu Tingyan. The sun shone on his brows, his deep features were slightly cold, and his black eyes were focused on his work.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't bother him and took out the ring diagram from the Malaysian customer's order to make the final improvements.

Gu Tingyan flipped through the documents and inadvertently glanced at her, his eyes slightly frozen.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head, a white shirt buttoned just below her neck, revealing her slender neck, and the light shone on her broken hair, which was a hazy mess.

What is she drawing?So serious.

Realizing what he was thinking, Gu Tingyan frowned and quickly dismissed those messy thoughts.

Near noon, Jiang Nuannuan rubbed her painful wrist, finished the final color drawings, and faxed them to Lu Jin.

It was already dinner time, and she glanced at Gu Tingyan next to her. He was still working and didn't seem to want to take a break.

Just as he was thinking about whether to go down to the staff cafeteria and get two meals, Assistant Li knocked on the door and walked in, looking obviously a little embarrassed.

Seeing both of them sitting comfortably in their positions, he felt relieved again.

You know that their Mr. Gu is definitely not someone who likes to play office games, he is a complete workaholic.

He first reported: "Our people have just found Zhang Liang, the person in charge of Kaixing Technology. He was imprisoned for financial fraud in the past. The amount was very small. He deliberately deleted it from his resume and removed it from the public security supervision system. Found it."

Gu Tingyan nodded slightly and said, "Well, how is the real estate business doing on Fanyang Street?"

Assistant Li: "We are still following up. We will confirm the list of several key personnel for you soon."


After the incident was reported, Assistant Li stood there motionless, his expression becoming tangled.

"Is there anything else?" Gu Tingyan raised his eyelids and asked calmly.

Assistant Li glanced at Jiang Nuannuan, who was looking at him with wide eyes, cleared her throat and said, "Mr. Gu, it's Miss Fu Shiliu who's here. She said she'll come in after you finish your work, do you think?"

I don’t know why the young lady of the Zhai family is so crazy today. She is so good at bringing a lunch box to see their Mr. Gu. He is working with his little lover.
Gu Tingyan's expression didn't change when he heard the name. He just put down his pen and said, "Let her in first."

Soon, a beautiful woman wearing a dark cheongsam came into the room carrying a box of fragrant sushi.

When Jiang Nuannuan saw the gorgeous packaging box, her stomach growled in dismay.

She immediately put her hands around it to cover up her embarrassment, and the look of swallowing caught the eyes of the people next to her.

His eyebrows moved slightly, and a smile flashed across his eyes.

"Tingyan." Fu Shiliu called him softly and glanced at Jiang Nuannuan. His expression was first surprised, then patient, and finally he smiled broadly, "Assistant Jiang."

This positioning is so good that it unknowingly separates people's relationships.

As expected of the heroine.

Jiang Nuannuan praised secretly and started to pack her things.

(End of this chapter)

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