Chapter 362 Reported

He tapped the machine with his fingers and said to the staff member: "Is there something wrong? My child can't make mistakes. He has missed the count twice in a row. How about I help take a look."

The other party looked serious and said, "The machines that count points are all purchased by the boss. There is no mistake."

Zhai Heng nodded, then took out his cell phone, and the little yellow chicken swayed in the air, "Let's not talk about the fraudulent customers. I just saw that your fire department has some problems. I will call the mayor's hotline and fire department report one by one."

As the staff members' expressions changed, he explained gently: "It is also for the sake of city construction and city appearance. I can also get a generous reporting bonus, which is not a loss."

Liu Xue's eyes flashed, and she caught the word reporting bonus, and she had a vague concept in her heart.

If you report it, you will get a reward.

Seeing that he had raised his cell phone to his ear, the staff member immediately held his arm down after saying a quiet greeting, "Wait, wait, I'll call the boss."

Zhai Heng smiled and pressed the black phone screen, "Okay."

He didn't dial that number at all. He just helped the neighbor get a bear and chewing gum, and the rest had nothing to do with him.

The staff member was talking on the phone, looking up at Zhai Heng from time to time, and finally hung up and said, "The number is low."

He turned around and took down the medium-sized pink bear from the shelf, and pushed the box of chewing gum in front of Jiang Nuannuan, "Thirty pieces, you can still change a strip of gum."

She took the mint flavor, and then Zhai Heng stuffed the bear into her arms and pointed at the teenagers who were still squatting aside counting points, "It's the same over there, don't count less."

"Okay." The staff asked tentatively: "The boss will rectify the problem as soon as he says it. I won't make this call again."

Zhai Heng smiled: "Although it's easy to cheat children out of their money, don't go too far."

It seems that there is no further investigation.

"Yes, this aspect will be improved." The other party responded repeatedly.

Jiang Nuannuan tore open the chewing gum wrapper, took a piece and handed it to him.

Biting the long piece of gum into his mouth, he licked his lower lips and put his hand lightly on her thin shoulder, "Let's go, little neighbor, go home."

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against his waist, hugged the pink bear, and responded softly, "Well, I'm home."

The boys were close enough to hear the conversation clearly.

I know it's because of my young age. The video game city used this to trick me. I didn't know how much I suffered before.

Later, Ji Yansen used the points strip to exchange for the stuffed bear again, and the staff generously gave it to her.

"Fortunately, the big brother was here just now."

I don't know who said it.

Ji Yansen's face darkened. Just when Liu Xuegang was about to reach out to pick up the stuffed bear, he suddenly smashed the bear to the ground, "Who wants his help?"

Ignoring Liu Xue's frozen expression, he turned around and left.

As his little followers, several boys followed him one after another.

Liu Xue hugged the stuffed bear and shed tears of grievance. When the red-haired boy playing with the machine next to her saw this, he came over and handed her a piece of paper and comforted her: "Don't cry. My brother is crying. I feel sorry for him."

She raised her head to look at the other person's fairly upright face, took the paper, and felt a little comforted in her heart.

The two of them walked home. Jiang Nuannuan had almost finished digesting her dinner. The only car in the compound had not returned yet.

Zhai Heng paused as he passed by the parking space and chuckled with unknown meaning, "Little neighbor, guess where my mother went."

It was almost 8 o'clock when they got home. As an adult, Jiang Nuannuan's first thought was to book a room.

She pursed her lower lip and said something that barely fit her personality, "Go shopping for clothes. There are still many beautiful clothes in the county."

Zhai Heng lowered his head and looked at her brand new skirt, "Do little girls like to buy clothes?"

She nodded, "My mother also likes to buy clothes. Sometimes she has to go home in the middle of the night to do her hair."

Zhai Heng was thoughtful, then raised his lips and said, "I'll trust you once."

After going upstairs, she took out the key from under the blanket and opened the door, then turned around and said good night.

The lights in the corridor were still on. Zhai Heng took out his mobile phone and looked at the letter he had just received.

Yunjie: Mom is buying clothes and will be back soon.

After sending the message, Yunjie buttoned up her clothes, turned to the man on the bed and said, "How many more days are you going to stay here?" Xiao Hongjun leaned against the bedside and spoke lovingly to her, "Ten days and a half months? Since you You have been in Linggang without seeing anyone since something happened to your son. It will be rare for you to come out of Linggang and be clean. I want to spend more time with you."

Yun Jie frowned, "Zhai Heng is very smart, I'm afraid he will find us."

"Be careful, baby." Xiao Hongjun crawled to the bed and put his arms around her shoulders, rubbing her neck ambiguously, "Just like tonight, I'll buy clothes and do my hair tomorrow, right? We always have free time. , Besides, your daughter still wants to make a video call with you, can you bear not to see her? "

Yunjie hesitated for a while, "Okay."

Around nine o'clock, Jiang Nuannuan stood on the balcony and saw the black car driving in. Zhai Heng's unknown speaker next door played heavy metal music, as if to vent his inner extreme mania and dissatisfaction.

She frowned slightly, really wanting to remind him to take care of his heart, but she couldn't find any reason to persuade him.

The situation now was that he knew he was sick and she had to pretend not to know.

The glass door closed, covering up her soft sigh.

The nanny didn't come back until early in the morning. He opened the door quietly and breathed a sigh of relief to see her sleeping soundly in bed.

Early the next morning, she put most of the basket of local eggs she brought home in a plastic bag and gave it to the lady next door.

The fresh eggs were still mixed with chicken feces, but Yunjie didn't show it on the surface. When she came back, she threw them on the table and cracked several eggs with too much force.

She thought about it, then walked over and picked it up, preparing to throw it into the kitchen trash can.

Zhai Heng had just come out of the shower and asked, "Where did it come from?"

Yunjie: "The eggs I gave you from the other side smelled so dirty."

Zhai Heng took a step forward. Before she threw it into the trash can, he grabbed the bag and pulled it back. His tone was a bit colder, "Let go."

She let go of her hand and watched him put the things on the kitchen table, frowning, "You want to eat? If you want to eat, I'll have someone bring something cleaner."

He smiled: "Other people's kindness is not just for sending trash cans."

"Also." Zhai Heng stopped her, "What's going on with the red spots on her neck? Is it an insect bite?"

"It's an insect bite. There are a lot of mosquitoes in summer."

In the end, because Yunjie hurriedly entered the house to apply anti-itch lotion, Zhai Heng picked out the good eggs and put them separately in the refrigerator compartment.

A few days later, Jiang Nuannuan was forced to take a painting class.

The nanny secretly told the Jiang family about her being ostracized in the compound. In order to prevent her from having a boring summer emo alone, they unanimously decided to find something for her to do and make some new friends.

Although he resisted, due to his age, Jiang Nuannuan, a junior high school student, had no say. The only thing he could do was to carry a small schoolbag and go to school.

She leaves early and comes back late every day, so she sees less of Zhai Heng.

After school that day, she and a few new friends were buying cotton candy near the amusement park, and accidentally saw the arcade arcade closed.

When I took a closer look, I saw that there was a rectification order for unqualified fire protection, which lasted for one month.

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised: "You were suddenly reported?"

The companion walked over with her marshmallow and handed it to her, while explaining: "Yes, reporters came to make unannounced visits in the past two days, and they were all on the local news. Didn't you see? Their family is also suspected of fraud, allowing minors to play games and so on. Yes, it’s said to be a month, but I don’t know how long it will take to open again.”

Did Zhai Heng do it?

The thought flashed through my mind and was cut off.

He was never a nosy person, at least later on.

Seeing her preoccupied look, her companion thought she wanted to play but didn't have much to do, and said, "But I heard from my father that it will be reopened sooner or later. The arcade city is opened by a big KTV owner in our county. Does he have the ability to do it?" You’ve got the money, you can come back and have a look later, I’m sure you can play.”

Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip and returned home with worries all the way.

Back in the small alley of the compound, she bit a marshmallow, stopped for a moment, and suddenly turned her head to look at the fork in the road.

It was also a dead end, with several wooden boxes piled up. Liu Xue, wearing a brand-new mini dress and leather shoes, leaned against the wall, looked up at the young man smoking, and whispered to him.

At first glance, the red-haired man looked like a streetwalker. His posture was awkward and awkward, and his hands were always on Liu Xue's body.

Seeing her embarrassed refusal, Jiang Nuannuan called in, "Liu Xue, are you leaving?"

The movements of both of them were paused. As soon as Liu Xueyang finished speaking, he stopped here and suddenly stopped talking, with a bit of panic in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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