Chapter 363
Hongmao was attracted by Jiang Nuannuan's pretty little face. He stood up straight and pointed at himself, "Hey, Nuannuan, do you still remember, brother, the one who played games with you before?"

Liu Xue's face froze and she suddenly raised her head, "Have you played with her before?"

Why do all the boys I know or take the initiative to talk to have an affair with Jiang Nuannuan!
She was born to be a foil!

Hong Mao didn't care, "Yes, we played together in the video game city."

"I'm leaving." She rushed out of the alley without saying a word.

Jiang Nuannuan was hit by her, followed her for a few steps, and suddenly asked her loudly: "Do you know that the video game city is closed?"

Liu Xue took a breath and ran faster, her hands still pressing the hem of her skirt, "I don't know!"

The dress she was wearing was of the same brand as the one Jiang Nuannuan wore for her birthday not long ago. The county town couldn't sell it and had to order it from outside.

Did Liu Xue also celebrate her birthday recently?

Jiang Nuannuan narrowed her eyes slightly.

After a while, a few strangers were wandering at the gate of the compound. They had big gold bars hanging around their necks and toothpicks in their mouths. They did nothing but stared at people.

Someone in the compound asked them what they did, but they didn't say anything. They just set up a card table at the door, drank and played cards that they couldn't win, and they didn't commit any crime. Even calling the police was of no use.

Jiang Nuannuan bought a box of PHS-shaped mints at the canteen, bit one in her mouth, and asked, "Who are they looking for?"

The boss’s wife said: “It seems to be a debt collector. I don’t know who owes it, and I didn’t even show my face. It’s really harmful.”

Not long after he finished speaking, Zhai Heng, who was wearing black short-sleeved clothes, slowly came down from the unit building, lazily lit a cigarette in his mouth, and walked out under the sunset light leaking from the leaves on the ground.

When Jiang Nuannuan turned around and noticed him, he had already reached the gate of the community. Several tall and thick men in black vests stood up and surrounded him.

A few people didn't know what they said, but a van drove up to block her anxious sight. When the car drove away again, there was no one there.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart suddenly tightened, and she patted the counter of the canteen, "Call the police, call the police!"

"Why call the police?" The landlady didn't see what was going on outside and just said, "We don't know how many times we called the police to ask the police to take these people away, but they were just eating at the door. It's not illegal to take them." Not broken.”

"Oops." Jiang Nuannuan rushed home and took her home landline phone to call the police.

But when the operator asked her for her address, she was confused and didn't really know where they had gone.

"Kidnapped, got into the car and was taken away."

"What about the license plate number?"

Jiang Nuannuan was confused again. She didn't have clairvoyance. How could she see the license plate of the car driving away sideways.

"It might be the video game city. They may have gone to the video game city because they reported the violation there and the boss reported deliberate retaliation."

Fortunately, the police were more professional in this regard and explained that they would send a police car to check. Then she hurriedly hung up the phone, grabbed the e-mule key that the nanny left at home, and left.

The nanny, who had just finished washing rice and was preparing to cook, heard the noise and shouted twice strangely, "Nuan Nuan? It's almost time to eat. It's getting dark, so don't go out to play."

No one responded.

Seeing Jiang Nuannuan secretly driving away the battery car to chase him, Liu Xue lay on the window and stared at the door, her heart pounding, her little face full of panic, "Mom, that big brother seems to have been taken away."

The woman stood behind her, "What did you tell them then?"

Liu Xue was obedient, "I just told you the address of the whistleblower."

The woman patted her on the shoulder and said, "Anyway, we didn't do anything wrong by reporting it. They made the wrong person."

Liu Xue trembled: "But will they beat that big brother to death? What if someone is killed?"

The woman squinted her eyes and said, "Zhuxi, why didn't you tell me when I bought you a new dress? Or do you want your dad to be beaten? If things come out, he will lose his job as a railway worker, and our whole family will be in trouble." Liu Xue She stopped talking. Panic and unconcealable guilt had already taken over her young mind.

This was the first time she had done such a bad thing, but she got the most expensive skirt and leather shoes in her wardrobe, replaced Jiang Nuannuan, and became a princess for a while.

Before time traveling, Jiang Nuannuan, a social worker, drove a small electric donkey before she bought a Volkswagen. Now that she put on her helmet and started riding, it was steady and fast, heading straight to the video game city.

She knew that nothing would happen to Zhai Heng, but she was afraid that her little butterfly would have additional effects.

After riding an electric bike for more than ten minutes, she came downstairs to the arcade again.

The police car hasn't arrived yet, but the exterior of the arcade still looks sealed. The door is locked, the lights inside are all dark, and no one can be seen through the glass windows.

It doesn't seem like this.

She was sweating anxiously, and her brain was spinning rapidly.

Wait, what did the girl in the same studio as her say?The video game city is opened by the owner of the largest KTV in the city.

The police car roared over and stopped on the side of the road, just in time.

Without waiting for them to get down, Jiang Nuannuan opened the door and sat in, saying urgently: "The best and most expensive KTV in the city, go there!"

This Zhai Heng was pushed into the box. His outstanding appearance made the man in the booth stunned for a moment. He held a cigarette between his fingers and chuckled, "Young man looks like a human and is so unkind in his actions. Have we agreed?" Report it, and I’ll give you the thing, but you still have people come to find fault with me, do you know how much I was fined?”

Zhai Heng looked calm, "How much?"

He raised both hands and said in an extremely exaggerated tone, "A fine of 20 yuan is required to suspend business for rectification! Do you think I can swallow this? I heard that you also received a 1 yuan reward for reporting. Do you really need that?" Ten thousand, you can just go to me directly, why bother me like this? The scene where we meet now is so unsightly."

Zhai Heng raised his eyes and said calmly: "Then what do you want to do."

"Cut off one of your fingers? How about your index finger? As a punishment for making random phone calls?" The man took out a knife from the fruit plate and said harshly: "No one has done this to me before. If you ask me to do it to you once, I will I won’t touch your family.”

He gave a look to his younger brothers and asked Zhai Heng to kneel down in front of the table.

But he was a tough guy, with long straight legs and strong shoulders, and he refused to kneel no matter what.

After being kicked in the back, he just staggered and bent down, with his palms on the table, and said in a cold tone, "I am a person who doesn't even kneel to my parents. Now you can stop it. I will try my best not to get angry."

The provocative words ignited the anger of the man in charge. He pointed his hand and said, "Put his hand over!"

I don’t know how the situation was reversed later. It happened in the blink of an eye. Zhai Heng turned his right arm, grabbed the ashtray on the table, counterattacked, and hit the person who restrained him on the head hard. Knocked three times and hit hard every time, but couldn't stop him.

The man immediately oozed blood and fell to the ground twitching.

The blood-stained ashtray fell from the palm of his hand. Zhai Heng swung his fist and punched the other person's abdomen. His fist was driven into the other person's stomach by the wind. There was an inaudible crack of ribs, and the other person fell to the ground with a cry of pain.

Zhai Heng, who had hit someone, was like a hungry wolf tearing off a sheep's clothing. His appearance of kindness and perverseness was shattered. His gloomy and cruel eyes turned slightly. He walked over, picked up a club, and bumped it in the palm of his hand.

He took the opportunity to go to the door and locked it, and said warmly: "There are too many people and I can't beat them, so I can only do this first."

"You! You really don't want to fucking live anymore, don't you!"

Zhai Heng nodded, "It's not long."

He gripped the club tightly and licked the corner of his lower lip, his soft face showing strange excitement, "So continue?"

The man sitting on the leather sofa dropped his cigarette on the floor and subconsciously thought of an adjective.


This is a fucking lunatic.

How can you hit someone to death with an ashtray?He didn't even want to kill anyone!
(End of this chapter)

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