Chapter 364 Consolation
The club was held by Zhai Heng and dragged to the ground. His thumb wiped away the blood splattered on his face, and a long blood trail trailed out from the tail.

Under the light, his ferocious shadow stretched across the wine table, and the shadow gradually covered the other person's horrified face.

The corners of his lips curled up slightly and he raised the club.

When Jiang Nuannuan rushed into the ktv, she ran faster than the police.

When several waiters saw their aggressive approach, they stopped him and hesitantly said that they had to call the boss to let them handle the case.

Jiang Nuannuan had no choice but to run away first. The KTV only had three floors. When she found the second floor, three or four people were blocked at the door of a private room, hurriedly opening the door with a spare key.

Faintly, the screams of adults reached my ears through the crack in the door.

Jiang Nuannuan quickened her pace and arrived at the door almost at the same time as those people opened the door.

Seeing the scene inside, her eyes trembled violently and she said, "Zhai Heng."

The young man who raised the club above his head slowly turned his head. Blood marks were scratched from the bridge of his nose to his eyes. His slightly long eyes were slightly narrowed, and his eyes were extremely vicious.

When he found the little girl crowded among the adults, he put down his club and turned around with an unpredictable look on his face, "You've tied up my little neighbor?"

Looking at the veins on the back of his hand that were protruding due to the strength of his grip, Jiang Nuannuan realized that he could break out and hurt someone at any time. He quickly took a step forward and explained: "I called the police, they are downstairs!"

My boss was beaten until he was lying on the sofa with no idea of ​​his life or death, his face covered with blood. One of them echoed in shock, "Yes, let's notify the boss, the police. The police are downstairs."

Jiang Nuannuan stepped over the man lying on the ground, walked to Zhai Heng, carefully held his club, raised his head and said, "The police are coming up soon. Throw it away. Go and sit down over there. I'll ask you later." He said he was acting in self-defense."

Zhai Heng casually threw the club into the corner and bent down. His dark brown eyes reflected the appearance of a fair and tender little girl, and his face was full of worry.

"Why aren't you afraid of me at all?"

Normally, children would be frightened into tears when seeing him like this, but she wanted to be an accomplice.

Jiang Nuannuan subconsciously told him the image he had shown in front of her, "Because you are a gentle person."

Zhai Heng was startled, then shrugged his shoulders, straightened up and laughed.

Smiling, he coughed suddenly, covered his chest, and frowned.

The footsteps of the police outside came closer. Jiang Nuannuan quickly pulled Zhai Heng over and pressed him down on the sofa to sit down.

Her fingers and skirt were inevitably stained with his blood, and the pungent smell of blood made her uneasy. She said nervously, "I didn't call an ambulance. We'll go to the hospital in a police car later."

The police officers swarmed in, and the miserable looks on their faces made several policewomen take a breath and look at the two people on the sofa.

After Zhai Heng got over the heart palpitations, he raised his face slightly embarrassed and pointed at the blood on his face, "Do you still feel that my brother is gentle now?"

When he suppressed his fierceness and smiled, the corners of his lips were curved just right, and his soft facial features were so beautiful with the blood stains.

Jiang Nuannuan recalled how he was sitting on the bed coughing up blood, nodded, took out the paper on the table and stuffed it into his hand, "Yeah."

"You are young and your eyesight is not very good."

Zhai Heng smiled again, raised his hand and tapped her forehead, and found that there was blood on her forehead. He pursed his lower lip and wiped her with a new tissue.

"leave me alone."


Jiang Nuannuan was pushed away by him, not knowing why.

However, Zhai Heng glanced down at her blood-stained skirt and turned to talk to the police.

Since there are no cameras in this box, it is specifically where the boss comes to deal with people. Zhai Heng was covered in blood and looked like he had been beaten in revenge. The local police also knew that there was something fishy about this ktv, so they could give him a break. justifiable defense.

A group of people were all sent to the hospital for treatment first.

When Yunjie, who was having a couple's meal with Xiao Hongjun outside in the evening, received the news, she was so frightened that she left everyone alone and ran to the hospital, contacting lawyers and security companies along the way.

Jiang Nuannuan also went to the hospital, sat on the waiting chair, and watched Zhai Heng being examined behind the curtain.Ten minutes later, the curtain opened. Zhai Heng's arms and face had some scratches. He wiped away the blood and smiled at her, "Did you bring your mobile phone?"

She stood up and glanced up and down his body. After hearing the doctor say it was nothing serious, she walked over with confidence.

"No, I called the police at home. I saw you being taken away in a van."

Zhai Heng lowered his long eyelashes, his eyes fell on her pocket, and he stretched out his fingers to take out the thing.

He raised his hand, shook the PHS phone, and teased her, "I thought you used this to call the police."

"What?" Jiang Nuannuan almost rolled her eyes, and opened the PHS with his hand, "This is mint candy, can't you hear the swaying sound?"

Zhai Heng thought for a long time, "It seems that he didn't hear it."

Seeing that he was serious, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but put a candy to his mouth, "Brother, if it doesn't work, let's take a look at his brain and take a picture."

After failing to tease the baby, Zhai Heng ate the candy she handed him, hooked his fingers on her loose braids, and suddenly asked: "Did you just call my name in the box? Did I tell you before?"

Jiang Nuannuan's heart skipped a beat, she took a piece of candy and ate it in her mouth, and then said after a while: "Well, when my family gave you eggs, I heard your mother mention you, so I wrote it down. "

The nanny gave eggs to the other party, which she later found out about.

As for Zhai Heng, he was taking a shower. There was really nothing to pursue in this regard.

He looked at the little girl's nervous look and said, "Next time, call me brother."


"And your pigtails are loose."

She touched it, took off the loose rubber band and put it in his palm, "Hold it for me."

Zhai Heng watched with interest as she expertly braided her own hair, "Shall I try it next time?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at him, her face full of excitement.

She took the rubber band and took a step back, "Let's talk about it next time."

After she finished getting her hair done, the door to the ward was opened, and Yunjie walked in with a look of panic on her face, followed by several police officers.

Jiang Nuannuan took a few steps back and gave up her position.

"Why are you going to a place like a video game city so quietly? You get retaliated and get into fights! Do you know your physical condition?"

The blaming voices came one after another.

Zhai Heng tilted his head and said to the little girl standing in the corner with a guilty look on her face: "Go out and wait."

Jiang Nuannuan went out obediently.

Inside, the emotion on his face faded, he took out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, dialed a series of landlord numbers, looked up at Yun Jie, "Mom, shut up first."

Hearing his oppressive tone, the woman immediately silenced her voice.

When the call was connected, Zhai Heng said: "I am the owner of Building 3. Please call the house opposite and ask them to pick up the child from the county hospital."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't wait for Zhai Heng to go home with her. She only waited for the nanny who hurried over after receiving the news.

When she heard that it was him who called her to go home, she pursed her lips and followed him.

Along the way, she also received a lot of scolding for sneaking out.

At around twelve o'clock that night, the dazed Jiang Nuannuan heard the sound of a car driving in downstairs and fell into a deep sleep again.

At four or five in the morning, System 66's pink tentacles wrapped around her neck and played a loudspeaker in her head.

(End of this chapter)

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