Chapter 365 Accompanying
"Host! I see that you are used to living a smaller life. I won't accompany you now. I have to solve the problem of us being manipulated to change the script. Don't do anything inexplicable. Purify your soul here and live a good life. I’ll come back to take you back to your original world after a while.”

The sound was about to perforate the eardrum. It was so noisy that Jiang Nuannuan pressed a pillow against her ears and shouted in a low voice, "Get out of here."

At around 10 o'clock in the morning, the nanny walked quietly to her balcony to hang clothes.

Zhai Heng lazily leaned to the side and smoked, watching her unfold a small skirt and hang it up. The hem of the skirt fluttering in the wind was stained with stains.

He paused and asked, "Can't you wash it off?"

The nanny nodded and said helplessly: "Yes, this material is precious and cannot be washed off if it gets stained. I rubbed it several times and it didn't come off."

Zhai Heng exhaled the smoke and asked again: "Is it enough for her to buy size S in this store?"

The nanny didn't know why, but she still replied, "Let's get size M. Today's mini-dresses are designed to be waist-cinching, and it will tighten her belly when she eats too much, which makes her uncomfortable."

Zhai Heng chuckled, "That's true."

Seeing this, the nanny asked him again: "Did you make the report phone number in the game arcade? I heard the police told him about it."

Zhai Heng shrugged, "It's not me, I'm still checking."

Finally, he asked: "Is she still sleeping at ten o'clock?"

The nanny nodded, packed up the clothes racks and basins, and whispered: "She was probably scared. I heard her talking in her sleep in the early hours of the morning, so let her sleep a little longer."

Zhai Heng held a cigarette between his fingertips and stared at the balcony opposite with the little roses crawling there for a while, then took out his mobile phone and made a call.

In the afternoon, there was a knock on Jiang Nuannuan's door.

Wearing a tank top and shorts, she opened the door with an ice watermelon in her arms.

The delivery man handed her several bags of gift boxes.

"I didn't buy anything."

The other party checked the address with her, put the things by the door, and affirmed: "It belongs to this house."

After everyone left, Jiang Nuannuan turned her attention to the narrow aisle opposite the door. At some point, a bodyguard in a black suit stood up. He was strong and had a headset on his ear.

She blinked and bent down to carry her things back to the house.

Once the packaging was opened, there were several brand new skirts.

The nanny came out to take a look and asked in surprise: "Where did it come from?"

Jiang Nuannuan said: "Someone gave it to me."

Nanny: "Ah, the guy over there asked me what size you were wearing this morning."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned and ran to the balcony barefoot.

Under the scorching sun, she squinted her eyes and shouted twice to the opposite side.

Zhai Heng came out quickly and leaned against the door to look at her cool casual clothes, thin arms and legs.

"Did you get the clothes?"

"Why did you buy it for me?" Jiang Nuannuan held on to the railing.

He thought for a moment, "Thank you?"

"It's obviously me who hurt you." She said uneasily, "I should be the one sending you away."

He didn't answer the question, only asked: "Is it the right size?"

"It's quite appropriate." Jiang Nuannuan bit her lip and asked him again: "I saw someone standing at the door of your house, was he looking at you?"

Zhai Heng's eyes darkened and he smiled nonchalantly, "Oh, that's what imprisoned me." "Why? You didn't do anything bad."

"Why do you have so many why?"

Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and stared at him stubbornly.

Zhai Heng sighed and tapped his chest with his fingertips, "Brother is not in good health and needs to be taken care of."

However, he was locked in a cage like a trapped animal, how could he not want to break free.

Agreeing to come here from Linggang meant he broke away once, but ended up being locked at home again. A hint of boredom flashed across his eyes, and his face became a bit colder.

"Come inside, it's so hot."

"Wait, wait for me first."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and ran into the house, took out the remaining half of the watermelon in the refrigerator, stretched out her arms to hold the melon across the balcony, "Hurry up, I can't lift it, it's very cold and sweet."

Seeing that her thin arms were shaking, Zhai Heng took it and said, "Okay, let's go in."

When the others returned to the house and closed the balcony door, he looked down at the red watermelon, feeling a chill spread in his palms.

Abruptly, he curled his lips and chuckled, and most of the haze in his eyes dispelled.

The thank you gift was actually not only a thank you to the little girl for bravely calling the police and chasing after him, but also thanking her for bringing some special joy to his life that was sinking into the backwaters.

Confinement seemed less unbearable.

This little girl was probably afraid that he would be bored at night, so she put up a small desk lamp and went to the balcony to do her summer homework. She had a lot of stupid questions and was stupid, but she was also very cute.
"Are you a junior high school student? You don't know how to do this?"

"This is a question asked by the devil, of course not!" Jiang Nuannuan said confidently. She was so old, and the advanced arithmetic in the third grade of junior high school was a black eye for her.

Later, Zhai Heng couldn't bear it anymore, and his clear voice was tinged with anger, "You are more stupid than I imagined."

Jiang Nuannuan said quietly: "Brother, I really think you are a gentle and good-tempered person."

Now the filter is so crumbled that there is almost no residue left.

After a few seconds, he became discouraged and said, "Bring me the pen."

Zhai Heng stayed with her for half a month and never left the house. He also endured the loneliness and did not try to escape.

The whistleblower called the mayor's hotline and the fire department anonymously, and the information and address provided were wrong. Yunjie sent someone to investigate, and the matter just became clear.

During a surprise inspection by the police that day, they also discovered that they were selling sex services part-time and destroyed the KTV. Now they don’t want to care about who reported it. They are doing good things anyway.

But as a lady and a mother, Yunjie couldn't swallow this breath. She had to return the water that was poured over her intact, and she couldn't suffer the loss of being dumb.

Jiang Nuannuan carried a small schoolbag and went out for a painting class as usual. Because of the heavy rain at night, the nanny rode a battery car to the hospital in the afternoon to take care of her son who was still in bed. When he came out, he encountered extreme weather and violent storms, and stopped under the shed. All the battery cars were overturned, and unfortunately there was something wrong with the batteries.

She had to get her car repaired, and she wouldn't be able to go home for a while. She guessed that Jiang Nuannuan was stuck in the painting class without an umbrella, so she called the teacher and told her to wait for the rain. Stop before walking, watch the road carefully, and call yourself again when walking.

At 7pm, the rain finally stopped.

Jiang Nuannuan used the teacher's mobile phone to call the nanny as promised. The nanny on the other end was still at the repair shop, so she decided to walk home.

In the past, at this point, she would have been carrying a small desk lamp to the balcony to do her homework.

The weather is extremely cool after the rain.

Zhai Heng leaned his arm against the wet railing and looked at the house opposite, which never turned on the lights. His soothing eyebrows wrinkled little by little as time passed.

Why haven't you come back today?
(End of this chapter)

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