Chapter 366 Help
There were fewer people on the road after eight o'clock in the small county town. A few scattered cars drove by. Jiang Nuannuan, who had just taken a shortcut out of the alley, emerged from the shadows in a black mesh skirt, and the cars whizzed by.

The inconspicuous half of her body was splashed with water. She shivered and stared at the direction the express train was leaving for a few seconds before sighing and walking faster.

While jogging towards the compound, Jiang Nuannuan saw Ji Yansen riding a bicycle in front of him, passing under the streetlight.

He did not go straight back to the compound, but stopped at an intersection a hundred meters away, turned his head and looked to one side, stayed for a few seconds, then threw his bicycle and rushed in.

Only 1.6 meters tall, he pulled away from the red-haired man who was jumping on Liu Xue, and punched the opponent in the face with such force that the person who hit him took two steps back.

Ji Yansen stood in front of Liu Xue, raised his head, and accused: "I said I don't want to anymore, what are you doing!"

"What does it have to do with you little brat?" The man touched the corner of his mouth and looked at the two of them pitifully, "That's my girlfriend, why don't you touch her?"

Ji Yansen turned around in disbelief, "Are you looking for a prostitute?"

"not me."

Halfway through her words, Liu Xue held her clothes in horror, and several buttons on the collar fell off. She trembled and shouted to the man opposite, "I'm dating you, but I didn't say I wanted to be like this."

It turned out that since the last time the man in the arcade gave her a piece of paper to wipe her tears, and the follow-up attack, Liu Xue half-heartedly agreed to have sex with a man who was almost ten years older than herself.

"What are you pretending to be, little girl? The drinks and game coins were given to you for free?" The man took two steps forward, a head taller than Ji Yansen, raised his arm to show him the bandage on his hand, "Why? Yes, do you know where this wound came from?"

Ji Yansen: "How do I know?"

The man sneered, "My girlfriend told me that the tall man who called the video arcade lived here, so I told his boss about it."

"Guess what, it was a mistake. The person didn't report it at all. If you say it was a set-up, who else could have reported it and framed it?"

Liu Xue's eyes flickered and she buried her head lower, "It wasn't me. At that time, he called and said he wanted to report it, and many people heard it."

Ji Yansen still stood in front of her, "It's none of our business."

The man chuckled, "Why did Liu Xue's family suddenly buy a new refrigerator and a new TV recently? These clothes and shoes are also new, right? Why, one of your parents works on the railway and the other works as a cook at home, and they only earn so much money, right? Did you suddenly celebrate the New Year half a year early?"

Liu Xue shivered, her raised little face was so frightened that there was no trace of blood, "How did you know?!"

"How do I know? Didn't you already tell me that I am a walker? I have a lot of eyeliner, how come I don't know?" The red-haired man touched his bandaged arm, "Someone above is investigating this matter. Originally, today If you let me do it later, I won't tell anyone else, and I got this spanking, but I was blocking it for my girlfriend."

"Now." The man put down his hand, "You come here and stay with me for a while, or do you go with this short winter melon? Tomorrow, I will find out about your family's report of framed people?"

Ji Yansen had many things to ask, but he still turned around and said to Liu Xue: "Run!"

Little did she know that she was really frightened, because she was afraid that everyone in the whole compound would know about it.


She didn't dare to leave, her mournful face looked hesitant.

The red-haired man noticed it and smiled, trying to pull him away, but was blocked by Ji Yansen's fist, preventing him from getting closer.

After all, they were all in the same courtyard, and he couldn't really cause anything to happen.

This mentality completely annoyed the other party. Taking advantage of his height, the man quickly punched Ji Yansen in the face. He rolled into the mud puddle, then reluctantly got up and grabbed the man's arm, "Let go!" Don’t catch her!”

Liu Xue screamed in fear.

"Damn it! You annoying brat, I'll beat you to death."

The dull sound of fist hitting flesh.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had been listening for a long time, walked to the entrance of the alley and looked coldly at Ji Yansen, who was beaten and lying on the ground and about to be strangled to death, and the girl next to him who could only cry.

After a long time, she turned her head and shouted towards the deserted street: "There is a fight here! Call the police and arrest them!!"

Hearing the sound, the red-haired man who was beating Ji Yansen suddenly raised his head, cursed in a low voice, quickly got up and ran towards Jiang Nuannuan.

Her body blocking the entrance of the alley was pushed hard and fell to the ground. Her skirt, which was already half wet, was now stained directly by the muddy water.

The skin on her knees and palms was broken and the pain was burning. She frowned and got up.

Liu Xue looked at her with wide eyes, "You, when did you come?"

Jiang Nuannuan casually smoothed down her dirty skirt, "It's been a while."

"Then you, did you hear everything?" Her voice was shaky.

Jiang Nuannuan, who had long been suspicious, didn't want to talk to her at all and limped towards Ji Yansen.In the boy's hazy sight, a hand stained with mud stretched out, and the sound in his ear covered up the hoarse and ugly cry, which was soft and sweet.

"Can you still get up? Hold my wrist."

He struggled to raise his hand to reach her, and slowly sat up with his strength.

"Thank you."

Jiang Nuannuan blew on the palm of her hand, "It's okay, I'm leaving."

Liu Xue rushed to stop her, holding her arm tightly, crying and begging her, "Nuan Nuan, Nuan Nuan, please don't tell your neighbors, okay? Don't tell them, I just, I just want someone like you." My mother has always refused to buy me skirts and leather shoes, so I, I thought of this way."

"Your father works on the railway?" Jiang Nuannuan just asked her an incomprehensible question.

Liu Xue nodded with tears in her eyes.

Jiang Nuannuan broke away from her hand and patted her shoulder, "Go back and wash up and sleep."

Liu Xue was stunned for a moment, "You mean you, you don't want to say it?"

Jiang Nuannuan hooked her lower lip, "Do you still need me to say it? It's cold today. Go back and wash the quilt and make it thicker."

Liu Xue, who was still young, didn't understand the meaning of her words, thinking she was worried that the red-haired man would say it. She hugged her arms tremblingly, "Thank you, thank you."

She walked back and was about to help Ji Yansen, but he sidestepped and said, coughing, "Don't touch me."

"I, I really didn't want to make things like this." Liu Xue cried.

Ji Yansen only looked at Jiang Nuannuan, "I didn't know that people in our compound would fall in love with Wanjiezi, lie, and even give up their future and reputation."

Liu Xue felt so uncomfortable that she wanted to run away, but she still asked him tremblingly, "You, you won't tell anyone."

Ji Yansen: "Jiang Nuannuan said no, so I won't."

Liu Xue stamped her feet, finally couldn't bear it anymore and ran away covering her face.

Jiang Nuannuan was about to leave, but the boy behind her held her wrist and brushed the back of her neck because of the pain.

She frowned and broke away, limping forward, "I didn't care."

Ji Yansen followed her, with a sluggish look on his bruised face, "I didn't want to call you Liu Xue when I carried you to the video game city. It was my friend who called her, and we went there together."

"Oh, it's alright."

"I went there secretly to save more money and exchange it for that stuffed bear as a gift for you. Didn't you say you wanted it at the time? I originally prepared a surprise for you."

Ji Yansen's voice became lower and lower as he spoke, still a little aggrieved, "Later I saw you playing with the streetwalker, and I was really angry and worried about you. Now I understand that you seemed to be doing it on purpose, to take revenge on me for taking a girl to play with. But that was really a misunderstanding.”

He hadn't bowed his head to her yet, but this time he had completely bowed his head.

Jiang Nuannuan wanted to laugh at him for being childish, but then she thought about it, she was really childish now, so she suppressed her words and said instead, "It doesn't matter, I got a better bear."

Ji Yansen ran up to her in a few steps and said urgently: "I'll ask my mother for some more money to buy you a better one. Don't play with that person."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't agree, and was very annoyed with him, "You'd better go to the hospital quickly, your face is swollen."

"I have bowed to you Jiang Nuannuan! Can you make peace with me?"

"Oh, let's talk again."

"You!" Ji Yansen stood there, covering his painful face, feeling extremely aggrieved.

Jiang Nuannuan found the nanny's battery car downstairs in the unit, and she arrived earlier than her.

She went upstairs, knocked on the door, and shouted to open the door.

The door next door blocked by security guards opened a step faster than her door.

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head and saw that Zhai Heng wanted to come out but was stopped by the bodyguards. She thought he was too tired today and wanted to run out, so she quickly smiled at him and said, "Brother, I came back late. I will ask you to write the question later." .”

She was dirty all over, and her knees were still bloody. Zhai Heng looked at the wounds and his eyes sank, and the steps he wanted to reach in front of her were unable to move forward because of the obstruction.

(End of this chapter)

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