Chapter 368 Confession
Of course he knew the young man sitting in the seat, a new wealthy family in the compound, the target of his frame-up.

"General manager, this is..." Yan Feng turned his head stiffly and looked at the man serving tea to Zhai Heng, "Your relative?"

"What kind of relative?" the general manager blamed: "The person in charge from the head office who inspected our project has some personal style issues."

Yan Feng's legs went weak.

What is a personal style issue?Doesn't this clearly imply that he is framing someone?

"And I heard from Mr. Zhai that you are still in the same community?"

Yan Feng broke into cold sweat on his forehead, "Yes"

Zhai Heng picked up a document in his hand and poked at it with an unopened pen. His eyelids drooped lazily, "Do you want to compete for the management position of the General Department?"

Yan Feng lowered his head, afraid and unable to figure out what he wanted to do, "Yes, I have been preparing for this for two years."

"It's a bad job." Zhai Heng raised his eyes and put down the document, "It's not suitable for you."

Yan Feng: "Huh?"

"Transfer or resign." Zhai Heng said calmly: "You choose one."

He really came here to avenge himself, Yan Feng thought.

He still didn't believe it. The report line was made from a public phone booth, and all personal information was falsified anonymously. This young man wanted to avenge his private life. As long as he refused to admit the crime, what could he do?

A few thoughts passed through his mind, and Yan Feng said: "Mr. Zhai, I have a formal contract and entry procedures, and I have never been absent from work or made any mistakes. Moreover, I have a large family to support. Why should you transfer me?" Or quit my job!"

Zhai Heng glanced at the time on his phone. It was exactly 10 o'clock. The door was pushed open, a USB flash drive was placed on the table, and a red-haired man was pushed in.

"Didn't I say everything that needs to be said? It was the reporting phone number Liu Xue's family called. She misled me and said it was the young man from 301. In fact, it was the good thing her father asked her to do. For this, she made the wrong person. I still She was beaten for nothing, she admitted it in front of me, so I won’t give you the recording in my hand."

The general manager lowered his head, helped insert the USB flash drive into the computer, and clicked on the recording he just got.

There was a conversation between Liu Xue and the red-haired man. When he first came to Liu Xue to ask for the informant's detailed address, he kept it. He turned on the recording mode on his phone and wrote it down.

For people like him who work for social bosses, due to their professional habits, they have to keep their options open in case the intelligence is wrong and they take the blame.

But later, he was not in a hurry to expose the fact that he had mistaken the wrong person. It was just because Liu Xue was in a relationship with him. Out of the protection of his girlfriend and some desire for her body, he kept it secret and did not tell the truth.

Now that he was tied up here by several people, he couldn't hold anything back and vomited out every word he needed to say.

Realizing that Jiang Nuannuan was there, the man added, "Weren't you also there last night? There was also a young man. Didn't he admit it when he saw her?"

Several pairs of eyes stared at him. Jiang Nuannuan nodded and said obediently: "Yes, Ji Yansen's face was swollen in order to protect Liu Xue from being violated. He probably went to the hospital last night."

Yan Feng never expected that his daughter would actually fall in love with a social gangster with dyed hair. He couldn't hold it in anymore and punched her in the chest with his fist, yelling angrily, "How old is she! How old are you!! How dare you? !”

The office almost turned into a farce. Several bodyguards came forward and pulled the two people apart. Zhai Heng tapped his fingers on the table and asked again: "Transfer or resign."

Ji Yansen was also there. The child's mother was known to be a loudmouth. Maybe their story had been spread in the compound now.

Yan Feng looked extremely ugly. If he resigned, his whole family would have to drink from the northwest wind. If he was transferred to another job, he could still keep his job and have some dignity as an adult.

After much deliberation, he signed the transfer letter without any retreat.

I don’t know if it’s worth it to Yan Feng to pay 1 yuan for such an outcome.

In the end, he bowed down and apologized to Zhai Heng, begging him to show his kindness, not to be demoted after the transfer, and to let him live.

After hearing this, Zhai Heng smiled and said casually: "It is my greatest tolerance to leave a path for you. Whether it is wide or narrow is not up to you."

Yan Feng went out in disgrace, leaving only the red-haired man.

He walked up to Jiang Nuannuan, carried her on his back, and said to the bodyguard holding the red-haired man, "Let him learn a lesson."

"Understood, young master."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of the conversation last night and said in his ear: "Are you going to let him fall too?"

Zhai Heng's smile continued, "Yes, I'll listen to you, but don't worry about how I fell."


Wait for the two to go away.

The bodyguard unfolded his stick and slapped the red-haired man hard on the knee. The door that happened to be closed blocked the screams inside.

Not long after Zhai Heng's car left, the ambulance stopped at the entrance of the company. A man with legs as soft as noodles was pulled out. His jeans, which were jingling and covered with non-mainstream accessories, were covered in blood.Yan Feng, who came out with the box in his arms, happened to see this scene. He felt relieved, but after thinking about it, he realized that the way to survive was the most gentle way for that man.

On a hot summer day, his back felt cold.

After the matter was resolved and it was a rare break, Zhai Heng took Jiang Nuannuan to a mobile phone store and bought the latest touch-screen mobile phone.

"Here you go, call my brother if you need anything."

After much thought, he felt that the little girl often went to school and came home alone. If something happened along the way, it would be more convenient to have a mobile phone with her to call someone.

Her parents didn't think of buying it for her, so he bought it for her.

Jiang Nuannuan held the phone and was a little at a loss. "You don't need to buy it for me. I have a landline at home, which is enough for normal phone calls."

Zhai Heng looked at the trash can next to the store door and said casually: "You can throw it away if you don't want it."

Jiang Nuannuan: ".Yes."


Zhai Heng chose a Western restaurant to take her to eat, and coincidentally met Yunjie and Xiao Hongjun who were also eating there.

The two of them were not sitting in the box today, but on the terrace outside, separated only by a glass window and a pillar.

Zhai Heng stared outside with an unpredictable expression.

They chatted happily, and Xiao Hongjun even wiped Yun Jie's lips, acting in an awkward and awkward manner.

Jiang Nuannuan felt uncomfortable and wanted to say something to comfort her, but Zhai Heng took out his phone and took two pictures of them. He turned back to her and said, "My mother and Uncle Xiao have such a strong friendship."

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know how to answer this. Anyone with a discerning eye should be able to see that there is something fishy between these two people.

She pushed her ice cream bowl in front of him, pretending not to understand and avoiding the topic, "The strawberry flavor is delicious."

Zhai Heng took a spoonful, bit the plastic spoon into his mouth, and slowly licked it with his tongue.

In fact, there was a time when he longed for maternal love, longing for his mother, who had been abroad for many years, to come back and be with him.

Now this wish has come true, but it is not the development he expected.

Go home that night.

The nanny made dinner for Jiang Nuannuan while chatting with her, "Your friend Liu Xue is dating gangsters in society. You must not learn this. The boy from the Ji family rushed to the emergency room last night. His mother knows It was to protect Liu Xue from fighting with that gangster, and I almost went crazy. When I came back this afternoon, I was scolding him with a loudspeaker in the yard downstairs."

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head to eat her food and said vaguely: "There is no need to publicly scold others if you are brave enough to do what is right."

The nanny added: "Not only that, but I also heard that Liu Xue's family was engaged in reporting and frame-up. They framed the young man who lived across from us for the 1 yuan. This happened. He was so evil-minded. It was simply I lost my sight of money."

"I'm full and I'm going to do some homework."

Jiang Nuannuan put down her chopsticks and returned to the house. There was no one on the balcony, and there was faint conversation in the living room.

She thought for a while and decided not to disturb him tonight.

Zhai Heng put the photos that he had developed in the afternoon on the table. Yunjie across from him became restless after seeing the content clearly.

He stared at her patiently, waiting for a reasonable explanation.

Yunjie: "Where did this photo come from?"

"I took the little girl to dinner and happened to see her."

She said: "Your Uncle Xiao and I just happened to have dinner together. His latest job is also here. Don't think too much."

Zhai Heng said thoughtfully, "Is that so?"

Yunjie didn't know how panicked her expression was at this moment, but she just reached across the table and held his hand on the table. With a trembling voice, she pretended to be calm and said: "He has helped me a lot, Heng'er. , so he comes to me for dinner, and I can’t always refuse.”

Zhai Heng's expression was calm, and there was a slight sarcasm in his words, "But when you get here, you leave early and come back late. Are you going to accompany me to recuperate, or are you just treating this as a hotel for one night?"

What kind of mother pretends to love her son very much while neglecting him to this extent?

Zhai Heng had the answer in his mind.

(End of this chapter)

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