Chapter 369 You are a little angel
His eyes were full of coldness, which made Yun Jie's heart tremble.

She bent down and hugged his shoulders, and whispered: "Mom was wrong. She shouldn't have come here and was busy with work and socializing. I've been staying at home with you recently, okay, don't be angry."

Zhai Heng put his fingertips against the man's face in the photo and slowly rubbed it, "Mom, stay away from him, okay?"

He has given her many steps, and he always thinks that he still needs his mother.


Another week passed uneventfully.

This morning, a Lalamoul truck came to the compound.

Liu Xue moved.

The story of her falling in love with a gangster was spread by Ji Yansen's mother. The little girl's reputation was said badly by the adults behind her back in the compound. Many of her companions were not willing to play with her. Liu Xue herself began to be afraid of going out, and people were almost dying. Depression.

Coupled with the framed report, the whole family was in a bad mood.

Even Yan Feng's bizarre story about not giving a bride price when he got married in his early years was brought out and turned into a joke after dinner.

Life was hard, and he was forced to be demoted and transferred to the next city.

The family really had no choice but to leave in despair.

Jiang Nuannuan looked down at the truck downstairs from the balcony. Liu Xue kept crying when she came out, and her mother kept talking about her with her head down.

She couldn't help it anymore and yelled, "It's all your fault! I just listen to what you say! I just want a new dress! Mom, don't you often say in front of me whose clothes are nice!" Don’t you always ask dad for money to buy clothes?”


Yan Feng gave her a loud slap, "You shameless thing, get in the car!"

Jiang Nuannuan frowned.

Is Liu Xue really bad in nature?She doesn't think so now.

The kind of person everyone will grow up to have almost always has parental intervention.

So is Zhai Heng.

She turned her head and looked at the beautiful young man leaning on the railing.

There was an inconspicuous smile on his lips, and he was in a very good mood.

She asked curiously: "Are you happy today?"

Zhai Heng said: "My mother is cooking for me."

Jiang Nuannuan was surprised, "It's true."

She almost wanted to say congratulations.

Zhai Heng hummed, with a nonchalant expression, "It's really rare, isn't it?"

Even if it was just a means of coaxing him, he could still feel a little satisfied.

But there was a temporary power outage in the compound today, so we had to come in the evening.

It was extremely hot at home, so Zhai Heng placed the small table on the balcony, and Yunjie, who was sweating profusely, could barely blow in the wind to cool off.

Jiang Nuannuan waved her small fan, called her aunt, and did not disturb the two of them while they were eating.

However, not long after she returned to the house, she heard Yunjie shouting that it was spicy, followed by a violent cough.

Jiang Nuannuan paused, then quietly poked half of her head out to look at the other side.

The lunch that Yunjie cooked included a total of 4 dishes, one was not stir-fried with salt, one was too spicy, one was bland, and there was also a seafood soup that had no fishy taste.

She took a bite of each and made an intolerable comment to herself, "It tastes terrible."

She looked at Zhai Heng anxiously, "Why don't mom take you out to eat?"


Zhai Heng calmly picked up the vegetables and ate them into his mouth. The rice cooked with a pressure cooker and gas was still raw because Yun Jie didn't control the time well.

Jiang Nuannuan could hear the sour sound in his mouth from across the balcony, but he had no intention of stopping until the whole bowl of rice was in his stomach.

“Can be improved next time.”

Hearing what her son said, the guilt rising in Yun Jie's eyes was like a rising tide.

She also forced him to eat less than half of the bowl. When she couldn't bear it anymore, she put down her chopsticks and said, "I'm going to wash the dishes."

Zhai Heng sat for a while, then stood up and walked to the railing, "How long are you going to stand behind the door?"

Jiang Nuannuan walked out awkwardly, "You know I'm always here."

He smiled: "I'm probing my head."

She pursed her lips, walked to the side close to him, took out the pill box from behind and handed it to him, "Jianweixiaoshi tablets, you'd better take two."

Zhai Heng was slightly startled, a warm current flashed through his heart, and he said gently: "Thank you, little neighbor."

He suddenly looked into the house and said, "There's someone knocking on the door. I'll go in first."

"Go ahead, go ahead." Jiang Nuannuan waved to him.

Zhai Heng opened the door, and all the warmth he tried to maintain ended there.

He no longer smiled at all, and took a step back slowly with an unclear tone, "Mom, Uncle Xiao is here." Xiao Hongjun smiled at them while carrying two bags of Western pastry gift boxes.

Yun Jie came out of the kitchen and saw him. She immediately clenched the dishcloth in her hand and said with a horrified expression, "What are you doing here?"

She had already sent him a text message, asking him to stay away from her and her son for a few days.

Xiao Hongjun said with a face of surprise: "That's it. My doctor friend in Germany has agreed to do a video diagnosis today. Yunjie, don't you have Zhai Heng's previous examination report on your phone? Take this opportunity to show it to him." , ask if there are any new treatments."

Zhai Heng knew in his heart that Xiao Hongjun wanted to take him to Germany. This was for his better treatment, and he had other motives. He felt that the answer was obvious.

But his parents both started businesses abroad, and all the assets of the Zhai family were in the hands of his grandmother. He was the heir. Even if he died, Zhai Lin would only take over.

What does it have to do with an outsider?

What is the reason for Xiao Hongjun's concern?

"Let's sit down and let the doctor take a look."

Xiao Hongjun took out the laptop he brought with him. Yunjie gave him a hard look, then carefully turned around and asked Zhai Heng for his opinion, "Do you want to take a look at it, son?"

Zhai Heng raised the corners of his lips and said, "Okay."

He faced the doctor alone. Yunjie took the opportunity to pull Xiao Hongjun to the balcony and yelled at him, "Didn't you tell me not to contact me in the past two days! Are you crazy?"

Xiao Hongjun quickly comforted her, "I was too excited to tell you this."

Yunjie couldn't hold back her anger, "That's enough, pack your things and leave first. Don't stay here with me."

"You can't be angry with me, baby." Xiao Hongjun quickly took out his phone and showed it to her, with a helpless voice, "Actually, our daughter had a fever this morning and wanted to see you, and your phone has been turned off. I really can't I took this opportunity to find a reason to come here."

After looking at the pictures sent by her daughter on her phone for a long time, her cheeks turned red. Yun Jie felt most sorry for her daughter who she had watched grow up since she was a child. She relaxed and said, "I will find a reason to come to the hotel to see you later."

Jiang Nuannuan sat in the corner of the balcony, feeling physically nauseous and uncomfortable after listening to their conversation.

She could tell that Zhai Heng was very tolerant of her mother, and even liked her. He had been giving his mother a chance, hoping that she would look back at him.

But it was difficult for his mother to realize this, and she even had a lover outside his back and gave birth to a child early.

She was really afraid of what he would look like when he knew the truth.

After all, it’s you who puts yourself in someone else’s shoes, and you can’t bear the psychological blow.

Jiang Nuannuan rested her forehead on her knees and sighed softly.

In the evening, Yunjie's car indeed left the community gate.

Zhai Heng sat alone at the dining table, watching the nutritious meal she asked the chef outside to prepare for him for a long time. Suddenly he raised his hand to grab the tablecloth and swept all the dishes on the floor. The vegetable soup splashed on him, leaving red marks. .

He leaned against the back of the wooden chair and stared up at the old-fashioned chandelier above his head with an expressionless expression.

Jiang Nuannuan heard the ringing of bells next door and couldn't help but tiptoe to look at his house.

"It's time to eat, warm!"

the nanny called to her.

She pursed her lips and walked to the dining table.

Before I could sit down, I heard another sound at the door.

She quickly ran over and opened the peephole to take a peek.

The security guard, who had been punched on the cheek, pushed Zhai Heng back into the room without changing his expression, and said in a formulaic tone, "I'm sorry, sir, for your safety."

Those security guards who were said to be protecting Zhai Heng were the cages that trapped him.

Jiang Nuannuan finished her dinner absentmindedly, biting her fingers and thinking for a long time, and finally made up her mind to send him a text message.

Jiang Nuannuan: Brother, do you want to go out for supper?

Within 5 minutes, her phone vibrated.

Zhai Heng: I can’t get out.

Jiang Nuannuan: How about I take you out of jail?

In the living room with no lights on, Zhai Heng stared at the dazzling mobile phone screen, slowly sat up, loosened his shins, and walked onto the balcony.

The evening breeze is cool.

Jiang Nuannuan struggled to lift her folding table, put the legs away, and placed it between the two balconies.

"What are you doing?" He walked over, his grainy voice showing the laziness of someone who had just woken up.

"Climb over here." Jiang Nuannuan pointed to the board, "It's only half a meter away. I'll help you."

Zhai Heng curled his lips and said, "Little neighbor, do you really want to take me out of prison?"

She nodded solemnly, "You are starving and thin at home. I will take you out to eat something good, and you will pay for it."

Zhai Heng was amused by her, "Why do I always have a feeling lately?"


He looked at her with gentle and focused eyes, "You really are here to save my unhappy little angel."

(Editor's note: The Zhai Heng chapter will probably end this week.)
(End of this chapter)

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