Chapter 370 Escape
While Jiang Nuannuan was dazed, Zhai Heng held the railing with one hand and jumped up without even touching the folding table she had placed there. He easily turned over and landed lightly on the ground.

Jiang Nuannuan's head was touched, and her eyes broke into his bright brown eyes.

"I'm here, what's next? What are you going to do?"

Jiang Nuannuan came back to her senses, took a step back with a blushing face, turned around, put the board away and put it aside, "Don't come out, wait for me here for a while."

Seeing her hurried out, Zhai Heng stood up straight.

He no longer thought about what his mother would do when she went out with that man. He focused all his attention on the little girl, wondering what deviant things she would do for him, the neighbor's big brother.

It seemed a bit bad to think this way. Zhai Heng touched his hair, but he couldn't help but like this feeling.

He thought, at best, he would just keep protecting her.

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at the battery car key that the nanny put on the coffee table, and then saw her sitting and knitting in her bedroom. She quietly picked up the key and stuffed it into her pocket, opened the door and walked out.


She showed her superb acting skills and asked curiously: "Aren't you going out with your brother today?"

The bodyguard looked down at her. He didn't understand what she meant for a while, but he explained gently, "The young master is at home, do you want to play with him?"

"Ah?" Jiang Nuannuan opened her eyes wide and said in surprise: "I wanted to play with him, but I just saw him go out."

The bodyguard's eyes changed, and he quickly turned around and knocked on the door, "Young Master?"

When no one answered, he quickly bent down to pick up the spare key from under the carpet, opened the door and broke in.

The floor was full of food scraps and a mess. He searched all over the room but could not find Zhai Heng. He only saw the large window in the living room that was open for ventilation.


Although they were on the third floor, they were not very high from the ground. There were awnings and water pipes as escape tools. The bodyguard could totally imagine Zhai Heng climbing out of the window and escaping.

After Jiang Nuannuan stood at the door of her house for a while, she saw the bodyguard hurried downstairs, touching his headset, and at the same time said: "The young master has run away! Didn't anyone downstairs notice that he ran out? Go and find him quickly. !”

Zhai Heng stood on the balcony, looking down at several bodyguards in casual clothes running out of the compound.

He picked up a small rose that fell on the tiles and threw it into the flower box. He turned back and looked at the girl's pink princess room, feeling soft in his heart.

Jiang Nuannuan ran back, with a proud smile on her face like a successful little fox.

At this moment, Zhai Heng suddenly thought that while he was still alive, it would be nice to have a daughter as cute as her to raise. She was smart, clever, and lovable.
"Come on, I told the nanny that I'm going to Ji Yansen's house to visit him and will be back later."

Jiang Nuan took his wrist and dragged him to the door of the bedroom like a thief. He turned around and whispered, "Take your steps more slowly."

"She doesn't know I'm here?" Zhai Heng asked.

She quickly put her index finger between her lips and made a shushing gesture.

Zhai Heng pursed his lips, raised the corners of his lips, and nodded.

The nanny heard the noise and glanced at the bedroom door, "Is it Nuannuan? Come back early."

"Got it." Jiang Nuannuan shouted, pushed Zhai Heng out, and closed the door with a clang.

She ran downstairs, found the nanny's battery car with ease, and took out the helmet from the storage box behind the seat.

"Put it on."

She pushed the pink helmet towards him.

Zhai Heng took over the pink helmet, which was not much bigger than his own palm, with a beautiful sheep printed on it.

He looked helpless, "Are you sure?"

Jiang Nuannuan backed the car out, thinking he was scratching his head, so she urged without looking back: "Yes, put on the safety belt."

"Look back." Zhai Heng urged her to look back.

Jiang Nuannuan turned her head to look, and time seemed to freeze at this second.

Zhai Heng helplessly put the small helmet on his head, like a small gourd on top of a big gourd.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips subconsciously. She wanted to laugh but thought it was her fault. Her expression was a bit uncomfortable. She suppressed it and said hesitantly, "I'm sorry, this helmet was bought by my nanny when she went to the supermarket." I’ll give you a free gift when you recharge when you purchase it. Ha, ahem, I’ll exchange it with you.”

She took out the big rose-red helmet from her front pocket and exchanged it with him. She put on the 'Beautiful Sheep' helmet just right.

Zhai Heng saw how hard it was for her to endure it, and he wasn't angry at all. He even thought about his current painting style from her perspective and found it funny.

But he soon realized that there was something even more outrageous going on.

He has driven racing cars, luxury cars, and played many extreme sports, but he has never ridden a two-wheeled electric scooter. Jiang Nuannuan seemed to know that he didn't know how to do it, so she arranged for him to sit in the back seat.

She moved her thoughtful butt forward and assured him, "I can drive very steadily. Don't worry, sit on it."

This is not a matter of safety.

Zhai Heng looked at the little girl who was no bigger than his chest and asked her to carry him. He felt a little weird mentally.


I don't know which direction there was an explosion.


When Jiang Nuannuan heard this, she became anxious and turned around and said, "Hurry up! Do you want to be taken back?"

Zhai Heng no longer hesitated and sat on it with his long legs.

The originally bulging tires were pressed down instantly, and he asked unnaturally: "Is it firm? Could it be that I was too heavy and punctured?"

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed his hand and put it on her waist, "You can't explode. My nanny looks mellower than my brother, so hold on tight."

She pressed the accelerator, and the little electric donkey carried the two people away in an instant.

The bodyguard who almost reached Zhai Heng stumbled and fell away. His heart-rending cry echoed throughout the compound, "Young Master!"

Jiang Nuannuan turned skillfully, avoiding a few people walking in the evening, and galloped under the warm street lights, with the shadows of one short and one tall stretched out.

It felt completely different from driving a sports car. Even Zhai Heng's own trousers were filled with comfortable summer breeze. He didn't hold the little girl's waist, but grabbed the depression under the seat cushion with both hands, keeping away from her. From a certain distance, enjoy the 360-degree view of the county scenery without blind spots.

Although this combination and riding method are a bit strange, the novel experience allowed Zhai Heng to let go of those unnatural moments.

His face looked relaxed, and his whole body seemed to have been filled with spring wine.

Such a life is very happy.

Escaped from a high-pressure environment, he felt contented as never before.

Jiang Nuannuan noticed that the man behind her had not spoken a word all the way. She turned her head slightly and said, "Brother?"

Her back quickly collapsed and someone covered her, his chin pressed against her shoulder, "What did you say?"

"We'll be there soon, please bear with us."

She thought he was not used to such a frustrating way of running away, so she comforted him like this.

Zhai Heng smiled slightly, his voice soft in the wind, "You can ride a little longer."

Hearing the lack of disgust in his tone, Jiang Nuannuan said, "Then let's go around in a circle and then go to the barbecue stall."

(End of this chapter)

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