Chapter 371
"it is good."

Jiang Nuannuan really took him walking around the streets and alleys. When he heard that the family car was coming, he quickly turned into the alley and hid in the darkness in the blink of an eye and disappeared.

No matter how many bodyguards there are, they can't catch these two people like loaches.

Zhai Heng was so amused that he laughed several times. He even lowered his head and tapped his chin on Jiang Nuannuan's shoulder, sighing, "You are such a sweetheart."

Those words were not as ambiguous as they were for an adult woman, they were just a sigh from the bottom of my heart. It seemed that it was not easy to meet her.

Jiang Nuannuan also laughed, always thinking that he would be happier.

Finally, she passed an outdoor barbecue truck with a simple shed set up next to it. She parked the car nearby, took Zhai Heng to the barbecue stall, and got him a mesh frame.

"Choose what you want to eat and put it in."

Zhai Heng had never done this before, and he couldn't even recognize what those little balls containing technology were.

Jiang Nuannuan explained to him one by one, thinking that he had heart failure and should avoid eating anything heavy, oily or spicy. She said: "Don't eat too much of this after it's late, as it will be difficult to digest. Just take a few skewers and taste it. "

Zhai Heng asked interestingly: "Are you keeping in good health?"

"If you don't raise it, you just can't digest it." Jiang Nuannuan helped him choose the things and handed the two baskets to the boss.

"Twenty dollars."

Zhai Heng took out his wallet and paid, and the two of them found a small wooden table and sat down. There were many young people coming to have supper, and their eyes were mainly focused on him.

Several young girls were about to make a move, but were tempted by their beauty and came forward to talk to him, asking for his contact information.

"Would you like to come over for some food? We'll have a lot of beers and let's get to know each other."


Jiang Nuannuan quickly interrupted, "He doesn't drink."

Looking at her cute face, the woman said kindly: "She's a handsome guy and sister. How about I order you a can of Wangzai milk? Let's sit together."

Jiang Nuannuan pointed at the nose of the man opposite, "He doesn't drink."

Zhai Heng raised his eyebrows slightly, "You're still taking care of me."

"Then don't take my eDonkey home later."

Zhai Heng couldn't help laughing, "The threat is quite serious. If you don't drink, I have no intention of drinking."

From the beginning to the end, he never glanced at the women standing next to him. He only admired the little girl opposite who was guarding him like a little knight.

So cute.

The woman was a little embarrassed. After a closer look, she realized that the two of them looked nothing alike, so she couldn't help complaining, "You two don't know how to date, how can you do this at such a young age?"

Zhai Heng nodded, "Yes, my little girlfriend."

He finally replied, and after receiving several looks with human faces and animal hearts, the small wooden table between the two of them quickly became clear.

Jiang Nuannuan held her chin with one hand and didn't take it seriously. She asked in a low voice, "Don't you have a girlfriend?"

"Isn't there already?" Zhai Heng opened a can of yogurt and gave each person a cup.

"whispering sound--"

Jiang Nuannuan put her chin in her hands and was about to laugh at him when an idea flashed in her mind and her eyes suddenly changed.

Wait, does this scene look familiar? No, does it sound familiar?

She thought, desperately searching through Zhai Heng's memories.

When you were traveling to the beach with him, did he say that he had an unforgettable memory, which was when you were riding a scooter?
Two unrelated timelines suddenly overlapped, and her expression suddenly became indescribable.Zhai Heng saw her strange expression and pinched her face, "Are you serious?"

"No, I'm too young." Jiang Nuannuan said righteously, "I want to study hard."

The barbecue came quickly. Zhai Heng's eyes were attracted by the food. They each took the meat skewers and started eating in tacit understanding.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, Zhai Heng was half full, and Jiang Nuannuan, who had already had dinner, was full.

The two walked out of the stall, and Zhai Heng asked her for the car keys, "Let me try."

Jiang Nuannuan thought of something and said hesitantly, "Do you want to ride?"

He nodded.

She pursed her lips, knowing that there was a high probability that she would not be able to escape the fate of wrestling, so she handed him the car keys.

"Be careful."

There were significantly fewer cars on the road at this point. Zhai Heng tried riding for a few laps on the small road before he completely mastered it.

He threw the small helmet to her and said, "I'll take you back."

Seeing the interested look on his face, Jiang Nuannuan didn't say anything bad. She silently sat behind him, hugged his waist tightly and said worriedly: "Then be careful."

Zhai Heng: "Believe me."

The electric car was heading towards the center of the county town, and he wanted to imitate her and take her for a ride to get rid of the barbecue smell before going home.

He drove very steadily, but Jiang Nuannuan listened to all directions and looked in all directions, trying to see what was causing them to stumble.

And the results are often unexpected.

Zhai Heng drove past three canteens and two foot washing shops, and then quickly passed by the Huatong Hotel. His peripheral vision caught two figures who had just come out of the hotel on the left front.

Fate always likes to throw cruel facts in front of your eyes over and over again, forcing you to admit that your life is actually a piece of shit.

It was Yunjie who took Xiao Hongjun's arm and hurriedly came down the steps of the hotel.

The focus of Zhai Heng's eyes completely shifted to the road, and he was fixed on the cheating man and woman. When a exclamation came from behind him, it was already too late.

A tricycle rushed out of the alley on the right without warning. The owner thought that the tricycle would slow down when he saw him. Unexpectedly, the tricycle hit him straight up and made a loud noise.

The battery car instantly tilted and fell to the ground. Jiang Nuannuan also fell and fell heavily to the ground. One of her legs was stuck between the ground and the battery car, and her little face was instantly twisted in pain.

Zhai Heng's fall in front of her was not much better. The still-rotating tire shaft got caught in his trouser leg and scraped off a piece of flesh from his heel.

He groaned, and his first reaction was not to look at the wound. Instead, he turned his head to reach the little girl who fell next to him, his expression full of panic.

"Jiang Nuannuan!"

"Ouch! You all saw me coming out, how could you just bump into me!"

The tricycle driver hurried down, almost out of fear, and hurriedly helped to lift the tricycle.

Yun Jie and the other two also heard the noise here, and turned to take a look before getting into the car, but an electric tricycle was standing there, and the person who fell on the ground and the battery car were blocked from seeing clearly.

Xiao Hongjun opened the car door, glanced at it and said nonchalantly: "The battery car and the tricycle collided. There are many small roads in this county, and all kinds of small cars are running here and there. It would be strange if nothing happened. Get in the car and go home." "

Yunjie didn't pay attention anymore and bent down to sit in the car.

The battery car was moved away, and Jiang Nuannuan quickly fell into a warm embrace. Her face was pale with pain, and her head was still dizzy. She heard an older voice beside her shouting, "Young man, oh, your My feet are all bloody!”

Jiang Nuannuan's heart tightened, she woke up, and grabbed the collar of his shirt, "I'm fine, don't hold me."

(End of this chapter)

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