Chapter 372 Hospital
Zhai Heng did not let go, and protected her as she staggered to the roadside and sat on the curb.

He reached for her skirt and lifted up half of the skirt. The two round knees had traces of the previous fall, but now there were many new scratches on the calves, which were very large. A piece of skin.

"Can you move your feet?"

His tone was serious.

Jiang Nuannuan tried to turn her left ankle and frowned in discomfort, "It's twisted."

"I'm sorry." Zhai Heng lowered his eyes, his eyes dark and guilty.

"It's okay, I'm okay." Jiang Nuannuan touched his face subconsciously, "It's just a sprain. It will be fine soon."

Zhai Heng was slightly stunned, turned to look at her, and asked with an unpredictable expression: "Who did you learn this way of comforting people from?"

Jiang Nuannuan was also stunned for a moment. She had touched his face a lot in the past. She lowered her head and said softly, "Tell the nanny, she touched my face when I fell. Oops, my legs seem to hurt even more." .”

Zhai Heng looked away and didn't ask any more questions.

The traffic police and ambulance arrived. Since they were going straight and the tricycle came out of the small road on the right, the main fault was awarded to the tricycle driver. It was determined that he failed to observe the road conditions in time when he turned out. They were the second fault.

Both ended up in the hospital.

The nanny waited and waited at home but didn't wait for Jiang Nuannuan to come back. When she got the call from the hospital, she was so frightened that she took her bag and rushed out.

"I never imagined that you would learn to steal my battery car! How dangerous this is!"

"You used to be the most obedient Nuan Nuan, why on earth did you do this! Your heart is almost scared out of your chest."

From the surgical room came the nanny's scolding and Jiang Nuannuan's pitiful apology.

Zhai Heng had his heels bandaged and had just finished the video call with his father. He was leaning against the door and listening quietly. His breathing was laborious and he couldn't help but press his chest with his palms.

When the nanny came out and saw him, her tone became even worse, "She refused to tell me the truth and kept taking the blame on herself. It was all your instigation. Is it dangerous to drive at night?"

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes, put down his hands, and quietly endured her complaints. After the other party said he was tired, he said, "Sorry, I'll give you a battery car in return, and I'll pay you extra to open a hospital bed for her for another month." , let her recover well in the hospital."

The nanny saw that he had a good attitude in admitting his mistake and the compensation was in place. In addition, Jiang Nuannuan's injury was not serious. She thought about it and finally sighed, "Okay, I heard from the traffic police that it was a tricycle that suddenly rushed out, two people." I'm lucky that everything is fine. You can take me to pay the hospitalization fee. I brought Nuannuan's medical records and ID card."

Zhai Heng nodded, and stood upright without any support from the wall. His vision went dark, and countless small dots came into his eyes. The strong heart palpitations made his vision blurred and his breathing became rapid. He couldn't help but open his mouth and gasp twice. .

The nanny was walking a few steps ahead of him when she heard a rumble behind her.

She turned her head, clapped her legs with both hands and shouted, "Ouch." She ran back with a panicked look on her face, "Young man! Doctor! Come on, doctor!"

The howling outside the door attracted the attention of the doctor who was still applying gauze to Jiang Nuannuan. He quickly put down his tools and ran out, and then hurriedly shouted in the corridor to the nurse in the distance, "Turbo the bed! Hurry and push the bed!" There is a patient at the door of the surgical room who needs first aid!”

After Jiang Nuannuan realized who was in trouble, she ran out without wearing any shoes, gritting her teeth and limping.

Zhai Heng fell to the ground, his face pale, and his pants were covered with blood from the crash.

"Zhai Heng!"

Jiang Nuannuan panicked, and the nanny rushed over to pick her up, "Hey, ancestor, stop running around. Your legs are all injured. Don't go over and cause trouble for the doctor."

She was trapped in the nanny's arms and watched as the comatose Zhai Heng was carried to the bed by two doctors and ran all the way to the emergency room.

"I shouldn't have taken him for a late-night snack." She bit her nails, her eyes suddenly turning red.

She really shouldn't have seen him bored for so long and felt so soft-hearted that she took him out and caused these things to happen.

The nanny patted her back and quickly stood by her side to comfort her, "It's obviously a mother's problem in this family. She goes out every day and hires a bodyguard to lock her son at home every day. What do you think she does? Ah, it’s no wonder he’s not rebellious, this is definitely not Nuan Nuan’s fault.”

She was forcibly pushed back to the surgical room and bandaged, then got into a wheelchair and urged the nanny to check on Zhai Heng's condition.

At this time, Yunjie, who came after hearing the news, also arrived.

I heard that the little girl from the next door neighbor was 'escaping' with her son. When I saw that the little girl had the guts to wait at the door, I became angry instantly. I walked over a few steps and wanted to slap her.

"You were the one who got hurt by sneaking out with my son, right? Did you know that my son has a bad heart! He will die!"

The nanny who was used to doing rough work quickly grasped her well-maintained wrist and pushed her back hard, protecting Jiang Nuannuan behind her like a chicken guard.

"What are you doing! How old is my girl? How old is your son? The traffic police said that he took us Nuan Nuan and hit him while riding a bike. Is there something wrong with you, a woman?!"

Before Yun Jie could say anything, the nanny, who was full of energy, couldn't stand her behavior, and pointed at her and cursed her, which made many family members of the night emergency room look around.

"Isn't it true that I'm telling you, is there a mother like you? You go out wearing fancy clothes every day and lock your son in the house alone. Those who don't know better think you are going out to hang out with men and it's not convenient to take care of your son!"

The nanny really unintentionally revealed the truth. Yunjie's breath was stuck in her throat, and her face almost turned red. "Don't slander others. Do you have a good education? No wonder the child is a little bastard after being raised! "

"Oh, they said that our Nuan Nuan is a little gangster." The nanny rolled up her sleeves and said in a loud voice: "Your son even admitted it to me. He was the one who made us want to go out for a walk. He is 20 years old. You are a grown man, who kidnapped whom, do you want to show off your face?! You appear and disappear all day long, does your husband know what you came to the county for?"

Speaking of which, it has been so long since the family moved here that the nanny has never met the young man's father.

Of course she couldn't see that the man was also working hard abroad.

Can the affairs of a wealthy family be compared with that of an ordinary family?Of course not, it’s shocking to say it.

Yunjie endured it again and again, until the veins on her forehead popped out, but she couldn't hold back a word, and she couldn't say anything rude at all.

Seeing that she was about to have a heart attack, Jiang Nuannuan tugged at the clothes of the nanny, who had several years of experience in talking nonsense, and said, "Let's go home when the doctor says he's fine."

"Where are we going? We agreed to be hospitalized." The nanny didn't want to suffer a loss, and she didn't want a battery-powered car to crash into her and destroy her. She had to give an explanation.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while and nodded obediently.

She hasn't fully grown yet, and her little face is absolutely pure and beautiful. She has a naturally well-educated face, and she doesn't look like the little bastard that a noble lady would say.

The nurse also felt that her eyes were red as if she was an aggrieved little white rabbit, and secretly stuffed her with a candy, "I'll take you to the hospital first. There are many examinations to be done tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, so don't do it at night." I think, go to bed early.”

Later, I heard that Zhai Heng was out of danger and was fine. Jiang Nuannuan stayed in the common room without going out to scold her. The nanny went home and brought a change of clothes and planned to stay in bed with her. It just so happened that her son would be discharged from the hospital in the next few days. It's easier to visit him now that he's home and working.

Jiang Nuannuan also knew that Yunjie would definitely let Zhai Heng live in a single room, and it wouldn't be too late to wake up and see him tomorrow.

After a thrilling experience, she was so tired that she fell asleep on the pillow.

At about one o'clock in the morning, the person in the bed next to her was quietly woken up. Zhai Heng stuffed him with 500 yuan and whispered to him about exchanging single rooms.

(End of this chapter)

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