Chapter 373 The Same Ward

The other party's temper of having his sleep disturbed disappeared completely in an instant, allowing the family to pack their luggage lightly and leave quickly.

An aunt came in and changed the sheets and quilts. Zhai Heng, who was wearing a hospital gown, sat down beside the bed and quietly opened the curtain of the next bed.

Jiang Nuannuan was lying on her back, her mouth slightly open, and she didn't sleep very peacefully.

He lowered his gaze to observe her swollen ankle, his eyes dim.

The air conditioner in the room was a little cold, and Jiang Nuannuan slept in a daze. Just as she was about to reach for the quilt that she had kicked off most of her body, it automatically covered her body, wrapping her belly and chest tightly.

The wrinkled eyebrows quickly relaxed.

Zhai Heng touched her face and rubbed it gently with his fingertips. She was also led to rub it against his palm, feeling the temperature around her face being extremely cool.

His expression froze slightly, and he didn't move against her face for a while.

The doctor warned him not to exercise strenuously, not to have major mood swings, and not to eat any food that can induce heart disease.

He didn't care about any of this at all. Looking at the girl's sleeping face, he suddenly felt that there were at least some things he could try to change, such as becoming a gentle person.

He won't make people worry too much, he won't let the little girl get into trouble because of his recklessness, and he will become the gentle person she calls him, which sounds good.

Zhai Heng didn't know how long he looked at her or thought about her.

Yunjie stood outside the ward without entering. From the rescue to the VIP ward to the general ward, her son never looked at her once. She felt panicked and uneasy at his complete indifference. After learning where her son was born, She was even more scared when there was a car accident.

When she asked him how he got there, Zhai Heng said calmly: "Passing by."

He didn't say anything. She didn't know whether he saw her and Xiao Hongjun coming out of the hotel or not.

Yunjie thought about it all night in fear, and finally walked out of the hospital undecided and called Xiao Hongjun. The other person's words made her feel reassured.

"With his rebellious temper from time to time, if he knew that you and your husband were cheating on each other, he would have started a fight with you long ago."

Yunjie thought about it and felt that this was the case, but in fact, she had been abroad for a long time and had no idea about Zhai Heng's growth process and how good he was at hiding his thoughts.

7:[-] am.

When Jiang Nuannuan turned over unconsciously, she was awakened by the pain in her ankle. She turned her head sleepily to avoid the light coming from the half-opened curtains. In her blurred vision, her superior profile and jawline broke in, and her golden hair The color made her energetic instantly.

"Zhai Heng?"

She thought she was drowsy and rubbed her eyes with her fingers.

The man in a hospital gown put down his cell phone, lay on his side, propped his head up and looked at her, "Why do you always call me my name?"

"Ah?" Jiang Nuannuan rolled her eyes slightly, looking a little silly, "Am I always...?"

He nodded, "I screamed a few times in my dreams at night."

Jiang Nuannuan's expression suddenly changed, "What else did I say?"

Zhai Heng, who originally only meant to make fun of the children, did not miss the subtle change in her expression and squinted his eyes slightly, "Well, you have known me for a long time."

"No way, don't talk nonsense, it's scary." She sat up and avoided his eyes.

Zhai Heng, who has been involved in business since primary school, has had psychology as a required course.

The evasive eyes and uneasy trembling eyelashes just prove the truth of this sentence.

Zhai Heng looked at her for a long time, then curved his lips and said, "I'm teasing you, why don't you call me brother?"

Jiang Nuannuan adjusted her mood, turned around and said, "Brother, why are you in the same ward as me?"

"I came here in the middle of the night yesterday. The separate ward is too lonely." He leaned on the bedside. Apart from his poor complexion, he couldn't tell what was wrong.

Jiang Nuannuan apologized to him guiltily, "I shouldn't have brought you out, causing you to faint in a car accident."

Zhai Heng shook his head, "I took you on the road, and the fainting was not caused by the car accident." He nodded his chest, said lazily with a smile, "I was angry."

When he saw the man and woman coming out of the hotel, his heart felt like it was being pulled out of his body, and it hurt so much.

Later, when he arrived at the hospital, he made a video call with his father while the wound was being treated.

I wanted to talk about my mother's cheating, but I noticed the inconspicuous skateboard standing at the entrance.

Even in his middle age, his father did not have the fun of youth, and the skateboard was not a decoration. It was priced at 2 on the official website. It was a sports toy for teenagers. When he went to an advertising company to customize advertisements for his own projects, he accidentally Saw it on a screen next door that also advertised a conference.

He finally said nothing and hung up the phone.

Jiang Nuannuan saw the mockery on his face, her heart sank, and she cheered up and said, "How about we go to the cafeteria for breakfast later? Are your legs okay? We can go there in a wheelchair."

Zhai Heng bent his legs, revealing the heel wrapped with several loops of gauze, "It's just a piece of flesh that fell off, it's not a big deal."

Jiang Nuannuan still remembered the way his pants were covered in blood last night, and made an immediate decision, "Let's rent a wheelchair each. We can take a walk while the morning is cool."

The nanny opened the door and came in, still holding a mobile phone in her hand, "Nuan Nuan, this mobile phone fell on the ground in a car accident last night. The police said it was yours and brought it to you. Who bought it for you?"

Zhai Heng: "I bought it."

The nanny was stunned and disagreed: "Your family is rich, but we can't waste money like this. Besides, we are going to high school soon. It's not good to use mobile phones at this time."

Zhai Heng said calmly: "It's better than her being blocked in an alley and almost being beaten, unable to call for help."

"What? Blocked in the alley?" The nanny was confused.

Jiang Nuannuan explained helplessly, "It was the time I broke my knee. The gangster blocked Ji Yansen in the alley and beat him. There was no one around, so I went to save him, and then I was pushed."

Zhai Heng: "Fortunately, it was a push. What if he gets violent and hits someone? Is it necessary to have a mobile phone to call the police?"

He reasoned well, and the nanny listened. After all, it was her fault that she failed to do her job, and the car broke down at the right time.

She thought for a while and looked embarrassed, "I didn't consider this. I will tell her parents. Thank you."

She returned the mobile phone with remaining battery to Jiang Nuannuan, and took the initiative to rent two wheelchairs, one for each of them, and pushed them all the way to the canteen.

There were many trees planted in the hospital, and there were sloping paths everywhere. They bought steamed buns and soy milk without any obstruction, and sat on the grass in the public garden to eat together.

After breakfast, Jiang Nuannuan took out her mobile phone and took a selfie of the two of them, and then took a photo of the scenery in the distance.

Zhai Heng asked her lazily: "What do you think of a gentle person?"

"You are like this." Jiang Nuannuan replied without thinking.

Although he looked different on the outside, the tenderness in his heart had never changed, and it was something she was familiar with.

"Say some adjectives." Zhai Heng pinched her face.

Jiang Nuannuan thought for a while, "Well, she speaks softly, has a good temper, and wears warm clothes. She looks harmless to humans and animals."

Zhai Heng raised his eyebrows and rubbed her face, "How do you think my brother is similar to what you described?"

Just the golden hair doesn't look like it.

Jiang Nuannuan burst out laughing, "Do you have to let me say that you have a bad temper before you are willing to accept it?"

Zhai Heng let go and looked into the distance, "Not really."

I just want to try and become the person she says I am.

It sounds quite difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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