Chapter 374
At noon.

The nanny felt that the food in the hospital cafeteria was not delicious and wanted to go home and cook before delivering it.

Jiang Nuannuan immediately became addicted and ordered several spicy appetizers in succession.

Spicy stir-fried fat sausage was on the list. Listening to the troublesome menu she reported, the nanny couldn't help but frown, "You don't always eat light food. Why is it so spicy this time? You still want to eat fat sausage. I gave you a piece before." They all have to be spit out.”

She has been trapped in this small body for a long time, eating the same Cantonese food every day, and she can't hold it in anymore.

"If you want to eat it, just make it once."

The nanny was used to doting on her, so she had no choice but to compromise, "Then I'll go buy groceries."

She left the ward and met Zhai Heng in the corridor. He said to her, "Please do a share of mine."

The nanny looked at him alone and said, "Your mother won't bring you food?"

Zhai Heng: "If you don't want to eat those, maybe I'll bring mine to you in exchange. If Jiang Nuannuan likes to eat, bring me one to try too."

Seeing his pitiful lack of maternal love, the nanny softened her heart and agreed, "It's just an extra pair of chopsticks. Just wait. I'll bring them over at about 12 o'clock."

There were four beds in their ward, and on the other two beds there were children who had fallen while wearing casts. Jiang Nuannuan was playing with them and didn't even notice what was going on outside the door.

Yunjie ordered the most expensive nutritious meal for Zhai Heng in the hotel, and it was delivered a little earlier than the nanny.

The man wearing a chef's hat carried a large incubator and followed Yunjie into the ward.

The children were also eating, and there was a mixed smell of cafeteria food in the multi-person ward.

Yunjie frowned immediately, resisting the unpleasant smell and walked to Zhai Heng's bedside. She softened her expression and said softly: "Heng'er, mom asked the chef to make abalone in sauce, and angelica and crucian carp soup. A little. I'll sit down and eat the vegetable salad with you."

Jiang Nuannuan watched from the bed next door, feeling that Yunjie's motherly love would only be revealed after Zhai Heng was injured, and she would feel guilty. After feeling guilty, she would continue to do things that hurt him.

Zhai Heng's voice was light and cool, "Go back, you don't have to stay with me here."

Yunjie thought it was because she wanted to lock him up to make him rebellious. When she had a fight with her next door neighbor that day, she also discovered that her behavior was indeed extreme.

She said guiltily: "I shouldn't have left you at home. From now on, just let the bodyguards follow you wherever you go. Don't run away. It's because your mother didn't think well and she doesn't want anything to happen to you."

She had not dared to send the news back to Linggang about Zhai Heng's car accident, fearing that her mother would come over if she knew about it and find out her whereabouts, which would cause trouble.

Seeing that he was unwilling to talk, Yunjie couldn't help but ask, "Have you contacted your grandma?"

Zhai Heng lowered his eyes, the mocking look in his eyes fleeting, and he said softly: "I listen to you, mom can say whatever she wants, and forget it if she doesn't."

Yunjie suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and raised her arms to hug him, "I will never leave you behind again."

"Go back, I want to eat alone." Zhai Heng pushed her away, his face seemed to soften.

Yunjie didn't dare to make him unhappy, and she didn't want to stay in this dirty ward. She just said, "I'll come see you later."

After everyone left, Zhai Heng turned to Jiang Nuannuan and asked, "Do you want to eat abalone with sauce?"

She shook her head, "No, I'll wait for the nanny to deliver the food."

"Okay, let's eat together later." He nodded and seemed to be in a normal mood.

The nanny came back with her own cooking and found that the food spread out on his table were all luxurious dishes. She suddenly felt that what she had cooked was too homely.

"Such a good dish, young man, you still want to eat my food."

Jiang Nuannuan was shocked, "Huh?"

Nanny: "He just told me in the corridor that he wanted to eat our food and we would eat together at noon."

Jiang Nuannuan turned to look at Zhai Heng's smiling face, finally understanding how he could clearly understand his preferences.
Zhai Heng refused to eat those honey-glazed abalone and angelica crucian carp soup, and just crowded together with Jiang Nuannuan to eat home-cooked food. He sincerely praised her nanny for her delicious cooking. The nanny was so praised that the two little ones ate She made it herself, she made it in a restaurant, and she didn’t know who took advantage.The same was true for the subsequent lunch and dinner meals.

Yunjie always avoided the meal time. When the smell of food in the ward was not strong, she would sit next to Zhai Heng and peel some after-dinner fruit and talk to him. She played the role of a good wife and loving mother very well.

She said: "Your Uncle Xiao will go abroad next week. From now on, my mother will stay here to focus on taking care of you."

This was not the first time Zhai Heng heard this.

He looked at her for a while and then suddenly smiled, "Can I still believe you?"

Yun Jie's heart trembled, she nodded heavily, and then changed the topic and asked him, "Is the lunch dish delicious? I had the shark fin cup specially flown in."

"Cup? Are there shark fins in there?" The nanny came out of the toilet with a plate of fruit. She didn't think she could taste the fish, but just a few chewy vermicelli and cabbage.

Yun Jie glanced at her and said, "Yes, it costs several hundred yuan a cup, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people."

The nanny's eyes widened, but she was not angry at all. "My dear, how much money has she eaten from their house in the past two days?"
Zhai Heng observed her expression and curled his lips, "It seems to taste okay."

Yunjie nodded, "That's good."

Jiang Nuannuan suppressed a smile on the side.

The two stayed in the hospital for a full week.

Except for Yunjie coming to check in at a fixed time every day, which relaxed Zhai Heng's attitude a little, Jiang Nuannuan would sit on the lawn with Zhai Heng. She would occasionally draw and show him some of her weird little designs that suddenly inspired her.

Zhai Heng Aesthetics Online always says that she will be an excellent designer when she grows up.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her chin and said proudly, "Of course."

During one chat, she saw that he also received a video call from Zhai Lin, who was studying abroad.

Jiang Nuannuan took a sneak look.

The sun was shining brightly on Zhai Lin at this moment, his legs were healthy and he was wearing a sports uniform. Fu Ying, standing behind him, looked shy and called him brother.

She was in a trance when she saw their young faces. This was their youth.

So, does this mean that she can change the outcome?
Can the setting of Zhai Lin losing her legs be erased through her little butterfly?

Maybe it's impossible, otherwise what will happen to everything she does in the future?Maybe it's possible, but that's also messed up.

Anyway, you can give it a try.

In the distance, there was a child whose kite was hung on a tree. He was crying and the adults didn't know where he was. Zhai Heng stood up from the grass and walked slowly over to help.

Jiang Nuannuan held up her mobile phone to take pictures of the beautiful sunset, and then took pictures of him walking into the sunset with a hazy figure. There were children flying kites, and those little colorful ribbons were floating everywhere.

When she put down her hands to look through the photos, her eyes paused on one of the photos with blurred hands.

She had already seen the sunset picture of the hospital, the blurry figure.
So she would eventually develop these photos and put them in a box for storage, including the note with the same handwriting as hers, which was indeed written by herself.

She stood there in a daze until she was accidentally bumped by a child running by. She staggered a few steps and was caught in Zhai Heng's arms.

"Can you be in a daze even while standing?"

He didn't know when he came back from a distance.

Jiang Nuannuan came to her senses and said, "Think about what to eat for dinner."

Zhai Heng let go of her and said, "Brother will go home tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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