Chapter 375 I Have No Parents Anymore
"What are you going to do?"

"I don't have enough money on me. Go home and get your bank card to withdraw some money and get a haircut."

Jiang Nuannuan saw that he had a lot of strands of hair, which were almost pressed under his eyebrows. Although he was still extremely handsome, "Then let's go back together. The nanny will help her son clean the house tomorrow. Her son is coming home from hospital tomorrow and I have to go home and get something.”

"it is good."

Zhai Heng rented a bed for the two of them in the hospital for half a month. She thought that he probably did this because he didn't really want to go home and face his mother. Now that more than half of the time had passed, her aunt calculated that the time was coming, and then Because of the irregularity, she had to prepare sanitary napkins in advance.

The next day, the two went to the bus station together.

During the time that Zhai Heng was hospitalized, Yunjie no longer bothered him by placing unsightly bodyguards at the door, and the two of them came out unimpeded.

After getting on the bus, Jiang Nuannuan noticed that there was a car following him not far or near, and they turned from light to dark.

She glanced at Zhai Heng's indifferent expression and moved closer to him.

There were many people in the car and it was hot and stuffy in summer. Zhai Heng lowered his eyes and saw that the little girl couldn't even grab a bracelet. She was pulling him by the corner of his clothes and shaking him from side to side. She said, "Hold tight, don't fall."

She held him up obediently, her little hand softly pressed against his arm. For some reason, seeing her cute and obedient appearance, his heart sank a little deeper.

It was not until they reached the gate of the compound safely that the bodyguard's car stopped and waited quietly at the gate.

The two of them went upstairs one after another. Jiang Nuannuan didn't close the door, so she went into the house to look through several packages of sanitary napkins and find a black bag to put them in.

When Zhai Heng walked into his home, he first noticed a pair of leather shoes that did not belong to this home appearing at the door.

His eyes were extremely calm, and he walked towards the bedroom without squinting.

The door inside was closed, and there were imaginative hums and conversations.

"I'm leaving by plane tomorrow, do you really not miss me at all?"

Xiao Hongjun panted, and his voice felt like it was soaked in oil, which made Yun Jie's mind wander. She hummed back: "I don't want to, how many troubles have you caused me here? Just go back and take care of your daughter."

"The tongue is not the heart."

The little bed creaked and shook faster.

"Well, no, I have to go to the hospital to see my son later."

Xiao Hongjun said breathlessly again: "Don't forget my suggestion. The doctor told me that there is nothing you can do about your son's disease except prolonging his life. He will die sooner or later anyway. You should get him to Germany as soon as possible and let him live." When our daughter comes back to study and join the company, your husband can’t take over such a huge family property. We, um, uh, let’s make preparations in advance.”

"Understood, I will find a way."

Yun Jie's words were so loud that she was so confused that she obeyed Xiao Hongjun's words and told him to die early.

Zhai Heng thought this was the first time he realized the meaning of his mother, who just gave birth to him. It was a cruel fact not to love her.

He cheated again and again, and even his partner wanted to take him away and wait for death.
He thought he didn't need a poison that could destroy him.

Zhai Heng came to the kitchen with an expressionless face, took a large kitchen knife usually used for chopping bones from the knife rack, turned around and walked back.

Jiang Nuannuan came out of the house and saw that the door opposite was half open, but there was no sound inside.

She was curious as to why it took him so long to carry a wallet. After waiting for a while, she walked sideways.

A pair of large-sized middle-aged leather shoes also caught her eye. Jiang Nuannuan's expression froze, and she quickly ran into the living room.

She really didn't expect that Zhai Heng's mother and her lover would be such a bastard. While their son was in the hospital, they would openly bring him into the house and cause chaos.

Those dirty sounds rushed into his ears faster than his figure.

Zhai Heng turned around when he heard the footsteps behind him. His dark brown pupils were dead, and he could not see to the end, which almost broke Jiang Nuannuan's heart.She ran to him in panic, held down his knife hand, "Don't do this."

If he hurt someone on impulse, or killed someone and went to jail, what would Zhai Heng do in the future? Even though she knew his final fate, Jiang Nuannuan didn't want him to be stained.

She really hated why the author wanted to pile all the misfortunes on him.

Jiang Nuannuan was on the verge of tears. She held his hand tightly and said in a trembling voice, "How about we go out first."

The little girl came to him like a little angel again, her wet eyes begging him not to do bad things and not to regret it. She looked even more scared and broken than him.

At least I can't scare her to tears here.

This was not his intention.

"it is good."

Zhai Heng looked at her for a while, then held her hand, led her into the kitchen, put the knife back intact, then took her out and closed the door.

Once people are immersed in some happy things, it is really difficult to notice who has been at home.

The slamming of the door only made the people inside pause for a moment. Yunjie, who looked used to it, said: "Our soundproofing is not good. It must be that the nanny opposite has returned. She is very rude."

Soon, the two intertwined voices in the bedroom continued to be loud and loud.

Jiang Nuannuan took Zhai Heng back to her home and pulled him to sit on the sofa. She was so flustered that she didn't know how to comfort him properly as a child.

She walked around in front of him twice, and finally went to the refrigerator to get a can of milk, as well as a few packets of potato chips and spicy sticks from the snack rack, and piled them all on the coffee table for him to eat.

Zhai Heng watched her busy around and finally asked, "What are you doing?"

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, holding the corner of his clothes with her hands, and asked him tentatively, "I understand that you are in a bad mood. That man is not your father. Do you want me to comfort you? Or eat some snacks? It said on TV Food will cause the body to secrete dopamine and make you feel better.”

She was not afraid of him who would fight with someone and be covered in blood, nor was she afraid of him who would be paranoid and use a knife. Facing a person who was extremely emotionally unstable, the little girl's soft eyes were still extremely gentle.

Zhai Heng couldn't help but ask her: "Am I still a gentle person now?"

He thought it wouldn't be the case this time, he was so bad, he almost scared people to tears.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, her expression was very stubborn, and her red eyes were indescribably distressing.

She only said: "It's not your fault. I understand. You are still the brother I know."

Therefore, he is still the gentle person who he doesn't know where to see.

Zhai Heng patted the place next to him and said, "I need some comfort."

Jiang Nuannuan walked over and sat down next to him, and his head tilted down to rest on her thin shoulder.

After being here for so long, it was the first time she heard young Zhai Heng say as fragilely as he is now: "Little neighbor, my mother has become someone else's mother, and my father seems to be someone else's father. I have no parents."

Jiang Nuannuan felt extremely distressed, and tried her best to pat his back with her slender little arms, "It's okay, you still have..." me.

She suddenly choked on the word "I" and couldn't pronounce the word.

How can you say that she is still there? This world will soon pass for her, and the original 'Jiang Nuannuan' will return to this body again, and the original 'Jiang Nuannuan' does not know Zhai Heng at all.

Jiang Nuannuan's heart was broken and burned, and her mind was numb with thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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