Chapter 376 Farewell
"You have other family members who treat you better."

She turned to the word "me" and thought about it carefully. Grandma Zhai Heng was the only person who cared about and loved him. When he was about to die, the old lady was so sad that she could not straighten up and lost her previous stability and dignity.

"How about going home with your brother?" He said in a calm and serious voice: "Your parents are just decorations anyway, I will support you."

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "No, my parents are just busy working for me to have a better life outside. I can't abandon them."

Zhai Heng's parents told him the same thing before they left the young him, but now he realizes that it was just an excuse.

However, he didn't want to think too badly of the little girl's parents, so he just gave her one more choice, "You can come to me at any time if you have an accident."

"What about you? What should we do next?" Jiang Nuannuan asked in a low voice.

Zhai Heng said softly: "I am a genius, I won't collapse that easily."

The more they want something, he will take it away. He likes to stay abroad and start a family so much that he stays there and never comes back.

He will cover up the family scandal, stabilize the stock market and swallow up the entire family business, and will not give them any chance. From now on, he will only put a bowl in front of them and feed them food depending on their mood.

"I see."

Jiang Nuannuan opened the bag of potato chips and handed them to him, "Eat."

Zhai Heng straightened up, put away his fragility, and pulled her up, "Keep it for yourself, I'm going to get a haircut."

Jiang Nuannuan sat on the sofa in the barber shop, holding a bag of potato chips.

Zhai Heng suddenly changed his mind and wanted to dye his golden hair black. It would take several hours to dye his hair. Jiang Nuannuan even took a nap on the sofa.

The barber started chatting with Zhai Heng, "This blond hair suits you very well. Why do you want to bleach it black all of a sudden?"

Zhai Heng looked in the mirror at Jiang Nuannuan, who was about to drool, and said softly: "The little girl said I should be a gentle person, but my hair color is too showy now."

Barber: "Pfft, then your earrings are not suitable. The cross is in a Gothic style? It looks so cool."

Zhai Heng: "Then get it for me."

The barber helped him get his earrings, and finally dyed his hair and styled it. Looking at him in the mirror, he was surprised: "Not to mention, your facial features are really versatile and you look a bit gentle like a good brother." It tastes bad, can you take a picture of my store, and I’ll give you a 7% discount.”

"Just pay."

Zhai Heng refused his request to take a photo and neatly took out a hundred-dollar bill from his wallet.

Yes, he’s not short of money but doesn’t like taking photos. What a pity for such a pretty face.

The barber gave him some change and drew a piece of paper, "Wipe your girl's saliva, it's almost drooling on my sofa."

"my home?"

Zhai Heng turned to look at Jiang Nuannuan, whose head was leaning on the armrest of the sofa, and curled his lips, "I wish it was mine and I could raise her, but it's a pity that she refuses."

The barber was stunned, and his eyes suddenly widened, "Huh? What? This is not your sister, damn brother, it is not popular to fall in love with minors now, you are going too far, she looks only fourteen or fifteen years old Bar."

The young man sitting at the front desk said, "Isn't this coming soon? I'll be 18 in three or four years. Book in advance."

Zhai Heng's brows twitched slightly, but he had never had such an idea. He just liked spending time with Jiang Nuannuan and didn't want to leave her. He wanted to keep her by his side. She would definitely be better than her parents. .

But even if she grows up, he doesn't think he will interfere with her emotional state. Who knows how long he, a short-lived ghost, can live, and he doesn't want to harm anyone.

He bent down, wiped Jiang Nuannuan's saliva, picked her up, and said, "Back to the hospital."

She was held in his chest like a koala, her little head knocked on his shoulder, she turned her face to the side in a daze, and opened her eyes, "Zhai Heng?"

"Yeah." This time he didn't object to her calling him by his full name.

"Have you done your hair?"

"It just smells bad after dyeing it. Turn around." He moved his neck uncomfortably. The hot and humid breath on his neck always made him feel strange.


Jiang Nuannuan turned her face and yawned lazily.

The sunlight is dim in the distance, and the afterglow of the setting sun on the mountainside is particularly beautiful.

She half-closed her eyes, hung her arms on Zhai Heng's back, and fell asleep again in a daze.

When Jiang Nuannuan woke up again, she stared at the new man in front of her for a while without regaining consciousness.

He dyed his hair back black, took off his earrings, wore the simplest shirt and casual pants, and sat under the desk lamp with a book in his hand. He occasionally looked up at her and handed a candy to her hand.

I bought it on the way back because there were so many kids lining up at that candy store.

"How long are you going to keep watching?" Zhai Heng asked helplessly when he put toffee on her for the third time.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around and said, "It's too boring. Let me play with my phone."

Within a few seconds, a hand grabbed the collar at the back of her neck and forced it back.

"Bring out your summer homework."

Jiang Nuannuan: "...Do you really want to torture me?"

Zhai Heng looked at her and said, "Why were you so active when you asked me to solve problems before?"

She pursed her lips, "Then I'll write Chinese."

It turns out that the Chinese language is not very good either.

Within half an hour, Jiang Nuannuan gave up completely and closed her homework, "I'll continue to look at you."

Zhai Heng forcibly took out her notebook and checked a few pages. The look on the other side was getting more and more guilty, and he was thoughtful.

When I asked her to do math homework before, she made eight mistakes out of ten, and the Chinese language was about the same. She seemed to be completely unable to write homework for the third grade of junior high school, and even forgot the most basic ones.

Turning to the first page, he noticed that there was a huge difference between the handwriting before and after, and the previous homework was very complete.

Before going to bed, while Jiang Nuannuan went to wash up, Zhai Heng took the time to ask her nanny about her previous studies at school.

"She, her grades are really good. She doesn't need to worry about her homework at all. She ranks among the top three in the school."

The nanny also said proudly: "She doesn't need any special instruction from you to do her homework. It saves you trouble."

As it turns out, the exact opposite is true.

Zhai Heng did not expose it in public, but kept his doubts silently in his heart.

On the day she was discharged from the hospital, Jiang Nuannuan asked her nanny to drive her to the photo development place and developed most of the photos on her phone.

After returning home, she still remembered Zhai Lin's incident, turned over one of the photos, took out the pen in the pen box, thought about it, and started writing.

The first word only contained the prefix Yu, and Jiang Nuannuan was electrocuted by an invisible force on her wrist, instantly causing her to let go and fall to the ground.

My palm hurt so much that a big blister suddenly appeared.

Jiang Nuannuan gritted her teeth, looked at the photo that fell to the ground, and reluctantly tried with the pen again. As a result, as soon as she thought about it, her palm was shocked by an inexplicable force again, and she was unable to move a single stroke.

So, tell the future 'Jiang Nuannuan' not to let a member named Fu Ying get into trouble, and a certain employee must not be recruited. Such words that directly affect the protagonist's future cannot be written at all.

According to the requirements of the plot, they are destined to experience a car accident and a broken leg, which cannot be reversed.

What about the supporting characters?

Before Jiang Nuannuan, who was originally a supporting character with an unknown number, was selected as the protagonist, could her fate be changed?
Jiang Nuannuan remembered what she had written.

With a sudden change of heart, he popped a few blisters on his hand with a needle. He picked up the pen again, tore a piece of paper on the table and tentatively wrote down.

[You are very talented in jewelry. 】

Her arm felt numb for a while, and the numbness passed. Jiang Nuannuan looked at the sentence she had successfully written on the paper, and suddenly realized.

Not having anything to do with the protagonist, just writing down what would have happened to the supporting characters, there won't be much of a problem.

She bit the tip of her pen and thought, then wrote again.

[Ji Yansen is not a good person. If you meet him and can't control your feelings, don't tell everyone about the jewelry, including him. 】

In the future, Ji Yansen is just a little cannon fodder. He is not a good person to begin with, so writing that he is not a good person now does not affect the plot line, so there is no problem.

My hands are even number.

Jiang Nuannuan writes again.

[If that person comes to you, be nice to him]

I don't know anyone clearly, I just want 'Jiang Nuannuan' to understand.

After writing, her hand was so numb that she could no longer hold the pen, and the handwriting was crooked.

Jiang Nuannuan stared blankly at the very familiar piece of paper and the conversation, and smiled bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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