After working as a stand-in for a big boss, my annual salary will be tens of billions

Chapter 380: The darkening situation of each male protagonist

Chapter 380: The darkening situation of each male protagonist

A similar situation also played out in front of several other people.

The script that the script writer No. 2 got was to take over the role of Jiang Nuannuan, the popular actor who is close to the playboy, and continue to make him the king of the sea, and become an upright and good family man.

She was supposed to enter the entertainment industry as an 18-tier young actor, film a movie with him, get close to him, re-enact the "stand-in" script, fall in love over time, and continue to play the drama of a wave of return.

In fact, the current situation of the actor and the character introduction on the panel simply don’t match up! !Even to the point of being ridiculously crooked.

No matter how carefree the male protagonist in the novel is, he definitely has a bottom line and some masculine virtues, and is clean physically and mentally.

And what about this actor?

He has brought chaos to the entertainment industry, and anyone can buy resources from him. As a result, many actors in movies and TV series have turned into boss canaries who read lines 123456, or can only pout and roll their eyes.

There were countless women sent to him, and he would stay overnight with each one, and openly let the media take photos and make a fuss about them the next day, completely ignoring the public relations aspect.

His chaotic private life ran counter to his previous idea of ​​becoming a monk and becoming a good person. It was so outrageous that he was almost openly cheating.

But has someone committed a crime?No, he just changed girlfriends a little more diligently, and the cycle was shorter.

In the past, he could still restore his reputation with his dedication, good acting skills, and unique works, and he had a huge group of loyal career fans. But now he doesn't film a movie, doesn't appear in variety shows, and rarely shows up. If you show up, it will definitely be a scandal, and your reputation will be left to the outside world as a thinking animal and a cancer in the entertainment industry.

Fans were completely disappointed, lost countless followers, and were ridiculed by the entire Internet.

He can be called the No. 1 scumbag in the entertainment industry. He will never be able to clean up the dirty stuff in his life.

The male protagonist, who has countless stains on his body, doesn't care about it at all. He just goes to the extreme to tear off all the settings on his body and all his own pronouns.

When he smashed the hidden talent of Halo with his own hands, he was completely bad and disgusting. Who else would like such a protagonist?
The protagonist is completely broken.

Personnel No. 2, who entered the world and got to know him deeply, looked up to the sky and screamed.

"System! How is this strategy? Is he the character on the panel? Is that what he said? He doesn't film, sing, or do variety shows, he doesn't do business at all, he has the worst reputation in the entertainment industry, and the women change every day! The only way to get close to him is Are you being a clucking chicken?! Why should I take over such a mess! Where’s Jiang Nuannuan! Let her get back! I’m afraid I’ll be psychologically traumatized after doing this!”

"System! Do you hear me? Come out and make a sound!"

The 888 system said helplessly: "No. 999 is confronting 66. The character of Book Traveler No. 3 is committing suicide and killing people in front of her. I am still queuing up to connect. There is also a problem on their side. Please wait."

Book wearer No. 2 looked bad, "Is something going to happen to everyone?"

Zhai Lin knew very well what kind of turmoil Fei Jinzhao and Gu Shizhou were stirring up in their respective circles, and he also understood the reasons why they did so.

Go against the character and become an independent puppet with thoughts after cutting off the threads.

He thought about what the final outcome would be for him according to the current plot.

When Jiang Nuannuan was here, he had been guided to become a philanthropist, the founder of the Children's Foundation, and a benevolent person who provided employment opportunities for disabled people.

He thought that his character would gradually change from a manic, extreme, sensitive and unpopular person to a good national figure who is sought after by the people at the top of society.

As a qualified story, counterattack to success, bad seed to hero, is the only path for the protagonist.

Only by destroying these things will he collapse.

But Zhai Lin couldn't do it.

On Kuomintang's bedside table there is still a portrait given by Huahua, the last work he completed under his guidance.

He cannot bully disabled people and children, and cannot give them hope and then cruelly deprive them of it.

He didn't know how else to proceed. He missed Jiang Nuannuan and wanted to see her.

one day.

When a person who was more or less similar to her came to him and handed him a candy pretending to be unintentional, trying to carry out another 'substitute' plot, he finally understood what he should do.

They were indeed a mysterious organization beyond this world, and they sent someone other than Jiang Nuannuan to unblock their knotted puppet strings.

He accepted the woman's deliberate approach very calmly, but one night, he bit into the lychee candy, picked up a sharp knife, and cut his arm open as if to commit suicide, letting the blood flow freely, and the words he said to her were particularly touching. .

"Tell me, if I stab myself in the neck with the next knife, will I die?"

If everything is fake, will he die?Can he still die?He thought Zhai Heng was arranged to die, but what about him?

Bookkeeper No. 3 was almost stunned. The character panel given to her did not show a male protagonist who had mania and was on the verge of being cured. He was also capable of extreme self-mutilation!
"Of course, don't do that, I'll go find a medical kit for you." She said stumblingly, shocked by this divine unfolding.

Blood dripped at Zhai Lin's feet. With his back against the kitchen counter, he stared at her back with malicious eyes, "In another possibility, what if I stabbed you in the neck? Will you die? Probably not? At most, she disappeared like her?"

Book wearer No. 3 turned his head stiffly and looked at the man blending into the night, holding a short knife like a perverted murderer. He turned his back to the moonlight and walked slowly towards her.

"Would you like to try it?" A devilish whisper echoed in the empty living room.

Book wearer No. 3’s hair stood on end.

"Don't, don't come here."

She kept retreating, her psychological defense collapsed a little, and her heart was screaming crazily,

"999! Is this a horror script you gave me? The male protagonist wants to kill! He wants to kill! You! Get on! Give! Me! One! Reasonable! Explanation!"

The situation of book wearer No. 4 is relatively better.

She is quite smart, and she managed to work her way up to Gu Tingyan's secretary position. He didn't seem to be out of character, and his behavior was normal.

She plays her role conscientiously, carries stomach medicine with her, and develops good cooking skills. Whenever the boss needs her, she will serve her immediately.

But after serving for more than half a year, she is still not as good as Li Assistant. She has never even entered the male protagonist's house. Her care is limited to handing over stomach medicine in the car. She is really treated as a tool.

The only gain was that she unexpectedly discovered that Gu Tingyan had an additional interest that he shouldn't have.See a psychiatrist.

He would take her to see a psychiatrist every half month.

And she was always by his side.

The same is true today.

The aromatherapy in the waiting room outside smells good and makes people relax easily. The indoor music is some kind of breathing yoga background sound, which makes No. 4's breathing rate slow down and rise with the music.

There is also a dedicated service here to provide tea and water to accompany the chat.

Book wearer No. 4 couldn't even figure out when things started to go wrong.

It probably started with a certain line of dialogue.

The woman who served her made small talk with her.

"When did you become Mr. Gu's secretary? You look so young."

"About half a year ago." No. 4 relaxed his limbs and drank the juice in the cup, his mind relaxed.

"Oh, so you are a local, right?"

"No, I came here half a year ago too. "

"How did you get here? Airplane or high-speed rail? Or something faster?"

"You seem to have discussed this topic with me before, so there's no need to repeat it again."

The other party said warmly: "Yes, we are talking about the speed of high-speed rail and the speed of airplanes. What else do you think can take you here faster?"

No. 4's expression was in a trance, and part of her brain activity seemed to be suppressed, causing her to speak involuntarily, "I don't know, I was put here for only a few seconds?"

At this time, the system in her mind noticed the anomaly in today's conversation, "You should stop."

Guided hypnosis again and again, today is the final session.

No. 4's suppressed brain was too slow to think, and his eyes were empty.

Only the gentle voice asked her, "I understand, you can go home at any time, right? If I want to visit your hometown, can you take me there?"

No. 4: "No, the car is in my head and cannot take you. I can only complete the task."

The topic was forcibly interrupted by the system. It reacted before No. 4 and discovered that all the programming in the room was wrong. If this continued, No. 4 would spit out everything.

The next door was pushed open.

The expressionless man strode out and took what the psychologist disguised as a waiter had written.

She gave the result in confusion, "Your assistant seems to be delusional and schizophrenic? She is already under complete 6-level deep hypnosis. She has stored the tools for returning home in her mind and cannot take me with her. 'Only completion' The next words were like being suppressed by another voice, but I guessed it was 'mission'."

"I suggest you get her hospitalized as soon as possible."

"Thank you."

The aromatherapy was removed from the lounge, the medicated tea was poured out, and the music that guided breathing was turned off.

Waiting for No. 4 to wake up completely, Gu Tingyan, who was sitting on the sofa opposite, said with a deep look and a cold tone, "Let's get acquainted again, mission planners."

"I've been observing you for a long time, and I came to a conclusion today."

This conclusion corresponds to what Zhai Heng said and has been confirmed.

"You, like Jiang Nuannuan, have a 'leader' directing you to do tasks. Do you use some kind of technology implanted in the brain? Or something more advanced that I can't touch in the current world. The target of your tasks is me. The reward for success is What is it? What is the price of failure? Possibly death? Are you under duress, right, and what are the chances that you will get me out of here if we work together?"

A series of questions, every word is enough to detonate No. 4's brain.

Her eyes were horrified, and the 000 system in her mind collapsed.

How inexplicable!Is this male protagonist awake yet?Have you touched the truth about the world?
No. 4 opened his mouth, trembling and speechless. Should he move or not?The look in the male protagonist's eyes made it look like he would skin her on the spot if she told a lie.

No. 000: "Pretend to be stupid!"

Gu Tingyan saw her bewildered and pretending to be stupid, and said indifferently: "I will consider hiring a scientific research team to cut open your brain and study you."

"If it fails, I have an alternative."

"I am the only one who finds that the truth of the world is not enough. If I join forces with Feijin to spread the word to the world, everything we live on and everything we see and hear is false. Will this cause a sensation?"

They are the protagonists, and the influence of the protagonist's own luck is huge.

Some people take it as a joke, while others are willing to believe that this number of awakened people is extremely terrifying.

Maybe not only the protagonist will collapse, but the world will collapse completely.

When several worlds merged unexpectedly before, there were cases of supporting characters suffering memory confusion and dying on a large scale. This time it will be even more serious.

Who can afford such a price.

Number 000 in my mind couldn't sit still. It didn't understand how the male protagonist could act like he knew the whole truth.

It was furious, thinking it had picked up a hot potato.

"I want to scold that idiot 66 to death! What on earth did its host do!! Let him wipe his own ass! I don't want to die here."

(Composition: In today’s chapter, two words are combined into one, paving the way for the following chapters.)
(End of this chapter)

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