Chapter 381 Talk about conditions

ten o'clock in the morning.

Jiang Nuannuan completed her daily training under the guidance of her fitness teacher and went downstairs to eat breakfast prepared by her nanny.

66 appeared without warning, and a pink tentacle ball jumped out of the void in front of her face. She was so frightened that she almost missed her step and fell downstairs.


The nanny looked up and asked strangely: "What's wrong, Miss Jiang?"

"No, it's fine."

Jiang Nuannuan was sitting on the steps, with the towel on her shoulders draped over 66's head. She held it in her hands to calm down.

"Let's leave the breakfast. I'll have it later."

She returned to the bedroom, closed the door, threw it on the bed, frowned and asked, "What are you doing? If you don't see it anymore, how can I still see you?"

66 sat on the towel, with his pink tentacles nervously entangled together, and said cautiously: "Something happened, and I need your help."

"Am I not dead? Didn't I say that only the soul can see you?" Jiang Nuannuan touched her warm arm.

66 said aggrievedly: "I lifted the restriction and came to see you. I can't crawl into your head to talk to you anymore because the mission has been completed and the contract has been terminated."

Jiang Nuannuan sat down beside the bed with confidence and poked its head, "Tell me, what happened?"

"After you left, Destiny asked a system with a higher level than mine to continue repairing the world. They spent a lot of money to arrange four missionaries to take over the mission of the female protagonist, but I don't know what went wrong. All the male protagonists woke up."

System 66 looked aggrieved and almost cried, "They are all under control, and the male protagonists are trying to find you back."

"Destiny? Who is that? It seems like this is the first time I heard it."

"The god in charge of all the book worlds, our immediate boss."

"Oh, He looks the same as you?"

System 66: "He is a big golden dumpling. Are you off topic! Why are you asking this!"

Jiang Nuannuan coughed lightly, "Are the missionaries you sent there so unreliable?"

"It's not their problem. After I was deceived, didn't I cause your supporting role to become the protagonist? The original protagonist should have been completed by three people, and each had a happy ending."

"Now that you have disappeared, and the male protagonist has discovered the truth of the world for some unknown reason, they are trying to find you and trying to escape from their own world. You have completely become their obsession, which directly leads to the further collapse of the world. , even the taskmaster can’t save it.”

Jiang Nuannuan quickly realized what the problem was, or that her previous guess was wrong.

The fact that the heroine should spend her whole life with the hero to achieve a perfect ending goes against the idea that she once guessed that she was one of the protagonists.

To put it in layman's terms, going back to the beginning of the mission she accepted, within two years she was really just a supporting role in the background. When the time was up, the heroine took over and the plot officially began.

The heroine here does not refer to the person in the book, but the person responsible for sorting out the world line.

Since all the plots obtained by 66 had been tampered with, including its favorability report, this directly led to Jiang Nuannuan and 66 having a common misunderstanding.

Fu Shiliu, Fu Ying or Rong Zhao, the two began to agree that these so-called "Bai Yueguang" were the heroines, but in fact, they were also supporting roles, so Jiang Nuannuan later found out that she had obtained the "heroine book" 's truth'.What she grabbed was never the protagonist halo of Fu Ying and the other three, nor was she a certain protagonist. She just finished the heroine script that originally required three people in the later stage.

Is this the truth?

66 said that in a world with a normal ending, the heroine and the hero have to stay together for a lifetime and grow old together for the story to end successfully.

The end here, she thought, also meant that the world was back to normal.

So how can we achieve Consummation now?
The protagonist Jiang Nuannuan was lost, and due to unknown reasons, the male protagonist discovered the truth about the world, making things even more wrong.

"I remember, aren't Gu Tingyan and Gu Shizhou two male protagonists? Why is there an extra person now?"

System 66: "He became very bad and out of control. We unanimously decided to increase the protagonist group to 4 people, but it was of no use."

Jiang Nuannuan touched its pink tentacles, "Then what do you want me to do now? Wear it back? It won't be enough to cut me into four pieces if I go back."

"Besides." Her voice softened, "I have also confirmed with you that I am in good health and my relationship with you is terminated. You cannot instruct me to do anything for no reason."

System 66 said: "I have discussed with 999 and 000. They are willing to give you half of the rewards from their respective hosts. We will re-sign the contract and ask you to go back and find a way to eliminate their obsession with you and give up their obsession with you." Real-world exploration.”

Jiang Nuannuan smiled, without any pity for her former colleagues, "If you don't do it, do you know that 100 billion is stored in the bank card, and just the monthly profits and part of the financial management can make me lie in the pile of money? I Now there is no shortage of money or anything, and this weight is not enough.”

System 66 was a little anxious, "But you have to know that the world of the male protagonists is just the words in a book to you. Once they try to break away from this shackles, it is no different from playing with fire and burning themselves. They will die! The whole world People will disappear.”

"Why should I give sympathy to a book." Jiang Nuannuan was still indifferent, "Unless you come up with something that can move me more."

System 66 finally heard it and looked at her calculating eyes, "The most we can give to the host is money and body. If you don't want these, what do you want?"

Jiang Nuannuan said: "Change the fate of a supporting character."

System 66 stuttered, "You mean Zhai Heng?"

I don't know why, but it immediately thought of this man.

Jiang Nuannuan twitched the corners of her lips, "Mrs. Zhai blamed me before, saying that it was not worth it for him to spend his whole life on me. Do you still remember how I answered her?"

66 remembers, with a cryptic tone, "You said you would repay it if you had the chance."

Jiang Nuannuan said with a smile: "I want him to be resurrected, to erase all his memories of me, so that he can be the protagonist in his world with peace of mind, and just have a good family, start a career, and live a happy life."

66: "I thought you would make a request to be with him. Of course, this is too much and is beyond my authority."

"At first, I felt that I was a very heartless person who only loved money. After entering the mission, I treated everyone as pale paper people."

Jiang Nuannuan looked out the window, her eyes lost in thought, "But the human heart is very complicated. While getting along with them, I later realized that I also invested a lot of emotion."

The heart is made of flesh, so how can it be really unfeeling?

"I don't think I will be an exclusive and qualified lover in this life, because I like them all, and these loves can no longer be gathered in one man."

System 66: "."

(End of this chapter)

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