Chapter 382 Return to Linggang

Jiang Nuannuan suddenly understood why she couldn't fall in love after living in reality for so long.

The people she likes are all a world away from her. She has already given her true love there, and she can no longer be interested in others.

The problem turns out to be here.

Jiang Nuannuan said: "If you or the god in charge of destiny can accept my conditions, I agree to go back to complete the mission and let them give up on me and live well in their own world."

She is the only source of the problem, and she can only solve it.

System 66 sighed, "I'm here today just to check your wishes first. I'll come to you after I ask my superiors to find out how the male protagonists found out."

Jiang Nuannuan grabbed its long tentacles and tied a bow, "I think it was Zhai Heng who did it. I never figured out where the extra fourth world in your mouth came from. If it was him who peeked into the truth of the world, , changed the trajectory of the world.”

And you agreed to my conditions for resurrecting him.

Then, his supporting role status has changed.

His world is beyond her reach now, but it will exist in a new way after everything is over, which is great.

The day 66 left, Jiang Nuannuan concluded that it would come back to find her.

She lives her life step by step.

Until one night it comes again, and the pink light illuminates the entire dark bedroom.

System 66: "You are right. Zhai Heng is very smart. He guessed our existence. Before he died, he hinted about us to the male protagonists, hinting that they would disrupt the world and get you to come back. Gu Tingyan was the first one. When he woke up, after he doubted and wavered about his own personality, Zhai Heng's words completely confirmed his suspicions."

"But I don't understand why Zhai Heng did this. If he loved you, why would he let you come back to tangle with your love rivals?"

Jiang Nuannuan leaned against the pillow loosely, "Because he is betting that I have the leverage to negotiate with you, that I will resurrect him, and that he will come to me in a brand new, healthy body."

His biggest regret in his life was that he couldn't have a healthy body to love her.

The reality is obviously not going to develop as smoothly as he wants, and Jiang Nuannuan doesn't want him to join her emotional disputes again, which is bound to be disappointing.

She didn't want him to be disappointed.

System 66: "That might disappoint him. Destiny agrees to your condition of resurrecting Zhai Heng, but this will only take effect after you complete the task. He will lose all memory of you and become the leading actor to start a new life. .”

Jiang Nuannuan was not sad, only felt relaxed, "This is the best result for us."

System 66: "Then do you agree to sign a contract with me?"

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "No, first tell me what I want to do specifically, and their respective situations."

System 66 did not hide anything from her and told her everything, including what happened to the missionaries.

Jiang Nuannuan needs to give up their thoughts of trying to break away from the world and prevent their own world from further collapse.

She also needs to find a way to get the male protagonists to let go of their obsession with her and live a good life.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Then there is no need to give them an ending, so that the world can separate and return to normal?"

System 66: "It is impossible to comprehensively evaluate this. The missionaries will only inspire their rebellious psychology, and you only have one and cannot be divided. Therefore, we currently only hope that these entangled worlds will be unable to recover, which is better than collapse. "

It also said bitterly: "It's all the fault of No. 886 who framed me. If fate hadn't punished it, I would have wanted it to pick up the manure!"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Let me tell you what I think."

"I can only go back in this body again. You need to do some tricks on my body to make me terminally ill."

System 66: "Huh?"

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "You also said that my disappearance is the source of their obsession. If you ask them to give up, won't they give up when they see me die in that world?" "But I don't want this body to really appear. The problem is, I will still use it when I come back."

System 66 signs a contract with her and has the ability to control her body. Just like the last time he jumped into the sea and pretended to have amnesia without being discovered by the doctor, it's not a big deal to fake death, right?

System 66 didn't say anything for a while.

Jiang Nuannuan also waited quietly for its answer.

After thinking about it, she really believed that her death was a fair and reasonable choice for all the male protagonists.

They are destined not to be together.

She deceived everyone for 100 billion, and it was a good thing that her love ended with death.

System 66: "Okay, for half a year, let's sign the contract."

The pink tentacle stretched out in front of her, and Jiang Nuannuan raised her hand to hold it.

In an instant, everything in front of him was stretched into thin threads, moving backward at the speed of light.

When he blinked again, everything around him changed.

She is not in her big villa worth 2 million, but in the busy streets of Linggang.

The familiar Gu's Building is right in front of you.

Jiang Nuannuan looked dazed for a while.

This back and forth was so fast, I regretted not giving her the chance to go back on my word.
There were many strange looks from around her. She came back to her senses, looked down at the nightgown she was wearing, and was speechless.

She gathered up her nightgown, glanced at the tall Gu's Building, turned around and walked in the opposite direction.

System 66: "Don't leave."

"What are you doing? I have to change my clothes first and think about how to deal with them, right? You're too quick." Jiang Nuannuan decided to return to Bishui Bay.

System 66's tone was a little anxious, "One of our missionaries is in trouble, you have to help her first."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Nuannuan stopped.

"Gu Tingyan used her as a guinea pig because she refused to tell him the truth and is trying to dig into her brain to find us."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed and continued walking forward, "Then he won't kill anyone in Gu's family, right? How could he be so blatant?"

78 o'clock in the morning is the check-in point for office workers in Linggang. The streets are uniformly dressed in suits and skirts. Her image of only a pair of flip-flops and fan nightgown is really the focus of the audience.

The black Maybach stopped at the traffic light, and the man in the car was talking on the phone. His brows were filled with the usual tiredness, a few buttons on his shirt were loose, and there was a light scratch on the back of his hand.

Mission No. 4 was tied up and thrown into the back seat. Looking at the back of the man's head, the piece of cloth in his mouth was almost wet with tears.

She signed a mission contract with the system and is still unable to leave. She immediately rushed to the execution ground, but the rescue has not yet come! ! !

Li Zhu didn't dare to look at the back seat. When the light turned green, he stepped on the accelerator, looked to the right in the rearview mirror, turned and went straight, and the girl in a pink nightgown came straight into his eyes.


The Maybach brakes suddenly.

No. 4 in the back row rolled to the ground.

"Old boss?" Li Zhu pointed at the woman passing by the car, "It seems to be Miss Jiang?"

Gu Tingyan turned his eyes and his eyes fell on that familiar figure. His cold expression froze. The next second, his still body suddenly opened the car door and got out of the car.
(End of this chapter)

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