Chapter 383 Gu Tingyan

The man was tall and slender. His suit was unbuttoned. His strong arms with rolled-up cuffs were tightly stretched. His fingers were clasped on the white wrist to pull him back.

Jiang Nuannuan's messy hair brushed his chest, her confused face approached, and she bumped into his arms.

In an instant, all the hustle and bustle around him disappeared.

The employees of Gu Group watched an unprecedented farce early in the morning.

Their boss, who was always well-dressed and emotionally stable, lost control of a woman in front of everyone's attention.

The man's eyes were scarlet, his jawline was very tight, and his Adam's apple was rolling again and again, as if he had a thousand words to ask. When it came to his mouth, he could only say through gritted teeth, "Long time no see."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, clenching her flip-flops between her toes, not knowing what to do about meeting him on the street.

How embarrassing, her first thought was how embarrassing!
As soon as she took a step back, Gu Tingyan automatically interpreted her as running away. His eyes suddenly darkened, he grabbed her waist and held her tightly in his arms, and carried her back to the car in public.

Seeing Maybach Juechen leave, leaving only a flip-flop that fell on the side of the road, someone finally spoke.

"Is that because the police have been looking for Jiang Nuannuan for a whole year and there has been no news from him?"

"It seems... it's her, the god who ruined our boss and his brother!"

"This way of showing up is really special, pajamas and slippers."


Jiang Nuannuan was still a little confused after being put into the car, and her foot that had lost its slipper subconsciously stepped on the instep of the other foot.

It wasn't until she found someone lying on the bottom of the back seat that she came to her senses and hurriedly bent down to help him up.

When No. 4 saw the male protagonist's expression, he knew that the girl in front of him was rescued, and he screamed with excitement.

We have to find a way to get her out of the car.

Jiang Nuannuan was about to untie the rope from her body when the man beside her pulled her back.

Gu Tingyan lowered his head and glanced at the time on his watch, and said in a chilling voice to Li Assistant in front of him: "Go back to Sunshine Courtyard first, and then send the person to the research institute."

Want to dig her brain out? !
No. 4 was happy for two seconds before he collapsed again.

Li Assistant: "Understood."

Then he silently raised the fender to isolate himself from the movement in the back seat. He had no choice but to be afraid of his boss's recent mental state.

Jiang Nuannuan turned sideways with difficulty and raised her head. Gu Tingyan just lowered his eyes, and extremely unstable emotions were rolling in his deep eyes.

He looked at Jiang Nuannuan, the familiar face, the innocent yet deceptive eyes, and his stomach began to ache. He endured it, suppressed his emotions and asked calmly:
"In your world, how have you been doing this whole year since you completed your mission?"

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, knowing that he already knew the truth and had nothing to hide.

She whispered: "I got a big reward and I'm doing pretty well."

Gu Tingyan suddenly sneered, his stomach cramped, and his heart ached.

His fingers dug into her waist and held her tightly, "I'm not having a good life at all. For a whole year, I didn't have a good night's sleep because I missed you."

Sometimes I dream every night, and the dream is full of her deceptive smile. She turns into bubbles in the sun and disappears without a trace.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes suddenly became sour, he lowered his head and remained silent.

The car drove back to Sunshine Garden.

Gu Tingyan pulled her out of the car. Jiang Nuannuan didn't forget to save people. She hugged his arm and whispered, "Let the person in the car go. You won't dig out anything valuable from her."

"Do you know what I'm going to do?" He asked with an expressionless face and dark eyes.

"I knew it before I was released." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said in a soft voice, "You did a lot of things that caused me to come back. I can't leave anymore. There is no point in keeping her."

Gu Tingyan looked at her silently for a while, "Are you worthy of my trust?"

He gave her all his trust, but the outcome was so unbearable.

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes suddenly became moist, "I can't help but do this."

She had something to hide, Gu Tingyan knew, he held her hand tightly, and finally glanced at Li Zhu in the car, "Send the person back first."

Li Assistant nodded, "Okay."

No. 4 in the car also breathed a sigh of relief. It was okay. At least Jiang Nuannuan's words were useful, but he didn't know how she would solve this fatal dilemma.

The Sunshine Courtyard is still the same, the furnishings remain unchanged, the ashtray on the coffee table in the living room is filled with cigarette butts, and there is a man sitting here smoking ferociously for who knows how many nights.

She stood in the room, the knot around her waist was loose, and her pink nightgown had been tossed so much that it was now slipping off her shoulders.

Just as Jiang Nuannuan was about to raise her hands and clasp them together, someone grabbed her waist and pushed her into the gentle and broad embrace behind her.

The man was like a dying man suffering from lack of oxygen. He put his head on the side of her neck and took a deep sniff.

The familiar lover returned to his side. Gu Tingyan couldn't tell which was more painful or pleasurable.

His deep voice said:
"That day you promised the four of us at the same time and then left. Was it because you were threatened?" He was the smartest among them. Jiang Nuannuan whispered: "Yes, I was already dead in my own world." ."

The arms holding her suddenly tightened a bit, and the breathing on her skin became heavier.

"I don't know, what next."

Jiang Nuannuan said: "I can't say much. That organization gave me wrong instructions to approach you. As long as I succeed, I will have a chance to be resurrected. If I fail,"

She paused, then lowered her voice, "It will be reduced to ashes."

Gu Tingyan guessed that she was being coerced, but she didn't know that the problem would be so serious.

"Did you succeed?"

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "Well, I survived, and I will always be in this body from now on."

Gu Tingyan frowned, "But you are still controlled by others. I can't help you fight, right?"

At this moment, what he wanted to do was to help her avoid future troubles.

But 66’s immediate boss, strictly speaking, is God.

Jiang Nuannuan turned around, "There is no way, but they can't solve the good things you did, so they brought me back."

"Gu Tingyan."

She raised her head and said extremely seriously: "Don't try to study my world, you will die."

As the proud man of heaven, he suffered all kinds of frustrations from her.

He was very unwilling.

"I just want to break the boundaries and find you."

Jiang Nuannuan softened her expression, "But now that I'm back, I can't leave again. They also set restrictions on me."

"What do you mean?"

Facing his question, Jiang Nuannuan said awkwardly: "In order to complete the task, I agreed to the four of you at the same time, which caused everyone to regard me as an obsession that cannot be eradicated. You are the center of the world. In order to maintain the stability of the world, They decided to leave me here forever.”

This is half true.

The truth is that she did come to maintain the stability of the world, the lie is that she will never be able to stay here.

Gu Tingyan caressed her face and rubbed his fingertips into her hair, "Do you know what happened after this?"

Jiang Nuannuan didn't dare to look into his eyes and mumbled, "It's imaginable."

"I really want to ask you." He said: "In the circumstances at that time, did you really sincerely choose whom to choose?"

Everyone is sincere.

Jiang Nuannuan opened her mouth, her tone full of apology, "I don't know either."

Gu Tingyan closed his eyes and was silent for a few seconds, then said in a deep voice: "You always treat this place as a game, right?"

"It used to be."

Jiang Nuannuan's tone became panicked, "But then I was sincere, but I didn't know how to deal with these feelings. I just felt that I was destined to leave here, and I was afraid of getting hurt."

Speaking of which, she was also selfish and she broke them all.

"What about now?" Gu Tingyan asked her, "Is the reason why you come back just because we violated our own settings? Do you still want to continue to deceive everyone?"

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, her face full of injustice, "That's not the case. You have already seen the truth of the world, so I have no reason to do it anymore. It was only because you tried to destroy the world that I was pulled back."

"I didn't want to deceive you again." Tears fell from her eyes and she hit him on the palm of his hand.

After making her cry, Gu Tingyan calmed down, put his fingertips against the corners of her eyes and couldn't help but coax, "Don't cry."

He is already 30 years old, and he shouldn't lose his temper with a little girl whose life is threatened. She doesn't really want to deceive them, she just wants to live, and he can't be too harsh.

Even though he was in real pain.

He hugged her into his arms again, "You had no choice at the time. I shouldn't blame you."

Jiang Nuannuan knew that Gu Tingyan had always been a sensible person. She felt even more uncomfortable and buried herself in his arms, "I'm very sorry for what you did."

She heard a helpless smile.

"Jiang Nuannuan, but I didn't do all this just to wait for you to say sorry."

"I just want you to love me back."

She froze.

(End of this chapter)

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