Chapter 384 Eating together

How should I answer some questions?
The harm caused by a promise that gave people hope was too great. After doing this twice in a row, Jiang Nuannuan felt guilty and could only talk in a roundabout way.

"I'm never leaving again."

She stroked his generous back and whispered: "I will never disappear for no reason again."

The living room was quiet for a moment.

After a long time, the man's voice sounded in pain.

"It's hard for me to believe you."

"But I won't let you go."

Jiang Nuannuan heard something strange about him, pushed his chest away and held up the angular handsome face.

"Does your stomach hurt again?"

He put his chin against her palm and whispered, "Yeah, it hurts."

The soup is boiling hot in the pot.

Jiang Nuannuan put down the chopped green onions to make the final seasoning. The man beside her helped to take out the pot and handed her a paper towel to wipe her hands.

The two sat down facing each other, and she asked: "Why don't you have a good meal? I don't see Aunt Mei anymore."

Gu Tingyan picked up the chopsticks and said, "Her son gave birth to a grandson for her last year and went home to take care of the child."

Jiang Nuannuan scooped a bowl of soup for him, "Why don't you find another aunt?"

"There is a cleaning person who comes here regularly, but I don't go home often." He looked at her and said, "There is no need to go home, so I didn't look for him again."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, so he had been sleeping in the office during her absence this year, abusing his already bad body.

Seeing that her head was almost buried in the bowl, Gu Tingyan stretched out his chopsticks and put a piece of meat in her bowl. "After you left, the kitchen at home has not been touched for a long time."

Even the ingredients for this meal were delivered at short notice.

Jiang Nuannuan took a deep breath, raised her head and said, "After lunch, take a rest, and I'll make you whatever you want to eat at night."


He didn't want to push her too hard at the dinner table.

In the past, Gu Tingyan would lose his appetite if he was too busy to eat late, and his empty stomach was used to being hungry or having only drinks.

Now, just this mediocre home-cooked meal made his stomach send out a hunger signal and he ate two bowls of rice in a row.

After meeting for a year, the two of them lived harmoniously at the dinner table as if no time had passed at all.

Jiang Nuannuan was about to clean up, but the man stood up and pressed her hand holding the plate, "I'll do it."

He took off his coat, rolled up his cuffs, cleared the table and entered the kitchen.

During this period, Jiang Nuannuan stood by the door and watched his unfamiliar movements.

She thought for a moment and asked, "Is Zhai Heng dead?"

Gu Tingyan's hand paused, and a deep voice came along the rushing water, "The day you left a year ago, he died, and Zhai Lin took over the company."

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes, "Yeah."

The sound of water suddenly stopped, and Gu Tingyan frowned. He put a bunch of dishes and chopsticks in the sink, wiped his hands and walked to her, pinching her chin.

"Jiang Nuannuan."

"Did you come back because of Zhai Heng?"

He didn't ask any serious questions or show too many emotional expressions. He had clearly guessed the answer in his deep black eyes, which were so painful that they were numb.

Zhai Heng would not reveal the truth about the world before his death for no reason. He also loved Jiang Nuannuan. How could he be willing to give her back to them?
They are not good people in essence. If you don't know what the other person is doing, they must have some agenda, and it will definitely not be superficial.

"Not at all."

Jiang Nuannuan knew she couldn't deceive him, so she looked into his eyes and said, "He asked you to mess up the world as a way to blackmail those people into letting me come back, and I also negotiated terms."

"Let me return to this world again, on the condition that I hope that Zhai Heng will be resurrected and forget me forever."

Gu Tingyan didn't expect that she would say such a condition, "Forget you?" Jiang Nuannuan said softly: "I have already received a lot of affection, I can't ask for more from him."

"He was buried in the Zhai family cemetery, how could he come back to life?" Gu Tingyan had accepted the magical things that happened to him, and was no longer surprised that a person could come back from the dead.

Jiang Nuannuan shook her head, "I don't know, maybe in the next life, or maybe I will live in this world with a different skin. In the end, I will never meet him again."

Never seen again.

This is an extremely cruel word.

His face was cold, but he couldn't help but be jealous, "If they don't agree to your conditions, you won't come back."

Speaking of this, Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but laugh.

She touched the back of his hand and rubbed it, her eyes lingering, "No, I will still come back for you, it's just that the person who coerced me is easy to fool, I just attached this condition."

She guessed that it would be very difficult for Zhai Heng to be resurrected and lose his memory again. 66 had no power to make the decision at the time and only agreed after asking the 'Golden Tuanzi' god. She must have sacrificed some price that she didn't know before they could resurrect Zhai. Heng.

Ask yourself, if they are unwilling to resurrect Zhai Heng, Jiang Nuannuan will eventually agree to come back.

The male protagonist is the center of the world. If they die, everyone will die. She can't completely ignore them, not to mention that she really likes them.

System 66 in her mind heard the words "good to fool" and angrily wrapped its pink tentacles around her face, trying to suffocate her to death.

"Do you know how difficult it is to upgrade a supporting character to a protagonist? Do you know how difficult it is to tamper with everyone's memory for a simple request of yours? God almost consumes most of his power, and it will even do this Sleeping."

After resurrection, Zhai Heng will still exist in this world. The prerequisite for him to forget Jiang Nuannuan is that everyone must forget.

Forgetting that he had died, forgetting that he and Jiang Nuannuan had known each other, the memories between them were not only erased between the two of them, but also erased along with the people around them.

For example, Gu Tingban remembered that he loved Jiang Nuannuan, but he would never remember that Jiang Nuannuan and Zhai Heng had a past.

Only then can the world begin a new chapter.

This is something only God can do.

In the afternoon.

Gu Tingyan canceled all meetings and had no intention of going to work.

There were still some of her previous clothes in the bedroom, none of which had been touched.

Jiang Nuannuan stood in front of the closet and looked at it for a while, and finally took out a nightgown under the man's gaze.

His eyes dimmed slightly, "Do you want to take a shower?"

She nodded, "I was in a hurry when I came here. Let's take a shower and rest for a while."

She was sleeping when she was pulled over by 66, but now her nerves were temporarily relaxed and sleepiness swept over her.

But she was just taking a shower, and Gu Tingyan outside the door would talk to her every few minutes.

"Do you still have shower gel?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "The one you had a year ago is still there, it has expired, I used yours."


After a while, he asked again: "Did you get the towel?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Take it."

She knew what he was worried about and asked proactively: "Are you going to work this afternoon?"

"Not going recently."

Jiang Nuannuan turned off the water and put on her nightgown rustlingly. She came out with her slippers on and turned around to see the man standing against the wall.

"Then will you sleep with me? If you haven't slept well for a long time, you should have a good rest."

Her hair was casually scattered on her shoulders, with some water on the ends, and a few strands were put together against her neck. The eyes that looked at him were as tender as before, and only his appearance was reflected in the dazzling, jewel-like pupils. .

How many times did Gu Tingyan fall into such eyes and couldn't extricate himself, so much so that he had a few midnight dreams and woke up in the middle of the night, the pillow beside him was empty, and the coldness in his palms made him despair.

He held her hand, leaned down, put the collar in her hand, and whispered: "Well, help me untie it."

(End of this chapter)

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