Chapter 388 I prepared it for you
Fei Jinzhao calmly shared with her, "I used public opinion to get Li Jingtian into trouble at first by concealing his marriage history and abducting a woman to give birth to a child. Later, I used some tricks to break his capital chain, and finally stole all his numbers. Cryptocurrency.”

In just one sentence, Jiang Nuannuan could hear enough bloodshed.

She didn't ask him how he could become like this, she just said softly: "You could have gotten better, right?"

He suddenly laughed, and Qing Jun's face turned to her, "Which answer do you want from me? After you deceived me into getting married and then abandoned me, what other path can I take?"

He has been abandoned by others, first by his parents, then by his grandmother, and then by her whom he loved in his best years.

He ushered in redemption and then fell into the abyss. In the end, he had no choice. It didn't matter which way he went, no one would care.

"No answer needed, I understand."

Of course Jiang Nuannuan could feel the earth-shaking changes in him, which were all brought about by her.

She lowered her eyes and accidentally glanced at his other hand on the armrest. Her knuckles were slightly bent, as if she was using great effort to grasp the dark leather underneath.

He looked far less calm than he appeared, and he was very, very angry.

Jiang Nuannuan put down the half-eaten ice cream cup, turned around and coughed twice, and pulled up the plush blanket covering her body.

She had no intention of telling him any more lies, she had told him enough, and her heart was tortured even if she tried to reconcile.

A few minutes later, Jiang Nuannuan clearly felt the temperature in the cabin rising.

She quietly glanced at Fei Jinzhao, who was looking down at her phone next to her, and sighed in her heart.

She gradually fell asleep after the long flight. When the plane encountered turbulence, a hand reached out to grab the blanket that had slipped down on her and carefully covered her again.

Jiang Nuannuan was unaware of all this. The two people sitting across from each other looked at each other and quietly mentioned the house Fei Jinzhao had decorated in her hometown. The long chains didn't look like they would actually be put on the woman's feet. .

He was dealing entirely with a lost treasure.

When the plane landed in Linggang, Fei Jinzhao refused the flight attendant's announcement to wake Jiang Nuannuan, and personally carried her off the plane and into the prepared car.

When the wind blew a little, she actually woke up.

The familiar street scene outside the car window made Jiang Nuannuan suddenly think of something. She got out of the blanket and found that she was still on his lap. She simply put her hand on his chest through the blanket, "I gave you the jewelry studio." , is the operation going well?”

Fei Jinzhao hugged her and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "The only thing you left for me is of course very good."

Of all the people, he was the only one who got her hard work. Does this prove that he is a little special?
At least that's what he thought at first.

Jiang Nuannuan: "Can I go and have a look?"

His smile quickly faded after this suggestion, "I'm afraid I can't do it now, but other than that, I can give you everything you want."

He was like a frightened bird, afraid that after finally putting her in the cage with him, how could he end up like Gu Tingyan, who was trying to find every opportunity and couldn't even catch a feather.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "Okay."

The car did not stop at Linggang and took the mountain path to the countryside.

When Gu Tingyan sent back the news and called the police that his girlfriend had been kidnapped, checkpoints were set up at all entry and exit points.

Fei Jinzhao has a lot of cars under his name in the past year, and all of them that can be found are in Linggang. His hacking methods and anti-reconnaissance vigilance of hiding from cameras have made even the police helpless.

The country is so big, no one knows where he can abduct people. Whether he has abducted people or not, it would be troublesome to investigate given his current sensitive status.That night, there were always helicopters circling back and forth over Linggang.

Jiang Nuannuan never imagined that Fei Jinzhao's old dilapidated house in the countryside would be transformed into a three-story villa. The sycamore tree would be retained in the courtyard and a small swimming pool would be added.

This is probably the most beautiful mountain villa in the village.

Jiang Nuannuan did not hide the shock on her face, "I thought you would never come back to live here no matter what happened."

"Originally, I thought I would just live with you in our home."

Fei Jinzhao's eyes flickered and she said softly, "But it's the same now."

In the past, he was always timid and only wanted to give all the good things to her after he became famous.

Now he understands that it is useless to just stand there, tolerate, wait and love her. He should always treat her stronger, and he will do it.

There is an electric coil on the fence, security windows are installed on the bedroom windows, and there are people standing guard on all sides of the house. This can barely make Jiang Nuannuan think that there are many pickpockets in small villages, and there is nothing wrong with being more defensive.

Until she saw the four-poster bed prepared for her.

Did she really let Fei Jinzhao darken to this extent? ! !
At some point, the door behind her closed softly, and the man's palm touched her neck. Jiang Nuannuan raised her head slightly, and her chin was rubbed by his fingers.

"Fei Jinzhao"

She was a little uneasy and called him cautiously.

The young man who used to be clean and tidy is now like being thrown into an ink vat, stained all over with black.

"Well, I'm here."

He lowered his head slightly, and his breath brushed her face. She still smelled of the old brand's lavender scent that had not changed all year round, because she compared it with big-name shower gels and finally decided that this one smelled the best.

"What's wrong with you? Is this chain prepared for me?" She swallowed, her eyelashes trembling, a little nervous.

"I just want you to never leave me again."

The cold voice was particularly depressing. The sharp Adam's apple in front of her eyes was rolling, and the distance was getting closer and closer.

Fei Jin's eyes were like a dry well, and when she was the only one around, she gradually fell into pain and deep affection, "Nuan Nuan, have you seen the result of driving me crazy?"

"I come to you with a heart that loves you deeply, and I humbly hope that you will accept it."

"Are you going to throw it away this time?"

"You can't lose it again."

Jiang Nuannuan's face was raised, and looking at his terrifyingly serious expression, she felt equally uncomfortable.

She really drove him crazy.

She should have expected this outcome long before she tricked him into getting married and left without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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