Chapter 389 Fei Jin calls

He finished answering for her on his own, and Jiang Nuannuan did not answer the question again. She thought Fei Jin wanted to kiss her, but there was some struggle in her chestnut eyes at the end.

After a moment, he calmed down his emotions, took two steps back to the door, and said warmly: "There are your clothes in the closet. Have a good sleep tonight."

She watched him about to close the door, but then let go, standing half side of the door, half of his face in the shadow, and said softly: "Sleep with the door open at night, I won't disturb you."

"I thought you would be in the same bedroom with me." Jiang Nuannuan looked at him, "Isn't that right?"

Fei Jin called for silence, "You have been using this method to make us lower our guard against you."

Kissing, hugging and sleeping together has always been her way of sincerely defending herself.

Jiang Nuannuan was speechless.

"You can leave so easily, and now you are back again, and you can sleep in everyone's bed without any burden. Have you ever loved me?"

What Fei Jinzhao cared about and wanted to have was never this body. The lover who slept in the same bed was calm and ruthless from beginning to end, and hugging her didn't make him feel at all at ease.

This answer is really unsolvable.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her eyes, "Then are you willing to talk to me?" Along the way, they never talked about some things in the past, including the reasons why she did what she did.

"too late."

Fei Jinzhao closed her eyes and suppressed the emotions that were about to explode, "How about tomorrow?"

He was afraid of hearing that answer.

"Okay, keep the door open. If you can't sleep at night, you can come in and stay with me."

Jiang Nuannuan turned around, opened the closet, took a nightgown under his gaze, and entered the bathroom.

Even though electric mosquito coils were plugged into the room, there were still mosquitoes.

Jiang Nuannuan fiddled with the chain for a long time, and finally turned off the light and got into bed. Outside was a small living room, and the light from the computer screen faintly penetrated into the bedroom.

Fei Jinzhao was sitting at the small table near the door. As long as he raised his head, he could see the figure lying in the moonlight.

This scene made him feel dazed. He suddenly opened the drawer and took out a velvet box. There was a gold ring lying quietly inside, and he just looked at it for a long time.


The room was very air-conditioned. Jiang Nuannuan woke up after sleeping for two or three hours. She had been on a plane and in a car all the way during the day, so she really wasn't very sleepy.

Putting on her slippers, she slowly swayed out.

Fei Jinzhao raised his eyes when he heard the movement, half-smoked the cigarette on his fingertips, and put it into the ashtray when he saw her coming out.

"Can't sleep?"

Jiang Nuannuan was about to walk over and said, "Well, pour me some water."

"Go sit on the sofa and I'll pour it for you."

He stood up, raised his hand to wave away the smoke lingering in front of the table, and took a glass of water to pour water.

Jiang Nuannuan sat on the sofa and glanced at the ashtray half-blocked by his body, "Are you worried?"

"There are several people looking for you. The locks of the house I bought in Linggang have been picked."

Fei Jinzhao came over and handed her the water glass, then turned to go back to the table with the open window.

His sleeve was suddenly pulled by her.

Subconsciously, he resisted and did not look back, and said in a strong tone: "Don't ask me, I have no intention of letting you go back. You have also seen those things in the bedroom, they are prepared for you."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned, "I didn't mean to say that, I just wanted to say that you don't have to stay away from me just because you smell like smoke. "

The alarm clock on the wall clicked, pointing to 03:30.

Fei Jinzhao's fingertips trembled, and she turned around and looked down at her.

Due to the actions that had been engraved in his habits, he remembered that Gu Tingyan and Gu Shizhou both liked to smoke. How could she care about the smell of cigarettes when she had been with them for so long? He was the only fool who was always worried about what he would do to her. Causing distress.

He lowered his eyes and said, "Yes, you are used to being around them."


Jiang Nuannuan said: "I'm just not that pretentious, but I still hope you smoke less. You didn't like smoking before."

She knew that in the winter when his grandmother died, he stood in the snow in the courtyard and smoked cigarettes one by one for the villagers who came to help. Because of the favor, he smoked with them. As a result, he choked and bent over and coughed, turning his face away from the crowd. Full of disgust.He doesn't like cigarettes at all.

Fei Jinzhao said softly: "I don't like it, but I have learned to enjoy the emotional relief it brings to me."

The longer he worked, the more he smoked. He completely transitioned from a student to a business tycoon. He wore tiger skin and could take a bite out of anyone he met.

Jiang Nuannuan slowly let go of her hand, picked up the water glass on the coffee table and drank half of it, then stood up and walked around him, "I know, but it's already past 3 in the morning, so go to bed early."

She didn't look at him anymore, the hem of her skirt brushed past his side, and she entered the room.

The door was closed, making some noise, and she seemed to have some emotions.

Fei Jin called someone to stand in the living room for a moment and called the people below, "Tomorrow, we will send someone to block the road into the village and repair the roads in the village on a voluntary basis."

After hanging up the phone, he closed the notebook, opened the door and entered the room.

After a moment of sound of running water in the bathroom, Fei Jinzhao rushed away, smelling of cigarette smoke, and found Jiang Nuannuan sitting by the bed, flipping through the drawers.

"Looking for what?"

She scratched her arms and back, "Do you have any toilet water? It's so itchy."

He thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute."

Everything a girl needs is available at home, except for this.

Jiang Nuannuan heard the door open downstairs and went to the window to look. Fei Jin, holding a flashlight, called out to the courtyard gate.

After waiting for almost 10 minutes, he came back quickly with an extra bottle of something in his hand.

The canteen in the village was a little far away. He went to Chen Zhi's house next door to borrow toilet water and returned it. He put it in Jiang Nuannuan's hand and said, "Use it first. I will buy it tomorrow."

There was only half a bottle of toilet water, and she knew it was borrowed, which disturbed others' sleep.

"You can buy another bottle and send it back tomorrow."

Jiang Nuannuan poured some water on her arm and rubbed it on her arm. If she scratched it hard, she would apply toilet water on it. It stung a little, and she frowned slightly.

"There seems to be one in the back, please wipe it for me. It's inconvenient for me."

She turned her back to Fei Jinzhao, and put her hands around her back to pull down the elastic neckline.

Li Jinzhao looked at the large white area in front of her and darkened her eyes.

Does she know how tempting this is to a man who has been abstinent for many years?

She may know it, but it's also intentional. Her methods are always endless.

And he knew it clearly, but he had nothing to do.

He gently rubbed his palms on her scratched skin, and some obvious bulges made Fei Jinzhao apologize, "I'll buy a mosquito net and come back tomorrow."

"Is there a mosquito net in the room you sleep in? If not, why don't you buy one?"

The collar at the back was pulled up, Jiang Nuannuan turned around, glanced at a part of his neck, and touched a small bag with her hand, "It didn't react even if it was bitten."

Li Jinzhao's body stiffened as she brushed her Adam's apple with her fingertips, "I didn't pay attention."

"I have good eyesight."

Jiang Nuannuan took the toilet water from his hand, knelt on the bed and poured some into her palm, then leaned over and wiped it on his neck.

His heartbeat was accelerating due to the friction on his skin. Fei Jin wanted to retreat away from her temptation and those bright red lips. His mind was shouting that he wanted to resist her, but his body was like a puppet, not moving at all, allowing that A hand caressing the body.

First his neck, then his arms, and then the soft fingers intertwined between his fingers, rubbing back and forth.

"How come it's even on your fingers? Can you focus on your work to this extent?" Jiang Nuannuan looked very distressed. She didn't feel at all that in the eyes of the other party, she was a deceiving angel who fell in the bed.

Until both of them were mixed with the same slightly pungent scent of toilet water, Fei Jinzhao finally couldn't help it. Those disguises that were superficial and wanted to look tough and difficult to tame were as full of cracks as porcelain. , can't stand the beating at all.

He tightened his hand and clasped her intertwined fingers. He leaned forward and hugged the half-kneeling woman into his arms. The muscles on his arms tensed up, making the girl in his arms look particularly thin.

That touch of warmth is so real in the night when there are only insects chirping.

Jiang Nuannuan's free hand slowly touched his back and patted him gently.

"what's wrong?"

(Composition: First update, ancestor worship at Qingming Festival, busy.)
(End of this chapter)

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