Chapter 390
Fei Jinzhao said softly: "I think my original ending should be a good person."

"Just going against the rules can bring you back, so this year, I did a lot of bad things."

"I do have a lot of money that I can spend on you." He lowered his head and buried it in her hair, pursing his lips. "But the source of this money is as ugly and dirty as my people. I didn't want to make a mistake, and I didn't want to be like You did something wrong like that before, and I want to give you a clean home."

He smiled bitterly, "I can't do it now, what do you think I should do, Jiang Nuannuan? I've finally waited for you to come back, and I don't want to give up."

If he had to be a lifelong villain to keep her, he would have no chance to run towards the light and could only despicably drag her into hell.

Jiang Nuannuan hugged his head, inserted her fingertips into his hair and gently rubbed it, "It is precisely for this reason that I can't leave anymore. I am destined to be entangled with you Fei Jinzhao for the rest of my life."

"If locking me up will give you a moment of peace of mind, you can do it."

After realizing that the impact of the imprisonment was Fei Jinzhao's sensitive and tortured heart, Jiang Nuannuan did not resent it.

This was her call. How could he be willing to really hurt her if she knew him better.

From beginning to end, if her mission had not been disrupted, he and they would have had a happy life.

But if we look into this matter carefully, we can't tell who is right and who is wrong. The only one who is really to blame is the system that made the mistake.

In the morning, the courtyard gate was pushed open by several young men and women.

Yesterday, Ye Nuo heard from He Xiang that Fei Jinzhao had found his runaway girlfriend, and he was a little jealous to see if she looked like a fairy like the photos on the Internet.

"I would say that a woman who dislikes her boss and runs away because of poverty is probably a snobbery."

The young man next to him smiled, "Snobbish? She is even a scumbag to the Gu brothers. If she is really snobby, then there will be no rich man in the world who can feed her. In this way, our boss has no chance of winning, but now we can't." For sure."

Ye Nuo: "I want to see what she is capable of."

He Xiang remembered Fei Jinzhao's overly humble attitude in the car yesterday and said with a smile: "Arnold, isn't there a saying that is very popular on the Internet recently? She just needs to stand there and do nothing, and someone will love her. ."

Ye Nuo snorted coldly, "I don't believe there is such a considerate man."

The two of them argued back and forth and went upstairs, only to find that the door to the boss's bedroom was open and there was no one inside.

After searching around, I finally stopped in front of the only closed bedroom.

The young man glanced at the 10 o'clock clock on the wall, raised his eyebrows and said, "Some people have almost evolved sleep, and now that their wives are back, they have learned to stay in bed."

The voice was loud. Jiang Nuannuan vaguely heard someone talking, and her head came out from under the quilt, "Is someone here?"

"You sleep, I'll go out and take a look." Fei Jinzhao moved away from her, straightened her nightgown and pushed the door open.

Ye Nuo only had time to see a pair of white and thin calves before the door was closed by the man.

Fei Jin called, her voice still a bit hoarse, "Were you not being followed when you came here?"

Ye Nuo raised his head with a smile on his face, "Absolutely not. We changed cars several times on the way out from the company. The license plate was hidden and we couldn't find it."

Fei Jinzhao walked to the table and poured a glass of water to moisten her throat. "There are no mosquito nets for sale in the village. You can bring one up later."

As a grown man, you can imagine what kind of mosquito bites he would be afraid of.

He Xiang snickered, Ye Nuo glared at him and put all the company documents on the table, "How long are we going to stay here? There will be a bidding for a piece of land in a few days, you have to go there."

"We'll talk about it then." Fei Jinzhao finished drinking the water and said, "Put down your things and go back. You don't have to come here recently."

Ye Nuo was stunned for a moment, and then said: "That's okay, you don't know how to cook, and the family lacks a cook, right? He Xiang and I are just here to help."

When Fei Jinzhao found this small team to work with, he often worked overtime all night between the game company and here, and there was no meal at all. Ye Nuo, as the only woman in the team, would always cook for everyone.

Fei Jinzhao would sometimes eat her meals with everyone for convenience.

After all, his image in their eyes is that of a pure flower on the high mountains, unattainable, extremely cold, and the number of times he has gone home can be counted on both hands. No one pays much attention to his personal life. When I think about it more deeply, I feel like I can't get any better with this kind of schedule.And Ye Nuo thought that the girl he was pursuing so hard had been the rich and poor young lady in her first half of her life. How many life skills could she have?
They lacked someone to take care of them, and her strengths became apparent.

She likes Li Jinzhao, which is probably known to the entire team. However, he always has someone in his heart and treats everyone like a stone.

Now that the real deal is here, she might be able to win some favor with this skill.

Jiang Nuannuan knew that Fei Jinzhao's subordinates or partners were coming outside. She didn't stay in bed anymore. After washing, she changed into a skirt and went out.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, the three of them looked over.

Ye Nuo met those beautiful, watery eyes and was stunned for a moment.

The woman Li Jinzhao fell in love with was even more beautiful in real life than in the photos on the entertainment website. She was born with a charming face.

And this figure.
She looked down at the condition of her breasts and gritted her teeth.

Losing at the beginning, fuck, it was bigger than hers.

He Xiang smiled and waved to Jiang Nuannuan and introduced the two of them to her.

He was the boy in the car yesterday. Jiang Nuannuan knew that it was another beautiful woman who looked at her with direct eyes and felt that she had some bad intentions.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes and glanced at her exposed calves. He stood up and went into the bedroom to take out the bottle of toilet water and put it into her hand. "Just wipe it on your legs if you don't wear pants. Don't get bitten again."

"Who did you ask to borrow the toilet water from yesterday? Remember to send a new bottle today." Jiang Nuannuan remembered this and hurriedly asked him.

"I remember." Fei Jin called to see her sit on the sofa and wipe it, then turned around and asked, "Have you restocked the refrigerator?"

He Xiang: "Yesterday you said you were coming here, so you sent someone to the supermarket to buy a lot and put them in. The kitchen utensils are all complete."

Ye Nuo then said, "Then I'll make breakfast. What does Miss Jiang usually have for breakfast?"

Jiang Nuannuan, who was named, said quickly: "Anyone is fine, I won't choose."

She didn't seem to expect that Fei Jinzhao would find such a young cooking nanny. It was quite surprising that he would find a nanny.

Just by looking at her confused eyes, Fei Jinzhao guessed what she was thinking.

He rolled up his sleeves and said quietly: "I said you don't need to stay here, so let's go."

Ye Nuo: "It's a lot of trouble to find another chef."

Fei Jin calmly replied: "I'll do it."

Ye Nuo refused to give up: "The clothes have to be washed. There is no laundry here."

Fei Jinzhao felt that she talked too much, so he glanced sideways, with a hint of warning in his eyes, "I'm not a waste, and it's not your turn to do things."

Ye Nuo remained silent and lowered his head to restrain himself.

He Xiang also didn't expect that the boss he had followed for more than a year could actually cook.

He remembered that he went to the boss's house and saw the kitchen. It was clean and bright, except for a few rows of expired milk that had not been thrown away in the refrigerator.

He has a cold face and doesn’t know how to cook, but he is actually very good at cooking?
Huo Xiang half-joked, "The boss really knows how to cook, isn't he the kind who burns the kitchen?"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't help but defend him, "No, he cooks delicious food and washes his clothes very cleanly."

Why do they think Fei Jinzhao is like an idiot in life?

It's incredible.

(Commentary: One update today, double updates tomorrow, I’m finally done.)
(End of this chapter)

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