Chapter 391
Her explanation received two disbelieving looks.

She asked Fei Jinzhao strangely, "How did you live when I was away?"

He was silent for a few seconds, "I'm too busy and don't go home often."

Therefore, what outsiders see is always his busy and aloof side, and his life-oriented appearance was also buried with her disappearance.

"I'll go down and make breakfast." Fei Jin turned around and started to go downstairs.

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips and said, "It's almost eleven o'clock. Just make it one meal with lunch. I'll help you."

Ye Nuo followed He Xiang with suspicion.

In the kitchen, Fei Jinzhao skillfully rolled up her sleeves, took the vegetables out of the refrigerator and soaked them in cold water. Jiang Nuannuan wanted to help. She had just opened the bag of fresh pork, and a hand stretched out from beside her to take the bag together. passed.

"I don't want your help."

Fei Jinzhao turned around and took out the pork and rinsed it in the sink. Jiang Nuannuan stood behind him, speechless for a moment.

Ye Nuo was watching from outside and was gloating, and whispered, "It seems Fei Jinzhao is still a little annoyed with her."

Fei Jinzhao had good ears and could hear the sound clearly through the water, and her fingers paused slightly.

Jiang Nuannuan also heard it, but didn't care. She knew that he never liked working with his hands, and it had always been like this.

She said obediently: "Then I'll sit outside."

Fei Jinzhao paid attention to the words she didn't pay attention to. He didn't want to be misunderstood. This was not his intention.

He suddenly turned around and said, "Wait a minute."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped and watched him open the refrigerator, search for it, and take out a carton of milk.

"Drink a little to soothe your stomach, and just stand next to me."

Fei Jin retreated and did the next best thing. Jiang Nuannuan's lips curved slightly, "Okay."

He Xiang took a closer look at the milk brand, remembered where he had seen it before, and finally forced Ye Nuo out.

Ye Nuo waved his hand away, feeling very irritated, "He is so good at cooking, why did he hide it from us?"

He Xiang smiled: "What does concealment mean? He forces himself to look like a superman who has evolved sleep and stomach. It doesn't mean that he really doesn't know these things."

"Anyway." He pushed the woman, "Go buy a mosquito net for Miss Jiang and leave. The boss won't want us hanging around in front of him."

Ye Nuo asked him in confusion: "Is this Bai Yueguang so lethal? He is obviously the one who was betrayed."

Seeing that she was still unwilling to give up, He Xiang, an outsider who saw clearly, asked her: "Fei Jinzhao never shows us his side other than work. Have you ever known about his past? In addition to admiring his ability to do things, , besides liking that face, what else is left?”

Ye Nuo: "Then you have to give me a chance to understand."

"It's too late." He Xiang said, "He has lost his heart a long time ago. He has been living with us for this past year like an empty shell. Can't you really understand? He's not that stupid, is he?"

Ye Nuo was silent and looked annoyed.

Jiang Nuannuan finally sat at the dining table, with all the food in front of her that she would like.

She tasted a little of each. Fei Jinzhao opposite her kept staring at her, her back a little tense, and whispered: "I haven't done anything for a while."

He intended to please her and tried his best, but he didn't know whether she was satisfied or not.

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and nodded, "It's delicious, Fei Jinzhao, I like it very much."

After lunch, Fei Jinzhao tidied up the desktop, opened her laptop and worked for two hours. Jiang Nuannuan sat on the sofa and watched TV. He turned his head and glanced at the TV. The on-demand frequency of the remote control was very fast, which proved that she was a little bored. .

Being with him becomes boring, probably because he is a boring person to begin with.

Fei Jinzhao thought for a moment with his eyes darkened, then closed his notebook and stood up and said, "Nuan Nuan, are you going fishing?" In her few memories here, she worried him terribly because she ran to see Chen Zhi fishing. .

Jiang Nuannuan was indeed interested, "Go."

Fei Jin called: "There are many mosquitoes in the grass. Go and change into long pants. I'll ask Uncle Chen Zhi to borrow a fishing rod."

Chen Zhi hasn't seen Jiang Nuannuan for a long time. Now that his son Chen Mingyuan has taken over the funeral shop, he works and fishes at home.

"It's Nuan Nuan. Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are so beautiful."

Jiang Nuannuan smiled and said, "Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Chen Zhi looked at Fei Jinzhao behind her again, handed the fishing gear to them, and said with a smile: "I heard Jinzhao say once before that this house he built after making a lot of money was just for his wife to live in. What are you doing here?" We must have been together for more than two years, so we are preparing to get married."

Considering their age, everyone is of marriageable age. It's not surprising that Chen Zhi asked this. It's just that this topic really brings back bad memories.

Fei Jinzhao lowered his eyes, "Not yet."

Chen Zhi laughed, "Nuan Nuan hasn't agreed yet."

Jiang Nuannuan looked at him sideways and pursed her lips, "I let him down."

Chen Zhi noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere between the two of them, and stopped smiling for a moment, "That's it, but you still have to be cautious about relationships. It's okay to think more about it."

Fei Jinzhao didn't want to continue this topic, so she led Jiang Nuannuan out of the house carrying fishing gear.

Along the way, he remained silent and did not speak.

Jiang Nuannuan felt that his fingers were cold and said softly: "About the marriage."

"I have imagined how you look in a wedding dress countless times." Fei Jinzhao interrupted her and said calmly: "The promise you made to everyone is just to be boyfriend and girlfriend, but to me, it is marriage."

Jiang Nuannuan held his hand tightly and listened to his self-deprecating words: "I think it's because you know me best and know that I have never particularly liked anything in my life. The only one I say I have is you."

She knew that when he revealed that there were many people around her, the only weight left to give him peace of mind was marriage.

The thing that made him put down his guard the most, the thing that made him desire the most, in her eyes was just a verbal promise that could be used, and this promise eventually turned into a knife stabbing into his heart.

The hopeless feeling of being let down is heartbreaking.

He wanted to be responsible for her and take care of her throughout his life.

Jiang Nuannuan didn't know what to say. He eavesdropped on what she said to Gu Tingyan, saying that she wanted to give birth to a child for him. After that, she said similar words to calm his emotions, which was tantamount to deceiving. On the forehead.

Fei Jin chose a clean haystack, took off her coat and cushioned it for her to sit on.

Jiang Nuannuan watched him let go of his hand to untie the fishing gear bag, and whispered: "I have no choice. If I don't do this, I will die."

Fei Jinzhao's fingers froze, and she suddenly looked back, "What."

"I died in another world and came here. I can be resurrected after completing the mission." Jiang Nuannuan raised her head and said helplessly: "If I fail, I will not even have my soul left."

"So you succeeded, does it count as a success?" Fei Jinzhao only knew that she was the mission person Zhai Heng said, but he didn't know that the punishment for failure would be so serious.

Jiang Nuannuan nodded, "It's a success. The owner of this body has become me. The soul and body are bound. You let me come back."

"Will you still leave?"

He sat down next to him and threw the baited line into the water.

"No more." Jiang Nuannuan said calmly: "In order to prevent the world from collapsing, they will not let me leave here."

(End of this chapter)

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