Chapter 392 Night Kiss

Fei Jinzhao seemed relieved, then frowned and asked her, "How did you die in that world? Did you have a bad life?"

His uncontrollable worry made Jiang Nuannuan feel warm.

"I was too tired from work, suffered a cerebral infarction, and died suddenly at home."

She looked at him and said: "I lived in a daze for the first half of my life. I would go to work and go home at two o'clock every day. Sometimes it was normal to work overtime and stay up all night. I don't know what the meaning of living so hard is. I feel I don’t have a little bit of happiness, and I’m not willing to die like this.”

"It wasn't until I came here." She lowered her head, pulled out a piece of weed and twisted it randomly between her fingers, "I never thought I could live such a happy life."

It would be nice if there was never any deception.

It's a pity that the love between five people is too crowded, everyone wants to be the only one, but Jiang Nuannuan cannot be divided into five equal parts, and there is only one ending.

Fei Jinzhao was incomprehensibly startled, and her voice was inaudible, "I don't seem to have brought you happiness."

The fishing rod swayed slightly in his hand, and Jiang Nuannuan reminded him repeatedly before he put away the fishing rod and picked up a small miscellaneous fish from the water.

She was pleasantly surprised and said, "Catch a few more fish and we can have extra meals tonight."

Fei Jinzhao threw the fish into the bucket. Not long after, a wild cat came out of the grass. It was dirty, staring directly at their fish, and howling.

Jiang Nuannuan looked at its shriveled belly and pitiful eyes, and couldn't help but tugged on his sleeves, "How about we give this to the little guy first?"

Fei Jinzhao had no objection, "I'll listen to you."

She put her hand into the bucket to catch the fish. Buluoqiu's slippery body slipped through her hands several times, and she finally caught it. Jiang Nuannuan's face was wet by its tail.

Fei Jinzhao raised his hand and wiped her face, watching her throw the fish into the grass, and the wild cat quickly picked it up and ate it.

Within half an hour, there were a few more fish in their bucket. As a result, the cat that had finished eating the fish also came with its family. It turned its belly in the grass not far from them and stared eagerly.

It was obviously a fishing trip home for dinner, but in the end the two of them were surrounded by cats, which turned into Fei Jinzhao's unilateral voluntary labor, and Jiang Nuannuan happily petted the cat.

On the way home, Fei Jinzhao went to return the fishing rod. Seeing that the bucket was empty, Chen Zhi laughed at him, "No, Jinzhao, your level is so bad? Where have you spent your thoughts?"

Jiang Nuannuan couldn't stop laughing. After she came out, she held his hand and said, "I gave all the fish to the cat to eat. I haven't told Uncle Chen Zhi yet. He thinks your skills are terrible, haha."

He responded, and now he wanted to try his best to cooperate with her when he said some unspeakable words, "Well, it's you who caused the trouble, what should I do?"

"Would you mind?" She leaned close to his arm, her smiling eyes clearly indicating that he wouldn't mind such a trivial matter.

Fei Jinzhao just asked her in a low voice, "Are you happy?"

She has such a beautiful smile, she must be happy.

"Of course." Jiang Nuannuan looked at his face, as if there were tiny stars in her eyes, "I'm very happy, Fei Jinzhao. I feel happy most of the time I'm with you."

He stopped and stood in the night looking at her for a long time. The breeze came and the emotions in his eyes gradually melted away.

"I haven't kissed you in a long time."

Jiang Nuannuan was stunned for a moment, then blushed.

When her face was held in his palm, she knew what the young and handsome man in front of her was going to do.

With his fingertips gently brushing against her soft cheek, Fei Jinzhao stood in the moonlight, with his back to the broad fields behind him, and lowered his head to kiss the girl he missed.

The tip of the warm tongue traced across the lips, bringing out the slightest hint of restlessness.

The field was quiet for a while and the chirping of insects could be heard. When it became quiet again, Jiang Nuannuan leaned on his shoulder and breathed lightly.

Fei Jinzhao gently stroked her back and whispered: "How about getting married, just with me."

Since I'm never going to leave again, how about marrying him?What Fei Jinzhao wanted, there was no answer after all.

He knew that there were many difficulties between them, and he didn't blame her.

Even after receiving the call from He Xiang in the morning, he woke up with a start and was glad that she didn't agree.

Because of some matters related to real estate and the illegal technical methods he used to knock down Li Jingtian, the slightest disturbance would lead to police raids. Although he knew that there would never be any problems with his own ability, he thought about the real relationship after getting married. Jiang Nuannuan was tied together, and he didn't want to cause her any possible trouble.

He should just bear the consequences of the disintegration of his character. He should keep some unwarranted fantasies firmly in his heart.

If you miss some things once, you will never have the chance again, but as long as people are by your side, everything will be fine.

He Xiang told him to go back to Linggang today. The police were urging him, so it was impossible for him to stay away forever.

"Are you going out?"

Jiang Nuannuan was woken up by a hot and heavy gaze, and she rolled in his arms sleepily.

Fei Jinzhao kissed her face, "Nuan Nuan, He Xiang and Ye Nuo are both my people. In order to defeat Li Jingtian last year, I did a lot of poison software sales with them to make money. You know, I was in high school. I did this when I was a kid, and now these things are circulating in the market. The police suspect that I did it, but there is no evidence. Plus you disappeared, so I have to go there."

Jiang Nuannuan woke up and held his hand, "You did something wrong."

"Yeah." Fei Jinzhao said calmly, "I can't help it, but I'm not a good person to begin with."

His psychological distortions were barely suppressed only by her presence.

Jiang Nuannuan understood, and her mouth suddenly felt a little bitter.

"When are you coming back?"

"I'll be back for dinner with you."

Fei Jinzhao touched her head and wanted to get up, but Jiang Nuannuan still held his hand and didn't let go, "I know there is always a girl like me beside you, can you bring her here to accompany me? Just talk."

"it is good."

He opened the door and left.

Jiang Nuannuan lay flat on the bed for a while before lifting the quilt and preparing to get up.

When I got out of bed, my calves swayed, accompanied by the sound of thin chains falling to the floor.

Jiang Nuannuan lowered her head, looked at the chain bound on her left ankle, raised her foot and shook it.

The chain was very light and one end was locked on the corner of the four-poster bed. Fei Jinzhao seemed to be afraid of facing her emotions when he imprisoned her face to face, so he locked it while she was sleeping. No wonder he left so fast.

Would she have to drag this chain around the house while he was away?

Jiang Nuannuan tried walking back and forth on the ground a few times. After discovering that it was very light without rubbing her ankles, she calmly ignored it.

The monitor picture was transmitted to Fei Jinzhao's computer in real time. Seeing that she was in a good mood and not disgusted, he relaxed his eyebrows.

"Take that woman to stay with her."

"Buy some more bags and jewelry."

When saying this, Fei Jinzhao paused and then changed his words: "I will just use the money from the game company to buy her some."

That money is the cleanest and will not make her dirty.

(End of this chapter)

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