Chapter 393 Number One

The length of the chain was limited to walking around the room and living room. When Jiang Nuannuan walked out, a strange nanny stood at the door and said to her thoughtfully: "Mr. Fei had already prepared breakfast before leaving."

Steaming hot steamed dumplings and vegetable porridge.

Jiang Nuannuan sat down in the living room and drank a small cup of hot water. She felt her chest tightness was getting better, and quietly ate the heartfelt breakfast.

Near noon, several men in black got out of several extended black cars and carried boxes after boxes of designer bags and clothes upstairs.

Along with him was a young and skinny woman.

66, who had been silent for a long time, said: "This is No. 1, the host of System No. 444. It almost cursed me to death."

Jiang Nuannuan watched the other party trembling, her hungry green eyes staring straight at the potato chips in her hand.

This is even more tempting than a big chicken drumstick.

No. 1 almost cried because of the greed, but he was held up and couldn't move an inch.

Jiang Nuannuan shook the potato chips, and her eyes followed.
She coughed lightly and waved her hand, "Let her go."

The man in black suit and tie said: "Mr. Fei bought these for you, you can choose as you like."

As soon as Jiang Nuannuan's eyes fell on the brand-name bags and clothes, her phone rang.

She picked it up, and Fei Jinzhao's gentle voice came, "They are all new styles of the season. Do you like any of them? I don't have to ask for another batch."

He didn't want her to be bored by herself, so he wanted her to play dress-up games at home?
Jiang Nuannuan said: "It's good, but you don't need so many. The house is almost full."

"Really?" Fei Jinzhao's eyes dimmed, "But I heard that you used to shop like this, calling all the brands to your home to choose from."

Jiang Nuannuan said: "I just don't want you to spend so much money."

She always regarded him as the boy in Shili Lane who lived a strong life. He had experienced hardships and knew that money was hard to come by. She really didn't want him to spend too much money to please her.

But Fei Jinzhao obviously didn't think so. His voice was cloudy and smooth, with almost no fluctuations. "Their money can be spent as they want, but mine can't be spent?"

Jiang Nuannuan frowned, "Of course not, what are you thinking."

Fei Jinzhao said: "The money I spent to buy things for you is all clean. It is all my income from running the game company."

"Fei Jinzhao, it has nothing to do with this." Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "There is something wrong with my way of expressing myself. I don't want you to pile me up with money. Just get along with me like you did before. Don't imitate them. .”

Money does make people happy, but Fei Jinzhao's charm was fully demonstrated in front of her when there was no money.

"Even if I find you have nothing when I come back, it won't change my love for you, do you understand?"

There was silence on the other side for a long time. Fei Jinzhao looked at the person on the screen and said softly: "Yes, you are always like this."

Be gentle to everyone, tolerate everyone, and like everyone.

There is no difference between them, even if he adds money as a weight along with tenderness and diligence, they are still the same in her eyes.

He couldn't get preference, but he still wanted to be nice to her in a lowly manner, wanted to hold on to her at all costs, and fell into an uncontrollable situation.

Jiang Nuannuan was quiet, looked at the drool that was almost leaving the corner of No. 1's mouth opposite him, and said helplessly: "I will choose things carefully. Can you come back early? I want to cook dinner for you."

"I'll try to come back as early as possible. Do you want some ice cream? I'll bring it to you when I pass by."

"it is good."

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Nuannuan waved to No. 1, "Come here and treat you to snacks."

No. 1 rushed to her side in a few steps, tore open the bag of potato chips on the table, nibbled four or five pieces in a row, and took another sip of the Coke that was handed to her in time. Then he raised his head and sighed, leaned on the sofa and said: " Fortunately, you came in time, I was almost imprisoned and turned into a small fish."

After saying that, she glanced at the chain on Jiang Nuannuan's feet and sighed again, "The gap between this person and others is really big."

Some people were imprisoned and had good food and drink and were well served, while some were imprisoned and were hungry without a meal, living like spies who were trapped in an enemy camp and were captured and tortured. "Fortunately, I am physically disabled and mentally strong, so I didn't say anything."

Jiang Nuannuan pursed her lips, "Now that I'm back, can't you leave?"

"No, I signed an agreement with No. 444. There is a time limit in the middle, so I can't leave immediately." No. 1 said with a bitter face, "You have caused trouble yourself, but don't make me unable to fill my stomach."

Jiang Nuannuan thought she was quite interesting, "Are you not resurrected after death and have been traveling around the world?"

"Yes." No. 1 said proudly: "After I was brought in, I refused to be resurrected and refused a lot of money, so I was incorporated as an employee."

Some people have no nostalgia for their own world, and are bound to do tasks by the system just because they want to experience a different life. After tasting the joy, they refuse the option of resurrection and become regular employees.

Jiang Nuannuan asked curiously: "So, won't you have feelings for them?"

"Of course I will." No. 1 said: "I took over the task as the heroine, fell in love with different men in different worlds, got married, had children, and finally died. These processes are quite wonderful. You should know, it is reality. The gap between it and the novel.”

Jiang Nuannuan understood this deeply just by looking at the big-bellied boss on his company's employee badge.

People who died without any attachment to the world were selected by the system to come here. Is this simply paradise?perhaps.

No. 1 glanced at her, "But I have never experienced such a complicated situation as yours. I just heard from 444 that your system was cheated and caused this situation."

Although the world they entered was occasionally chaotic, it would not cause multiple protagonists to fall in love with the same heroine. Everyone was well distributed. Jiang Nuannuan destroyed four of them at once, and no one else could have solved it as well as she herself.

Jiang Nuannuan asked: "So, has this kind of out-of-control phenomenon happened before?"

No. 1 thought for a while and said, "Yes."

"There was once a tasker who entered a sadomasochism script and was too emotionally invested. He jumped off the building twice in front of the male protagonist. The first time he was pulled back by the system, and the second time he collapsed and was really dead."

"The original ending of that world should be that the male protagonist tortures me a thousand times, and we can reconcile and live happily ever after."

Jiang Nuannuan's eyes flashed slightly, "What happened later."

"The female protagonist died and the male protagonist also committed suicide. The world completely collapsed and all the characters living there died." No. 1's voice gradually became heavier. "The mission leader, as the initiator, was also wiped out, and there is no chance of a comeback."

Jiang Nuannuan stopped talking.

She was wondering if Fei Jinzhao heard these words.

He should have put surveillance cameras in the house, otherwise his call would not have come in at the same time as the bag and accessories arrived.

She hoped that if he heard her, it would be a double insurance for herself. They would have one more reason to live well, and she would also be able to live well.

Liking is one thing, and life is precious, and they cannot be confused.

"I'm going to the toilet."

Jiang Nuannuan stood up and left. After a few minutes, she came back and sat down. She quietly touched No. [-]'s thigh.

No. 1 understood and said: "I drank too much Coke. I also need to go to the toilet. Where is it?"

Jiang Nuannuan: "Go straight and turn left."

The bathroom is the only place where there will be no surveillance.

No. 1 saw a note left by Jiang Nuannuan on the sink, which wrote down what she would do next and what they needed to cooperate with.

She read it silently and then flushed the note into the toilet.

Fei Jinzhao entered the police station, and there were many people waiting for him.

The news of Jiang Nuannuan's return could not be concealed at all, and Zhai Lin and the Gu brothers, who rarely appeared in public, gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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