Chapter 394 The police station gathers together

The police officers in the police station were under great pressure, but they still asked Fei Jinzhao about Jiang Nuannuan's situation as usual.

Of course, nothing can be found out in the end. Although his flight information was synchronized with Gu Tingyan, he had no contact with them during the entire trip in Linggang. No surveillance camera captured him kidnapping Jiang Nuannuan, but he was only captured late at night. The work image entering and exiting the office building is very decent and cannot be faulted.

Over the past year, Zhai Lin has learned to be a calm person, but when it comes to Jiang Nuannuan, he will become restless if he can't ask anything. He bites the lychee candies one after another, making a clicking sound.

Fei Jinzhao: "Can I go?"

Zhai Lin kicked the table leg, stood up, put his hands on the table, leaned over and looked at Fei Jinzhao opposite, "Hand the person over, and I can sit down and have a good talk with you."

Fei Jinzhao put his hands together on the table, Qing Jun's face expressionless, "Not with me."

Zhai Lin stared at him for a long time, his smoky gray eyes full of malice, "I heard that you had a grandmother who was seriously ill and died young, and you dug out her ashes and spread them. Will you tell me?"

Fei Jinzhao's statue-like face finally showed cracks. He stood up slowly. The light shining behind him made his shadow infinitely longer, reaching Zhai Lin's side and baring his teeth and claws, tit for tat.

"You can try to see if I can dig out your whole family."

The two police officers taking notes next to him were a little speechless listening to the childish and threatening conversation.
Is it really necessary to dig up each other's ancestral graves for the sake of a woman?
Gu Shizhou suddenly chuckled and lit a cigarette slowly, "How about we talk about it, let the people out and share it with each other for a day?"

This sentence caused Gu Tingyan to cast a cold glance.

Who wants to share?
Everyone blames Fei Jinzhao for hiding people, and no one would hide people like Fei Jinzhao did.

With several pairs of eyes staring at each other, Gu Shizhou said lazily, "What about my first day? Tomorrow happens to be Monday."

Zhai Lin turned around and taunted him, "Your women change every day, so what else are you trying to grab? Not enough fun?"

"If you don't rob me, maybe I'll get tired of playing for a day and kick people." Gu Shizhou smiled coldly, looking like a scumbag, "After all, she played me so badly, let me take revenge, and... For you guys."

Fei Jinzhao directly exposed him, "Have you washed the tattoo on your heart?"

The subtle changes in Gu Shizhou's expression could not escape the eyes of anyone present.

Zhai Lin casually picked up the recorder's notebook and threw it on Gu Shizhou's chest, "What are you pretending to be?"

A lot of cigarette ash fell off Gu Shizhou's fingertips. He took off the notebook on his body and his expression was not very good.

He did think about getting rid of those three names that were simply a shame to him.

But it hurt too much when he washed it. After the word "nuannuan" was erased, the last ginger was close to his chest, and he refused to wash it again.

After washing, nothing is left.

The police officer in charge of the case looked a little dull.

What on earth are they talking about? These big chaebols are all top love brains, right?

Gu Tingyan tapped her fingers on the table and said in a steady voice: "The purpose of bringing her back is not to imprison her. Fei Jinzhao, you can't figure it out? You can't decide who she likes."

"Yes, there is only one thing I know very well. She said she wanted to give you a child, which is absolutely impossible." Fei Jinzhao said expressionlessly.

Zhai Lin gritted his teeth instantly, "Have a baby?!"

Did she come back to give birth to a child for Gu Tingyan?
Gu Shizhou's face also froze.

Both of them were angry and believed that no one could let Jiang Nuannuan fall into Gu Tingyan's hands.

"Brother, you haven't even written your horoscope yet, are you going too fast?" Gu Shizhou turned his head, scratched the record book with his nails, tore off a corner, and said in an annoyed voice, "You have no way to fall in love with her?" The war surrounding Fei Jinzhao moved very quickly.

Zhai Lin stared at Gu Tingyan, without any doubt that if he nodded, he could turn into a beast and pounce on the person and tear the person into pieces.

Gu Tingyan said coldly: "Is it possible?"

Gu Shizhou added: "Regardless of whether we took measures or not, you fell in love with her?"

Gu Tingyan's jaw tightened, and his intention to punch his brother in the face to shut him up was obvious.


The door was pushed open at this time, and Feixin entered the smoke-free battlefield with a stack of information, followed by a boy in sportswear.

"Hey, the atmosphere is not right."

She gloated over the situation and added fuel to the fire. She threw the information on the table and looked at Fei Jinzhao, "I know where Jiang Nuannuan is. My dad investigated Fei Jinzhao and left a lot of things. This People don’t hide in the city.”

Fei Jinzhao Qingjun's face was filled with gloom, and the hand hanging down by his side clenched into a fist.

Why Feixin chose to expose it was not only because of Gu Tingyan's request, but also because Li Jingtian was her father after all, and he was dismissed by an illegitimate son. Her mother was in tears all day long, and she didn't do anything to help others. Blocked, there is no way to justify it.

As soon as the men looked at the information, they understood where Fei Jinzhao had hidden the person.

In order to prevent him from transporting people away immediately, Gu Tingyan directly contacted people to contain them.

Gu Shizhou's lips curled up into a sneer, "I really look forward to her seeing me again. I don't want to hear her say she's sorry to me."

He just wanted to fuck her hard, hard.

She actually wants to give birth to a child for Gu Tingyan?There is no door, he will make her legs weak first.

Since this is still a police station, the case they are currently handling is still Jiang Nuannuan's kidnapping case. Feixin intervened out of thin air and revealed that Fei Jinzhao was really hiding someone. Regardless of whether it was true or not, the name of the suspect was... The head is firmly in place, and due to their duties, no matter what the entanglement is, the police have to follow him.

This melon is so filling that they can eat it to death.

Bian was sent away on the 1st in the evening. Jiang Nuannuan didn't know when Fei Jinzhao would come back. She wanted to cook in the kitchen on the first floor, but the chain was not long enough, so she couldn't go downstairs and could only stand helplessly at the window. Waiting.

She had been living this kind of salty life for a long time, and she was still used to it.

At around 6 o'clock in the evening, as the sun was setting over the mountains, a dozen black cars drove in from a distance, blocking the narrow village road in just a moment.

Jiang Nuannuan thought Fei Jin had been recalled and didn't know what to do with such a big battle.

But she watched from beginning to end and found that all the people getting out of the car were armed bodyguards. The house was surrounded by three floors inside and three outside, like an iron barrel, and there was no figure of Fei Jinzhao among them.

When a helicopter hovered on the roof and the sirens of police cars came from far away, Jiang Nuannuan understood what was going on.

Why do we say that all of them are male protagonists, and the speed of finding people is top-notch
Almost everyone in the village came out to watch. They had never seen so many luxury cars that only appeared in TV series. They blocked the road and the scene was so spectacular.

When Cheng Mingyuan came back from get off work, he was very careful while riding the electric bicycle for fear of scratching the bicycle and having to pay for it. Seeing this fight, he was confused. When he got home, he asked Chen Zhi, "What's going on? Fei Jinzhao is in trouble?"

Chen Zhi hit him on the head, "Nonsense, he is such a good kid."

(End of this chapter)

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